Posted on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 · Leave a Comment
ICED deserves a review but writing one would be kind of pointless since not many people have read The Fever Series. Frankly, I also don't think anyone really gives a shit. I don't blame you. I try to tone down the fangirlism - really I do, but it leaks out anyway. Wait, I have an appropriate gif around here somewhere.
So um yeah. Have a gif spam reaction instead (no spoilers, don't worry):
Me at the beginning, reacquainting myself with Moning's expansive world:
Reading about 14-year-old Dani's innuendo-laden interactions with the grown, immortal men around her (not to mention Dani's... inappropriate but hilarious first meeting with Ryodan in this book):
When shit started getting real:
Dani runs round Dublin kicking Unseelie ass:
Dani and Dancer being like the bettest buds and stuff, hatching plans, looking out and squirreling away food for one another:
Christian being creepy and perpetually horny because of his Unseelie transformation:
That thing that happens at the end of chapter 31:
The totally random and incongruous mention of Linkin Park, Muse, Adele, Jimi Hendrix and Nicki Minaj on page 467 in the middle of a post-apocolyptic, urban fantasy novel. (LOL, no really, that was so random. I had to to read those passages twice to comprehend having "Ryodan" and "Nick Minaj" in the same paragraph:
He scrolls through the playlist. "What's the deal with all the Linkin Park, for fuck's sake."
"Dudes, we need noise. Quit taking the iPod off the dock." Dancer snatches the iPod from Ryodan and puts it back on the dock. "And Mega has a crush on Chester."
"I do not!"
"Do too, Mega."
"He's like, old!"
"How old?" Christian says.
"Like at least thirty or something!"
Lor laughs. "Fucking ancient, ain't it, kid?"
"Dude," I agree. I like Lor.
"You got any Adele?" Jo says hopefully.
"Not a single song," I say happily. "Got some Nicki Minaj, though."
"Somebody kill me now," Ryodan says and closes his eyes.
(From page 467 of ICED)
It was like watching Doctor Who and having Blair from Gossip Girl suddenly appear out of nowhere to shout "DAMN THAT MOTHER-CHUCKER!" That's how weird it was.
All in all, when I reached the end:
So like, that's it I guess. No more ICED/Fever Series for at least another year. It's okay. I can wait. No biggie. I've done it before, I can do it again. Really, it's fine.