First thing I saw when I walked into the room was a bunch of people doing weird moves up and down the mats. & I thought to myself: What did I get myself into?
Judo. I have NO idea what it is. When I asked CC, she said, "My friend broke her toenail when doing judo."
O-kay... that really makes me feel better.
Apparently its a form of martial arts that involves lots of pushing and pulling. hahaha like sumo wrestling? Coz I ain't doing no sumo wrestling. I would rather karate chop people :)
Well getting back to the judo place, there were people of all ages there and only 3 girls. The teacher was an old man who tried to make us promise to come back on Thursday and have a free trial. He also demonstrated by strangling Juliana and Hannah was like, "No! Juliana!"
Meanwhile, Nancy couldn't take her eyes off his chest hair and flab.
The man asked us, "What would you do if someone pushed you in the street?"
Um... get up and run away, I guess? LOL. The correct answer was fall properly.
From the three girls that were there, two of them had won medals in state championships and stuff.
HAHAHAHA We're just here to do it for fun and exercise...
& since we (excluding Nancy) dont' want no scary old man coming after us, we're gonna go back on Thursday and learn how to FALL PROPERLY. This is gonna be a memorable life experience. Bring it on =D
It's been a while since I posted a poem or story. Actually its been a month and a half...
Anyways, this one was for english and its about the city (duh) Coz I was picturing Kinokuniya and then I thought of that large window that they have overlooking town square. Have you seen it? *sigh* So beautiful. I feel like going there now.
The City
Sunlight breaking through,
Rays like fingers creeping,
Over the lofty rooftops,
And past the traffic beeping.
Hands pressed against the glass,
Gazing down upon the street,
If I listened carefully,
I could hear the city’s beat.
The line of traffic crawling,
A parade of colourful machines,
Beeping, honking, shouting,
Hues of reds, blues and even greens.
Skyscrapers towering above,
Tunnels running below,
Overpasses stretching onwards,
As people run to and fro.
The pounding of their legs,
As individuals wander by,
Savory smells drifting past,
From bakeries selling pies.
Couples huddle near the statue,
Socialites gossip at the café,
The homeless hide in shadows,
All this, I survey.
Away from all the noise,
I watch these events unfurl,
Behind this large glass window,
I sit and watch the world.
P.S I like criticism. Good or bad, I don't care, just tell me what you think.
Well, that was my Earth Hour. We probably cancelled the effect of saving electricity by releasing carbon emissions (from burning stuff) into the air. LOL
Today I had one of those moments, when something embarassing happens and you just wanna smack yourself on the forehead and go, "why did I just do that?". But I'm not gonna tell youse what happened in case you start laughing at me.
So how was your day peoples?
LOL at those people that did cross country :P My class did gym. Well not really, since all we really did was play with the skipping rope. Double dutch anyone?
At recess (or was it lunch?) someone ate a fruit -which I don't know the name of- and the juice squirted into stephanie's eyeball. When I was small, the exact same thing happened when I was eating a mandarin and it squirted into Nancy's eye. Good days, I tell you. Good days.
Last night, I watched like, 10 seconds of ghost whisperer and got so freaked. I kept changing to "Getaway" because I couldnt' stand the whole creepy ghost girl thing. Usually, I can watch the whole thing but for some reason, it was scarier than usual..
I'm gonna watch BBF later. I think I'll cry :'( For some reason I didnt' cry when that girl in One Litre of Tears died, but I cry in BBF. LOL
I had ANOTHER strange dream. It wasn't as strange as an octopus eating booonie but still weird.
I seem to be having a lot of dreams about train stations :L Maybe it means I'm going to take a long journey in life. Or maybe I've just watched too much Slumdog Millionaire :) Feel free to interpret my dream again. LOLTian, Nancy and I were at a train station. It wasn't a normal train station
though because there were two platforms on either side of one train track.
Anyways, we were playing a game where you have to run from one platform to
the other by going through the train as it stops. Well Tian was too slow and me
and nancy ended up running through the train when it stopped.
UNFORTUNATELY the train didn't stop long enough and before we got to the other end, the doors
closed and we were stuck in it.
So, I asked nancy for her phone so we could ring Tian and meet up with her
somewhere but nooooo, somebody forgot their phone (or maybe they didnt' have
enough credit). We ended up staying on the train for a very long time and when
we finally reached our destination, we were at the mountains. Like WTF.
When we got there, it turned out that place was like a camp kinda thing.
Sorta like the biggest loser -just not with the "generously proportioned"
people-. We were forced by the people to PICK UP RUBBISH and when we
finished that, we got to go back on the train.
Eventually, we finished and were allowed to go home. When we arrived at the
original train station we had to walk all the way back home. Turns out that
while we were gone, only a few minutes had passed.
ZOMG I finished PE assignment
-does victory dance around the room-
That's the sound of the thunder outside my window. Doesn't it sound cool? I love it when it rains :) It just seems so .... rainy. LOL. Can't explain but that's just how it feels. I also love it when its half raining and its half sunny and there's puddles everywhere and the sky is pinkish and there's a rainbow. I used to sit outside with some friends and watch the thunder with an umbrella open....
Okay, enough about the rain.
Today was alright but we didn't do practical for music. I guess no one complained coz we saw what happened last time. As Bonnie would put it, "She was angry in a nice way".
I gotta write a poem for english. Its about the city... AHAH! that reminds me, tian went to the city today and she COULDN'T FIND ANY BUBBLEGUM TO PHOTOGRAPH. How hard could it be to find a piece a gum? Seriously. Nancy told her to photograph someone's butt when she was walking behind them but....
Not everyone is pervy like you Naaan.
Noooooooo. Recently, I chucked out all my old magazines coz i thought I wouldn't need them anymore. Turns out I needed them for my PE collage, SO I got my dad to buy GF and Dolly from 7/11. Must've been embarassing for him :L I wonder what the checkout person thought when an adult started buying girly teen magazines.
Ms S. was LAUGHING at me today when I told her what the newspaper group was gonna write. HELLO. You aren't exactly HELPING OUT here. Who was the one reading a book and NOT LISTENING when we went to the newspaper program? I gotta admit though. That GPS thing was kinda funny. P-R-O-S....
Awww.. It stopped raining. Stupid sun, get back behind those clouds or I will whack you with a paddle.
Okay, when I started this blog I thought I wouldn't blog about my secrets. Its a bit weird when you express all your feelings and it turns out that these randoms can read EVERYTHING. Not that I'm against random strangers on this blog LOL but yeh, you know what I mean right? Well now I have a secret that I feel like sharing. DUN DUN DUN DUNNN. -enter suspenseful music-
The secret is: ..... .... ... ..... .....
Wait, you couldn't hear that? Oh wells, too bad :)
I forgot that sound can't travel through computer screens.
HAHAHA yes, I am a very cruel person. Maybe in my next post I'll tell youse.
Now that I've fixed up the template, I kinda wanna change it again.... LOL
So what's going on in my life? Not much. I'm drowning in so much hw, its not even funny :( Nancy just showed me this funny youtube video of a Korean dude singing "touch my body". HAHAHAH Poor guy, i hope someone explains to him what he's really saying.
e.g "tuts my barreh! Throw me in duh bay...." "I will give you plankton!!"
& "give me water dessert" (instead of "give me what I deserve")
But yeh, moving on. I found out that my mum has a new favourite TV show. Guess what it is? It's SHAUN THE SHEEP! Whenever my sis watches it, she has to watch it too :L & she makes me watch it as well. T.T
YESS Cynthia is upgrading. New msn, new microsoft word office, and new Internet Explorer all in the same week. Its like a whole new world of opportunites has opened up to me. OMFG I can now have TABS in my internet :O
For the people who watch BBF, I found out that one of their actresses died while they were still filming. It was one of those trio of mean girls. Apparently she commited suicide... so sad. But I won't post any more about it coz its not my news, I found out from another blog. For the people who wanna read about it, its here:
Did anyone watch dance? Probably not -.- Anyways, the routines were so awesome, especially Amy and BJ's one. hehe. I played my first ever table tennis singles game today AND won it. MUHAHAHA, if you'd asked me if I'd ever play table tennis a month ago, I would've said no. Unfortunately, I didnt' get to go drunk with Boonie today. *sigh* I was looking forward to drowning my sorrows but no. The bus came late last week when we didn't want it to and it came too early this week :L
I spent my weekend playing Warcraft with my sis and 21 year old cousin. It was actually quite fun. We played together as a team and I kept dying so we had to restart 20000 times. After that, we realized that if we kept playing like that, we would never get past the armies of soul-less dead. So we devised a new strategy:
- My sister summons ghost dogs and water spirits to fight for us
- Cousin is the tanker who takes the damage and smashes through the enemies
- And I..................... well I stay back and try not to die.
SHUUSH. I know what you're thinking: She needs to get a life. Well, that's what I'm going to do, right after I finish PE assignment.
Hey Hey peoples,
I need help. Whenever I view my blog on this computer, I find that my right sidebar is actually at the bottom (underneath the posts). But when I asked someone else to look at my blog from their computer, they say its on the right. Can you guys tell me where my sidebar is? (when you view my page). Comment and tell me where it is.
I need to know if I should continue using this template even though what I see if different from what you see.
PLEASE comment as soon as possible.
P.S Please also tell me what internet you have so I know if it's coz of my crappy internet or something. e.g. Firefox, internet explorer, etc.
Hi people,
I feel like blogging but there's nothing worth telling. So I'll just ramble and youse can pretend that what you're reading is very meaningful :)
Issue one: The people in this story do not wish to be revealed so they shall remain anonymous for the time being. Their code names are... Cow Crap, Fatty and Cullen ( SOOOO anonymous, I know)
Situation: Cow Crap has been forced to reject someone that she liked (Krispy Kream) and Fatty and Cullen (being the caring and nice friends that they are, are helping out by telling stories of their own.)
Cow Crap: Go on Fatty. LOLOL
Fatty: Yeh, my friend she liked this guy called Poopface and she talked to him heaps on msn. and yeh one day during english class, we all decided to prank call him on my phone.
Cullen: Yeh?
Fatty: so then i went all ZONG WANNA BUY MA 2 DORRAH CHOPSTIK etc etc, and me and him argued in chinese accents for 5 mins, and it was so funny :L my friend was rolling down the stairs laughing :L yeh, and we prank called him heaps, at least once a week and at central
Cow Crap: lololol
Fatty: we would always stalk him, and where ever he walked, we walked as well, and we always tried to catch the same bus as him :L
lol, it was just a teeny tiny crush though, i dont like him anymore
Cow Crap:... I feel sry 4 him
Fatty: he dyed his hair -insert colour here-
Cullen: woahh..
Fatty: but i think its -insert colour here- now :L
Cow Crap: .............................. rite
Fatty: So how did he give you the roses?
Cow Crap: Not telling
Fatty and Cullen: -.-
Cullen: I betcha he said*dramatically* Cow Crap, LOVE OF MY LIFE, WILL YOU ACCEPT THESE ROSES AS A TOKEN OF MY LOVE!!
Cow Crap: HELL NO!
Cullen: how about "Cow Crap, take them!" and then he runs away. .. or maybe he just shoved them at you
Cow Crap: -silence-
Cow Crap: Fine I'll tell you.. -.-
Fatty: BAHAHA I think Cow Crap has super seductive powers :)
Situation: Fatty and Cullen are discussing Cow Crap in another convo while she's away.
Fatty: blahhhh, i wanna find out more about Krispy Kream but Cow Crap wont tell us much ><>looks around shiftily-
Fatty: ohh, i can ask a friend, who has a friend at Shit-Academy in yr 10. we can get more info about him LOL
Cullen: haha
Fatty: baahaha, i stalk alotta people >=)
Cullen: lets call this "operation CCK"
Fatty: CCK?
Cullen: Operation Cow Crap and Krispy Kream. Hey, she's back.
-Cow Crap is added to convo-
Fatty: Hi again, Ms Super Seductive
Cow Crap: What happened while I was away?
Cullen: nothing much, we talked about seduction powers XD
Fatty: hehehe
Cow Crap: *looks at fatty's pm* What operation CCK?!
Fatty: the best thing ever
Cow Crap: What's CCK?!!?!
Cullen: A new brand of cornflakes....
Fatty: YEH, CHICKEN CANDY KIDDIES, the new flavour ;)
Cow Crap: ............
Cow Crap: lololol. Why's Cullen so quiet?
Cullen: I was .. revelling in the silence,
Fatty: learning her seduction powers
Cullen: totally
Cow Crap: uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh
Cullen: i was digging into my well of secret seduction powers. i know they're in there somewhere.. LOL
Fatty: does Krispy Kream catch your train or something?
Cow Crap: no, not telling
Cullen: noooo
Fatty: aye yaaaaaaaaaaa. why so secretive? ><" Cow Crap: u guys r gonna stalk him lol Cullen: we don't exactly have a lot of info to stalk him Cow Crap: lolol Fatty: exactly Cow Crap: true Cullen: you knwo how many Krispy Kreams there are in the world? Cow Crap: a lot lot YEH Fatty: plus, i dont mind you guys stlking my old crush ASSHOLE LICKER
(obviously this information has been changed to stop readers of this blog from stalking fatty's crush)
So this was a summary of the convo between 3 very strange teenagers. There was a lot more stuff there. Maybe I'll continue next time.
Well, look at that. I didn't even get to issue number 2 :L
Have a nice day ppls.
Good Evening Peoples,
I have three days worth of events to blog about so be prepared...
So on Saturday, I went to a restaurant at Canley Heights. It was raining (& I'm not talking about the stand-in-the-rain-with-you-know-who kind of rain), more like the someone's-pouring-9000L-of-water-on-me type of rain. Everyone was eating and talking when suddenly all the lights flickered... and went off.
HAHAHA So funny/exciting =3 I felt sorry for the restaurant owners coz their fridge and stoves wouldn't work but luckily, our table had our food already.
Earlier that day, my toenail had ripped off :( and I'm not sparing you the gory details. 3/4s of the nail was pulled out and you could see THE FLESH. There was blood everywhere and my skin was torn and.... oooh wait, let me show you a picture! LOL (just kidding)
Went to watch Confessions of a Shopoholic with Snez, Jessica, Nancy and Tian. It was funny but strange. I mean who SHOPS LIKE THAT?! Seriously, not even my mum owns 12 credit cards.
Favourite scene:
Favourite line:
I also learnt how to speak Finnish. "Meet my friend, she's a very famous
Snez also said that she wants a bag like this one to put in her room. Then she'd be able to chuck all her stuff in it. Well stuff can go in... but how does it come out?
Afterwards we went to Timezone and gambled. Starting amount: around $20. End result: $0.00
Pro-ness man. I can just imagine Nancy and Snez when they're older, gambling at the casinos in Las Vegas.
Hopefully, they'll be a bit luckier in the future.
Miss P. is pregnant :O Congrats! That made me think though, in Year 7 when Ms Luu told the class that she was pregnant, everyone started clapping and shouting CONGRATULATIONS! With Miss P. is was just like.... a few claps and stuff. LOL
So much homework TT' and an assignment too! F5 I was gonna bludge the whole day, maybe read a bit and watch Dance but NOOOOOOOO.
Talking about dance, did anyone watch yesterday's one? Highlights: Talia and Loredo? They rocked that "world" routine and also the one to Love Story by Taylor Swift. Charlie and Penny were a bit disappointing. ^^ I keep listening to that song from Slumdog Millionaire. So strangely addictive... JAI HOOOO. Oh yeh, do you think I can add a video onto this post? I'm scared if I stuff it up :(
In music, me and Booonie kept playing "Spring" by the Vivaldi dude. We were trying to play non-stop until lunch but stopped on the 11th time, Katherine was staring at us the whole time :L At lunch, we tried to sing the different parts and we ended up with something like a monotone-song. Da-da-da-da-da-da-DA! I also told someone about Ms H's head being out of proportion... which was kinda true. LOL
After school, Nancy and me were walking down to the corner when suddenly we heard: NAAAN! NAAAN! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! hahaha that was tian's parents and nancy's mum screaming as they drove past. Embarassing much?
There is loads more stuff to blog about but I don't have time. This is a LONG post and I expect people to read it! If not I will stab you with a stiletto, like that lady from COAS. NOT that I own a pair...
I hear people had a very bad day today. Well duh, considering it is BLACK FRIDAY.
As you can see, my artistic ability is quite... limited.
A few days ago, I had a strange dream. And today when I tried to explain it to Nancy and Juliana in maths, I couldnt' stop laughing (even though it wasn't funny at all). So right now, I'm trying to record it. BTW, the details may be wrong coz dreams aren't things you can remember very clearly....
It started off with me going to a college place, complete with dorms and all that stuff. This place was really pretty, it had courtyards and halls and gardens, etc. I have included a picture to help with the imagery.
I ran towards the stairs that would take me underground?? And bumped into this man who told me that I had to go into the water to retrieve the drowning peoples.
As some of you know, I stayed home today. It was fun =D Mostly I just slept and watched BBF though...
Oh yes, and if anyone is wondering, I named the baby Edward Junior, after his daddy dearest ;)
Well there's not much else to say. I'm going to school tomorrow though coz of science test. -sigh- I can successfully say that I have wasted a day. But it was fun. Who knew that my townhouse looked so pretty in the afternoons? With the sun shining through the trees and the train station basked in a warm glow... I think the laziness has gotten to me.
BTW Elyn, I've nearly finished Lirael. Hehe sorry for taking so long, I hardly read anymore coz of our lazy rollcall and stuff.
Oooh yes, I read a poem on the net. It was about chickens losing feathers. This chicken kept getting teased by other chickens until one day, a rooster came along and stuck up for him. Then they lived happily ever after. THE END
Anyways, I really like this picture so I think I'll post it.
Aren't they cute??
Nancy, this picture is for you. Enjoy XD
Truth or dare? :p
Hellos ppls
It feels like I haven't blogged in a while but its only been two days. Well what can I say? Life is so hectic right now. I feel sick everyday so I'll probably stay home tomorrow :p
Juliana if you're reading this, I think you need 2 bring textbook 2morrow. Sorry :(
There's nothing more to blog about. -the novelty has worn off-
I don't feel like talking about school coz everyone knows what happens at school anyways.
Guess how I felt in period one? sick.
Period two? dead
Period three? .... four?... five?
So you get the point.
Now let me describe my pain. Visualise little people stabbing sticks into your side. and imagine bubbles popping up on your skin and then stinging every few seconds. Now times that by a hundred. feel the pain
I guess I should go back to doing work. Oh yeh, and everytime Mr Ngov writes down what questions we do from the textbook, I copy it down into my book with either blue, red or black pen. I'm making an American flag =D
<3 Sinfeeyaa
P.S I won in table tennis. NO BULLS THIS WEEK
P.P.S I have developed a liking for trees.
I'm gonna make this a quick blog. The DS is CALLING: PLAAAY ME, PLAYY ME!
Haha I'm such a dork ><>:( Allow me to elaborate on my day.
I'm supposed to be swimming today. But I got out of it coz I have a big rash on my hip. Emphasis on the word "BIG" -
ARRRGH I swear if my sister's friends don't stop calling me every 5 minutes going, "Is Serena back yet?", I am going to explode.
That's what I would like to say, but being the kind, gentle, unsarcastic person that I am, I didn't say it.
Excuse me while I go bash someone.
Hello Again
Ever since I came back from school, I've been on the comp reading short stories and poems. Why? Well let me explain.
In HA today, we were told that we had to enter a writing competetion called Write 4 fun. Apparently students from last year's HA entered it too and some even won. So after hearing that, I went onto the site and looked at previous winners.
Bad idea.
My self-esteem wasn't very high to begin with and it probably dropped 3 metres today. Talk about discouraging ><
Okay, I'll calm down. Seriously though, the standard for these contests are so high. One of the winners wrote a four-line poem and they had very good comments from the judges. So maybe I should just write a very meaningful four lines and submit it in.
O thy' sister
Why thou so infuriating?
Come hither
See how much emotion and technique I can fit into four lines? My inner emotions were poured out into the poem... etc.
Anyways I should get back to finding inspiration (also known as surfing the net randomly till I have something better to do).
I just came back from piano lessons. Everytime I go for lessons, I get all nervous and can't play properly :(
Just so people know, my teacher is an old woman who lives alone in her house somewhere in Fairfield. Does she ever get lonely?... Probably not since she has a great dane. It's taller than my sister. Not impossible, considering the height of my... *ahem*diminutive*ahem* sister.
Well, my teacher's not that bad. Though she does scare me sometimes with her random outbursts.
She was telling me ALL about the "ridiculous price, these sight-reading books have gotten to. Why, just a few years back, they were less than 30 dollars!" and I was nodding my head like one of those demented bobble-headed dogs that people stick onto their car.
It was so interesting , I nearly fell asleep.
But you probably don't care.
Should I talk about school now? Do you really want to hear about what work I did in period 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8? To those who answered yes, I feel for you. Go get a life (jokes)
I should cut back on the sarcasm, its giving me whiplash.
Oooh, forgot to mention that I'm a GREAT speller. Seriously:
Bonnie's blog explains it better than mine but basically: Hunger causes people to do ODD things. :L
Wednesdays are the worst days of the week, don't you think? Double science:eww, double HA:eww, double theory music:eww, maths and history EWWWW to the MAX.
Yesterday, I came home, all pumped up to watch BBF and OMG viikii didn't upload it :O The actress got into a car accident so that somehow delayed the episodes... well, at least they had the intelligence to put up a talk show instead.
GJP can play the piano (!!) I. am. so. in. love. right. now.
Anyways, that's enough blogging for today. Goodnight peoples and thank god wednesday's nearly over. I swear, Wednesdays does strange things to my mind. <3 SINFEEYA
But not when it tastes funny..
& especially NOT when its made by my grandma.
Grandma, I'm sure you're a very good cook. I like eating the fried rice, pho and other asian foods you make :) But please, PLEASE, PLEASE don't EVER try to cook spaghetti bolognese AGAIN.
My stomach can't handle it... :(
I had so much to write about yesterday but I didn't have time. & today, I have so much time but nothing to write about...
School was alright, kinda boring. Juliana and I played doubles for table tennis but we lost. The girl we were versing was WEIRD.She was fully competitive and kept breathing like a fat bull while we were playing. I just wanted to yell "It's only a ping pong game!" at her >:( Talking about fat... Mr Ward called Anita fat today :L She was like, "NO SIR! YOU'RE THE FAT ONE" and he just said, "No, I'm skinny and handsome..." (someone hand the poor man a mirror)
Dance was on last night and Lily Allen performed :O I missed it coz I was busy doing something else, reading blogs I think? E-man and wats-her-face got out. HAHA they couldn't dance anyways. Well they could, I mean, they dance way better than me, but still. You know what I mean. -.-
HAHA I was on a random site yesterday called dramabeans and I found photos !!
Guess who? LOL anyways, there's another one that's kinda funny too... Should I post it? Yehh I'll post it XD
To the few clueless people out there going WTF??, these photos are from BBF :) If you don't know what that is then I suggest you start climbing out from under your rock. (jokes) :L
Ewww we got our maths test back today & we also did a common test. I made a silly mistake on the last question (typical me) and was moping at recess. Tests do that to me... After maths was English. I thought we were gonna work on our story but nooo. The class isn't going computer lab until thursday :(
Tomorrow's not gonna be great. I've got HA in the morning & I don't wanna sing the bathhouse song ><. Oh dear.
I woke up at 7:10 this morning and walked outside. LOL Then I came in and watched Lazytown =3 It's probably the gayest show ever but w/e. Did I ever tell you about my weird obsession with Barbie movies? In the holidays, I watched a different one everynight. Rapunzel, dancing princesses, swan lake, etc. Strange yeh? Tian watched them with me and you can ask her about it. Most likely she'll deny it though. XD And if you're extremely unlucky, she'll kick you.
Yes, we're both very odd people.
I learnt something new today about the worms/caterpillars at table tennis. It's a strange species that eats eucalyptus leaves and sprays it out from its behind. I won't post a picture.. just in case you're eating.
Now I really have nothing else to write about..
xoxo pigeon ?
P.S Everyone seems to be missing learning about Aztecs and Egypt :p
P.P.S Forgot to mention that it's my sister's b'day today. =3
Hey hey people :)
My sis had a b'day party today =3 & i forgot it was her birthday until just yesterday. hehehe. I am totally such a great sister. We had KFC and icecream cake with some friends while watching So You Think You Can Dance. Now I feel very full :( My sister's gonna go to year 6 camp tomorrow for 3 days. Here's to hoping she falls into the lake while she's canoeing. -evil cackle-
I don't like Sundays. They're always so sad coz of tutoring and knowing I have school the next day. >:( mgosh. I'm doing year 12, 2 unit maths at tutoring and all I do is sit in class thinking, WTF. Sure, I can understand learning stuff a year in advance but SERIOUSLY, YEAR 12 STUFF?! I'm not gonna use this stuff for another THREE YEARS. Someone, shoot me now :(
Aiiyahh. My bad mood may also be because of BBF (Boys before flowers). I finished the latest episode today and am waiting for tuesday when the new one comes out. -sigh- I've said this before, patience is not one of my virtues. Need more dramaaaa.
To make it worse, there's also a few tests coming up in a week's time. History and english... Federation sucks, give me Aztecs and Egypt anytime. On top of that, there's that dilemma with the bathhouse song. TT' If only I could rewind time...
Did I mention that I need to memorise 3 songs for musicianship theory exam, practice for piano practical, learn all the key signatures/terms in my piano book AND MEMORISE WHOLE PASSAGES ABOUT MUSIC COMPOSERS TO PREPARE FOR PIANO PRAC?!?!?
I need a hug >< - and no I'm not gonna turn emo. I'm just gonna go crazy, lose my mind and live in a mental asylum.
Have a nice day.
Oh yeh, nearly forgot to mention. I got $30 for coming third in a test at tutoring. LOL I guess that was only highlight of my day.
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