Posted on Sunday, March 15, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Good Evening Peoples,
I have three days worth of events to blog about so be prepared...
So on Saturday, I went to a restaurant at Canley Heights. It was raining (& I'm not talking about the stand-in-the-rain-with-you-know-who kind of rain), more like the someone's-pouring-9000L-of-water-on-me type of rain. Everyone was eating and talking when suddenly all the lights flickered... and went off.
HAHAHA So funny/exciting =3 I felt sorry for the restaurant owners coz their fridge and stoves wouldn't work but luckily, our table had our food already.
Earlier that day, my toenail had ripped off :( and I'm not sparing you the gory details. 3/4s of the nail was pulled out and you could see THE FLESH. There was blood everywhere and my skin was torn and.... oooh wait, let me show you a picture! LOL (just kidding)
Went to watch Confessions of a Shopoholic with Snez, Jessica, Nancy and Tian. It was funny but strange. I mean who SHOPS LIKE THAT?! Seriously, not even my mum owns 12 credit cards.
Favourite scene:
Favourite line:
I also learnt how to speak Finnish. "Meet my friend, she's a very famous
Snez also said that she wants a bag like this one to put in her room. Then she'd be able to chuck all her stuff in it. Well stuff can go in... but how does it come out?
Afterwards we went to Timezone and gambled. Starting amount: around $20. End result: $0.00
Pro-ness man. I can just imagine Nancy and Snez when they're older, gambling at the casinos in Las Vegas.
Hopefully, they'll be a bit luckier in the future.
Miss P. is pregnant :O Congrats! That made me think though, in Year 7 when Ms Luu told the class that she was pregnant, everyone started clapping and shouting CONGRATULATIONS! With Miss P. is was just like.... a few claps and stuff. LOL
So much homework TT' and an assignment too! F5 I was gonna bludge the whole day, maybe read a bit and watch Dance but NOOOOOOOO.
Talking about dance, did anyone watch yesterday's one? Highlights: Talia and Loredo? They rocked that "world" routine and also the one to Love Story by Taylor Swift. Charlie and Penny were a bit disappointing. ^^ I keep listening to that song from Slumdog Millionaire. So strangely addictive... JAI HOOOO. Oh yeh, do you think I can add a video onto this post? I'm scared if I stuff it up :(
In music, me and Booonie kept playing "Spring" by the Vivaldi dude. We were trying to play non-stop until lunch but stopped on the 11th time, Katherine was staring at us the whole time :L At lunch, we tried to sing the different parts and we ended up with something like a monotone-song. Da-da-da-da-da-da-DA! I also told someone about Ms H's head being out of proportion... which was kinda true. LOL
After school, Nancy and me were walking down to the corner when suddenly we heard: NAAAN! NAAAN! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! hahaha that was tian's parents and nancy's mum screaming as they drove past. Embarassing much?
There is loads more stuff to blog about but I don't have time. This is a LONG post and I expect people to read it! If not I will stab you with a stiletto, like that lady from COAS. NOT that I own a pair...