Merry Rainy Christmas

Hello world. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life anymore. Yep. Just thought I'd let it out here. The world ending was supposed to solve all my problems about my undecided future. Alas, the universe malfunctioned at malfunctioning. So here I am, staring at the UAC guide, rethinking (for the upteenth time) my future career (if I will even have one). And on a side note, my Grandma bought lots of tinned ham and rice in preparation for Doomsday and now she doesn't know what to do with her excess supplies. Free food anybody?
Oh and Merry Christmas everybody! Hopefully Santa left you a present - he seems to have skipped my house.

Role Model

I'm not an arrogant person. Really I'm not. In fact I tend to be extremely self-deprecating at times. But when it comes to my sister, I can become a conceited ass-head. I can't help it. I like making her feel inferior.

Exhibit 1: Our SMS conversation during her last period of school.

(14:52) C: State ranking bitches. Sixth in the state for mathematics :L


(14:54) C: Your sister is a genius bruh. Now you have to get 1st.

(14:55) S: ..............................


(14:55) S: #destinedtofail

P.S. This blog has moved to a new location! LOL there were definitely stragglers the last time.

A Reminder That I've Moved Blogs

Hulloooooooooooo!! Any stragglers left behind at None? You sure? (If so, the new blog is at Okay awesome. Just checking 'cause it has happened to me before... I once spent about 4 months wondering why a friend of mine had stopped blogging only to realise that they'd only changed the blog url and moved their blog somewhere else.


After about 4 months of lounging around, procrastination and avoidance of all things blogspot, I finally set up my new blog. It can be found here:

I hope you guys can follow me on it. There won't be much difference though. I suppose I just wanted a fresh start seeing as I just got out of high school and all. (New chapter of my life = new blog). If you do follow me there, don't unfollow me here. This will probably stay my ranty/spazzy blog. I also have a sneaking suspicion that I'll come crawling back here after a while. What can I say? It is very difficult trying to give up 4 years and 27,236 views worth of content.

So yeah, this is definitely not goodbye. I will just see you on the other side I guess.


First Stills of Catching Fire

I first saw these pictures in The Daily Telegraph with the cheesetacular headline of, "First picture on set of even hungrier Games". Yep. If I ever meet the person who makes up those headlines, I'm pretty sure we will best friends. Here are a few more that I dug up online, all showing the cast members doing essentially the same thing (that is, standing on podiums somewhere off the coast of Hawaii). I must admit though - those jumpsuits are badass; definitely a big improvement over the first movie's "camping gear". Plus, Finnick is le sexy.

That last one so utterly embodies the character of Peeta. LOL jokes. I love Peeta :)

Oh, and shoutout to Nanny Nincompoop for yesterday! Happy Birthday my crazy non-cousin/neighbour/third musketeer person!

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Templates are the Bane of my Rainbow Existence

That title is awesome. Whatever your argument is, it is invalid. 

Ah yes, about that new blog.... It will be up..... soon..... maybe. I spent 2 hours yesterday looking at templates - all of which were fugly to the max. I will find one though (eventually). Meanwhile, I find myself having all these post-HSC adventures to blog about but can't be bothered doing it here because this will soon become my old blog. But GAH, I am just exploding from all the stuff I have to say. I feel like Ron from the 2nd HP book - trying not to vomit out all these slugs, except in my case, they are not slugs but words. 

Anyhoo, here's a song to make up for the mostly pointless blog post:

P.S. I finally watched the new Batman movie. It was awesome and fantastical and I KNEW - I KNEW (after watching that awesome necklace-stealing scene at the beginning) that Batman was going to end up with Catwoman. That other woman was just a minor road bump in their path of awesome, badassery couple bliss. Also, Robin! LOL. And Tom Hardy, despite the baldness and oversized winter coats, is hot. I still like him better as Heathcliff though:


PSY's Best Performance Yet

Even if you're sick of Gangnam Style, this one is definitely worth watching. Skip to 2:45 for mash-uppy goodness with MC Hammer.

The World's Suckiest Teacher (Me)

Today I taught my first Year 9 class.

It was the most traumatizing, exhausting, scarring, distressing, stressful, unmanageable two hours of my life. The fact that I only had an hour's warning before taking the class was probably a big factor  of this. At one point, the guys in the 2nd and 3rd row started talking about wet dreams. I laughed it off and told them to concentrate in a firm voice but secretly I wanted to do much worse.

My respect for teachers, especially subs, has risen astronomically because of this experience. NEVER AGAIN will I criticize the teaching methods of any teacher. NEVER AGAIN. Every time I faced the board, the kids would just raise their voice or play with their phones or something. When I asked for answers, there were some who would give me attitude or "the look". They're not bad kids though, just fidgety and disinterested. Maybe it was my inexperience or something. Sometimes I wish I was taller and meaner looking. Being male would also help. I think the kids see someone who's short and young-looking and then immediately decide to take advantage of that person. It's not like I could turn around and bellow, "RESPECT AND LISTEN TO ME!!!", or anything you know?

I've come to the conclusion that after taking regular classes next year, I will need counselling sessions. Like a lot of them. In the meanwhile, I will pick up meditation and yoga and do some cleansing rituals to zen myself out. Either that or someone has to buy me a punching bag for Christmas.


Blog Titles and Templates

I just saw Annie's post about being a perfectionist and I figure I should put in my 2 cents as well. I probably won't be blogging much (if at all) until I get a new blog up and running. At this rate, it will probably take three million years for that to happen, just so you know. Why? Because CHOOSING A BLOG NAME AND FINDING A GOOD TEMPLATE IS SO BLOODY HARD. That's why.

There's a reason "C's Reverie" has stayed "C's Reverie" for 4 years now... and it's not because "C's Reverie" is such an awesome name for a blog. Hell, it's probably the worst name anyone's ever come up with. For the new blog, I wanted to use "Oh My Blog" but apparently that's taken. So is "Blame it on the nargles" and "That Random Weird Girl". So yeah. Don't be surprised if my new blog name ends up being something totally strange like, "You're So Voluptuous" or "Frangipani Heaven" or "CynthiaisinlovewithJerichoBarronslikeOMG".

Just thought I should warn you guys.


A Group Picture

My friend, Hannah, drew (designed?) this because she is talented, brilliant and all sorts of awesome. If you're wondering, I'm the ditzy one in the pink dress who looks half-stoned.
Click picture to enlarge.
Well, I was plannning on blogging more but Benjamin Button is on TV. Priorities, y'know.


City of Bones First Trailer

If anyone's interested, here's the first trailer. You should probably watch it in HD. 

You guys can make up your own mind. Personally, I think it could've been worse. I guess it helps that they have so many big names associated with the film: Lena Headey (Game of Thrones), Lily Collins (The Blind Side / Mirror Mirror), Jonathon Rhys Meyers (Bend it Like Beckham / The Tudors / August Rush) and of course, Jamie Campbell Bower. I seem to have an unhealthy interest in seeing books turned into films, even if the books weren't that good in the first place, so I will probably still watch this. (And also because I might or might not have a slight infatuation for JRM and Lena Headey). 





An Important Announcement

Important announcement guys,


That is all. 

Warm Bodies Trailer

Hi Steph, I doubt you read my blog but just in case - HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU CRAZY WEIRDO!! 


Based on this book here.... which I have never read. I don't know. It was on my radar but it sounded a little bit too YA-ish so I didn't bother giving it another look. Pretty cool trailer though despite the disgusting Summit logo. 

Job Hunting

Yes I know, I hate that title too. Every time I see the words "job hunting" I just want to kill it with fire or chuck it off the side of the Great Wall of China. But I will refrain for now because otherwise, I will never be able to write this post.

So like, I think I might (I repeat, might) have been offered a job at a tutoring center a few weeks ago. If this is true, it probably won't start until February next year. In the meantime, MY PARENTS HAVE CUT OFF ALL MY POCKET MONEY/OUTING FUNDS INDEFINITELY.... or at least until I get my ass out of the house and into some kind of employment.

*insert moment of silence for Cynthia's newfound poverty*

Okay, all joking aside - this is no laughing matter! Especially since I just spent 4-5 hours yesterday discussing with my girls all the things we would get up to during this 4 month break, all of which require money. Lots of it. My savings will only last up to a certain point and after that I will have to languish at home watching crappy daytime television.

On Monday, when I go to school for violin, I'm going to need to drop in on some teachers for references. Then I really really need to start setting up job alerts 'cause Xmas casual work is filling up like crazy. Definitely should've started earlier but 1) I was in a state of complacency after getting the tutoring job and 2) I was too busy enjoying the post-HSC glow. Oh well, better late than never I guess. If anyone has any suggestions, by all means, please tell me. I'm going to do the usual rounds (Woolies, Targets, etc) but you never know... At this point, anything looks good.

Le sigh. Adulthood sucks ass, doesn't it?

Song of the Week

It's a great video but you should watch it for the song as well. It's called "On Top of the World" by Tim McMorris. I think he makes music for commercial purposes or something so it's quite hard to find just the audio for it. So just watch the video I guess. 


Yep. That is so true. 

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Blogging - or in my case, spazzing

Um, so like, clueless, perpetually-horny, redneck Jason Stackhouse is played by a nice, cultured Australian man with a commerce degree from the University of Sydney.

That's right. It's almost as strange as seeing Blair Waldorf in a hoodie. 

Did you guys get mindblown as well when you realized this? Or did you already know beforehand? Ryan Kwanten gets all the applauses for his epic acting. Seriously. 

Speaking of serious stuff, I was thinking of maybe making a new blog. As you guys know, this space has been kind of like an adolescent rant/spaz space for the last few years. I'm kind of surprised I even have followers since half the stuff I write has been purposefully inaccessible and well...spazzy. (Thanks for following by the way - I don't know you do it but I appreciate it.) Plus, I've never actually told people I have a blog - they just kind of stumble upon it by accident and most of them don't stay long anyway. I think I read somewhere once that "blogging is not writing, it's graffiti with punctuation" and that's something that has always subconsciously influenced me. 

But since finishing high school kind of feels like the beginning of something new, I figure now would be good time to experiment and try other things. That's not to say I'll stop blogging the way I do LOL. I have too great a dependence on gifs and memes to write any other way. By different, I just mean I might try to introduce some semblance of order or structure to the way I blog. Oh and I definitely won't be deleting this blog. I like my 26,686 views too much to do that haha. Perhaps this may even stay my main blog but the other one can be for reviews of books, movies and records of crafty stuff and adventures I might have. 

Or maybe the pressure of writing properly would kill me and I would come crawling back here. Yeah - that sounds about right. Integrity and I don't usually get along. Just ask my EX2 teacher. He could tell you all about that. 

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Crafty Stuff

Watching True Blood and Once Upon a Time simultaneously is giving me mental whiplash. One of them is 100% family friendly and the other is... not. It's kind of like trying to read The Hunger Games and The Great Gatsby at the same time. I still love both shows though. They're just different.

Spot the loveheart 

Anyhoo, now that I have some free time, I might try doing more crafty things. I drew a tree today. It was fun. For some reason, the art that appeals to me the most is the simple, repetitive stuff. I especially love the paper craft that involves making a lot of little elements and then sticking them together at the end to create something. E.g. the kusudama flower ball I made Tian for her birthday:

If anyone knows of anything similar, please tell me. I'm finding that I have way too much time these days. Just make sure it's not too hard - art and I often don't get along. 

I would also like to do some puzzles. Except I don't have any. LOL I still remember this one time Juliana came over back in like, year 8 or something, and we basically spent the day doing puzzles. It was so easy to amuse ourselves back then. But yeah, I need to keep myself occupied. Whenever my mum sees me sitting there with the computer, she either kicks my ass out to do some exercise or hands me a basket full of clothes to fold. Woman really cannot comprehend the meaning of "relaxation". Honestly.

P.S. Congratulations President Obama! (If I was American, I would've voted for you. Hell, if America didn't want you, you'd be more than welcome to come to Australia! No, really.) 

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Gif Party for ICED

ICED deserves a review but writing one would be kind of pointless since not many people have read The Fever Series. Frankly, I also don't think anyone really gives a shit. I don't blame you. I try to tone down the fangirlism - really I do, but it leaks out anyway. Wait, I have an appropriate gif around here somewhere.

So um yeah. Have a gif spam reaction instead (no spoilers, don't worry):

Me at the beginning, reacquainting myself with Moning's expansive world:

Reading about 14-year-old Dani's innuendo-laden interactions with the grown, immortal men around her (not to mention Dani's... inappropriate but hilarious first meeting with Ryodan in this book):
When shit started getting real:

Dani runs round Dublin kicking Unseelie ass:
Dani and Dancer being like the bettest buds and stuff, hatching plans, looking out and squirreling away food for one another:
Christian being creepy and perpetually horny because of his Unseelie transformation:
That thing that happens at the end of chapter 31:
The totally random and incongruous mention of Linkin Park, Muse, Adele, Jimi Hendrix and Nicki Minaj on page 467 in the middle of a post-apocolyptic, urban fantasy novel. (LOL, no really, that was so random. I had to to read those passages twice to comprehend having "Ryodan" and "Nick Minaj" in the same paragraph:
He scrolls through the playlist. "What's the deal with all the Linkin Park, for fuck's sake."
"Dudes, we need noise. Quit taking the iPod off the dock." Dancer snatches the iPod from Ryodan and puts it back on the dock. "And Mega has a crush on Chester."
"I do not!"
"Do too, Mega."
"He's like, old!"
"How old?" Christian says.
"Like at least thirty or something!"
Lor laughs. "Fucking ancient, ain't it, kid?"
"Dude," I agree. I like Lor.
"You got any Adele?" Jo says hopefully.
"Not a single song," I say happily. "Got some Nicki Minaj, though."
"Somebody kill me now," Ryodan says and closes his eyes.
(From page 467 of ICED)
It was like watching Doctor Who and having Blair from Gossip Girl suddenly appear out of nowhere to shout "DAMN THAT MOTHER-CHUCKER!" That's how weird it was.
All in all, when I reached the end:
So like, that's it I guess. No more ICED/Fever Series for at least another year. It's okay. I can wait. No biggie. I've done it before, I can do it again. Really, it's fine.   

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Interesting Facts: Twilight and True Blood References in The Sims 3

The title of this blog post is a little bit misleading. It should probably be called "Interesting Facts Which Will Only Interest Othilia And Tian". For the rest of you guys, have a song in Simlish as an apology for this extremely geeky post. 


Yes it really is Eliza Doolittle singing and no, there's nothing wrong with your ears - the words are supposed to sound like that. Also if you think that's weird, you guys should check out Jason Derulo's version of  "Don't Wanna Go Home" which he recorded in Simlish for the Showtime expansion. Click here for that.
In my spare time (which is basically every waking moment of these last few days), I've been playing Sims 3 Supernatural, which is basically the newest expansion of The Sims 3 franchise - at least until Seasons comes out in about a week's time. This new expansion came with a pre-made neighbourhood named "Moonlight Falls" designed by the EA team filled with pre-made Sim families and locations. One of these families look like this:

Dude, they even nailed the facial expression. 

This family is also accompanied by the description:
New to Moonlight Falls, Chester Swain came in the hopes of providing a better life for his daughter Bailey, who he’s raised alone. She’s his whole world, and he loves her very much even if he can be a little overprotective. Despite the time they spend together, Chester is somehow unaware of Bailey’s fanatical obsession with the supernatural. Can Chester find a way to protect his daughter from her own curiosity?
If that isn't enough, "Chester Swain's" occupation is a cop. Is this starting to sound familiar? If not, then here are a few extra facts about the Supernatural expansion I got from my experiences as well discussion forums on the internet:
  • Bailey Swain's traits include: Clumsy, Loner, Bookworm and Supernatural Fan
  • There is a baseball field in Moonlight Falls
  • There is a beach called "La Shove" (La Shove... La Push....)
  • There is a book you can purchase in the bookstore called "Breaking Wind"
  • There is a new Romantic interaction called "Confessing to Watching You Sleep" which, when used, gives the other sim a "disturbed" or "creeped out" moodlet. LOL
  • There is a vampire sunscreen lifetime reward for vampires that makes them "sparkle" when applied.
  • There is an achievement called "Swan Dive" where you have to have a human female sim date a vampire, break up with him, make out with a werewolf, break up with him, and marry a vampire.
  • And most obvious of all: in one of the vampire families of the town, there is a teenage vampire who has the following traits: Brooding, Romantic, Virtuoso and Vegetarian.

Here are a few other humorous things I discovered whilst playing the game/reading forums. I'll describe them for you and you guys can try to guess the reference. Answers located at the bottom of this post:
  1. There is a female sim who was raised by her late grandmother and who recently learned she came from a long line of fairies. She's blond and wears a blue dress. Oh and she works at "Sam's Market Diner". Traits include: supernatural fan, flirty, insane, unlucky and frugal.
  2. There is a household called the "Roommates Household" consisting of a ghost, a werewolf and a vampire.
  3. Moonlight Falls sounds somewhat similar to Mystic Falls... although this one might be pushing the envelope a little bit.
  4. There is a household of three sisters who are witches.
  5. According to some people, there is a new Ancestral Wardrobe object which your sim can walk into and apparently, they end up in some magical land.
  6. There is an NPC running round the neighbourhood called Oberon Summerdream.
  7. There is a lifetime reward called "The Philosopher's Stone"
  8. Oh and guess what? You can now travel via phone box... They call it the "LLAMA" system for some reason.

  1. Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood
  2. Being Human
  3. The Vampire Diaries
  4. Charmed
  5. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
  6. Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  7. Harry Potter (Can't have witches and magic without a HP reference)
  8. Doctor Who maybe? That does look like a TARDIS to you guys right?
Hehe. Props to EA for for such skilful incorporations of pop culture references into their game. What I love most about the Sims isn't actually the gameplay, believe it or not. The best thing about these games is the humour - you never know what you might find out or what weird-ass interactions may end up popping up in the game. Anyways, I hope that was interesting for you guys. If not then I apologize for being such a geek LOL. I can't help it.  


Christian, you creepy

Firstly, before I forget: GOOD LUCK TOMORROW CHEMISTRY PEEPS! For most of you, that's probably your last exam right? Hooray! Think of how much fun you can have afterwards :D
Visual Art-ers.... well, your time will come too.... eventually.
Okay, so I'm halfway through ICED (been pacing myself to make it last) and so far I reckon it's all sorts of awesome.... despite the pedo overtones. (Would a 3 year time jump have been so hard to pull off? Really?)
Christian: "Don't use that tone with me."
Dani: "What tone?"

Christian: "The one that thinks I'm some kind of freak predator that molests children. I'm not a freak and you're not a child. I undressed you, lass. I cleaned you up. I healed you. I will never hurt you."

Sorry Christian but you still creepy.

I don't care if turning into an Unseelie Prince did weird things to your biological make-up - if you don't step like, a hundred paces away from 14-year old adolescent Dani, I'm going to have to do something drastic. Like castrate you.
Ryodan on the other hand is keeping his boundaries - ish. I'm only halfway though; let's just hope it stays that way.
Dani, of course, is ten types of attitude all rolled up in one human-sized, red-headed vessel.
"Dude, where do you want me to go? I can't go anywhere without my sword. I can't outrun the sifters. Every Fae in your club has a hard-on for killing me. You want me dead? Just do it yourself and get it over with."
He stabs a button on his desk. "Lor, get in here."
Lor blows in like he was plastered to the other side of the door. "Escort the kid to clean the fuck up and get that stench off her."
"Sure thing, boss." He scowls at me.
I scowl right back.
Lor points through the glass floor. "See that blonde down there with the big tits? I was about to get laid."
"One, I'm too young to hear that kind of stuff, and two, I don't see you carrying a club to knock her over the head with, so how were you going to accomplish that?"
Behind me, Ryodan laughs.
"You're runing my night, kid."
"Ditto. Ain't life at Chester's grand?"
Oh and on page 149, Barrons and Mac finally make their first appearance.
"So I'm walking across the dance floor, cutting a beeline straight for the stairs to head up to Ryodan's office to do whatevr it is he wants me to do, when I see her.
She's moving across the main floor with Jericho Barrons behind her, and it looks like they're heading for one of the subclubs, though I can't figure out why. Mac doesn't like it here any more than I do."
Excuse me while I go express my joy at having my babies back.


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I approve of this trend

Game of Thrones:
Near the beginning of Season 1:

First episode of Season 2:



Macarons and Awkward Conversations

(Whole conversation was in Chinese)

Family Friend: Cynthia, you've finished your HSC?

Me: Yep.

Family Friend: Ah, okay. What university do you want to go to?

Me: If I get in, hopefully UTS.

Family Friend: Is that Roxie's one?

Me: Yeah, yeah it is.

Family Friend: Oh. So you don't want to go to a proper university?

Me: Er......


LOL. Um okay. I'm just going to walk away awkwardly now 'cause I don't know how to properly answer that.

So I went to Zumbo's yesterday (the Rozelle store) and bought a lot of macarons.

Looks like someone ordered a croquembouche...

While we were there, we saw a guy coming out of the shop with one of those macaron towers from Masterchef. We asked him how much it cost and he said $400.

Rich people. I will never understand.

Speaking of rich, trendy people...


They are literally everywhere in the Rozelle/Balmain area, lounging out at the coffee shops at the corners and flocking to the second-hand markets. I can't wait till I have money. Then I can blow all my cash having breakfast quiches at Zumbo's every morning.

By the way. None of youse will ever understand the meaning of "embarrassment" until your dad tries to go out looking like this:


True Blood, Finally


"Before the night is through / I wanna do bad things with you....*niiiiuuuuuuuuu*" (sorry that's my best impression of that particular instrument)

Unfortunately, I've already read the first few books. I guess that means I won't be able to make any craptastic-ly inaccurate predictions this time which you guys can all laugh at. I half wish I hadn't read the books now... stuff is so much better when you have no idea what's gonna happen. Yesterday, when I watched the first episode of Season 2 of Game of Thrones, I realised that half the fun had gone out of the series because I'd read the second book. Boo.........

Right, I was talking about True Blood. Since I can't be bothered structuring my thoughts on the first episode, have a list instead:

  • SWAMP PEOPLE!!! LOL. I can't help it. The southern accent triggers some sort of switch inside me and I immediately think of that show with the rednecks running round shooting crocodiles. My sister loves that show.
  • Bill was so two-dimensional and bland in the books. He was like a cardboard cut-out who occasionally spoke words and did stuff. But watching the show, I can kind of see his appeal - all broody and mysterious-like.
  • Sookie is cute I guess. I remember her having a few TSTL moments in the books but I quite like the actress already so it should be fine. (TSTL = Too Stupid To Live)
  • Lafayette... LOL.
  • That opening scene in the convenience store was awesome.
  • There's something strange about the interactions between Bill and Sookie. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it was the camera angle or editing. I don't know.
  • SexSexSexSexSexSexSexSex.ooh! plot!SexSexSexSexSexSex...... (Not that I expected anything different. A HBO show wouldn't be a HBO show without people going at it like animals every other scene. HBO without the boom-chicka-wow-wow would be like Eurovision without the pyrotechnics and glittery leotards.)
  • Is Sookie the worst name ever or is it the worse name ever? And here I thought Roy, Doug, Fanny and Renesmee were bad.
All in all, I quite liked it :) I'm excited for this. The books didn't impress me but I have a feeling the show will.


Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

I read a lot during the HSC STUVAC period. Like, a lot. Basically when I wasn't studying/eating/sleeping/youtubing, I was reading. Some people watch TV shows, some people exercise; I read. So this is just a little heads up about the upcoming reviews I might be posting on this blog. I'm not chomping through books at a freakishly fast pace - merely going back to revisit ones from the last few weeks.
Daughter of the Forest (Sevenwaters #1) - by Juliet Marillier
If there ever was a poster child for the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover", this would be it.

It's rather fugly isn't it? Don't worry - you can say it.
It is a sad but true fact of this world that most great books have fugly covers and those that suck balls have pretty ones. I can name a billion examples of this: Hush Hush, Fallen, etc. Those covers are epic - too bad the stories never lived up those standards.
Enough about the cover though - let's talk about the book. So you guys know that Brothers Grimm story with the six swans?

 By AndrewRyanArt on Deviantart
It's slightly obscure so I can understand if you haven't. For those who aren't familiar with it, the story goes something like this: A king has seven children, six of whom are boys. An evil stepmother comes along and turns them into swans ('cause that's just how they did things back in those days) and the remaining daughter is set a seemingly impossible task in order to break the curse and free her brothers.
Simple enough, and this book is basically a retelling of that story.... but on steroids.

Everything was just so much more: the world, the characters, the storyline.... It would have to be for a full length novel such as this, of course. Sorcha, the main character is such a strong person. 90% of the stuff that happened to her made me want to chuck my kobo e-reader across the room and I never want to do that. When I think about it, I'm not entirely sure what aspect of this book drew me in and made me feel so strongly. Maybe it was the fairy tale part of it - the whole paganish, earthly, magical atmosphere. I am such a sucker for fairy tales, lol.  
Genre? Um definitely epic fantasy and romance, although "romance" might not be the correct term for it. The love story makes up a significant portion but it's not the bodice ripper type if you know what I mean.  
This actually wasn't the first Juliet Marillier book that I've ever read. The first one was Wildwood Dancing waaaaaaaaay back in Year 6 and that one was young adult instead of adult. It was about the 12 dancing princesses I think... I don't really remember much about it, only that it took me more than one go to read but in the end, I loved it as well. Her writing style is really immersive and poignant and her world-building is epic so if you guys are looking for a bit of brain candy, you might want to find something else and get back to this later.
I rated it five stars on goodreads though. I rarely do that - The Hunger Games, Harry Potter and The Fever Series being some of the few series which have gotten that. I think it was because of the story's emotional impact. When I wasn't reading it, I thought about it. That's a sign of a good book isn't it?

