Posted on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 · Leave a Comment
I just came back from piano lessons. Everytime I go for lessons, I get all nervous and can't play properly :(
Just so people know, my teacher is an old woman who lives alone in her house somewhere in Fairfield. Does she ever get lonely?... Probably not since she has a great dane. It's taller than my sister. Not impossible, considering the height of my... *ahem*diminutive*ahem* sister.
Well, my teacher's not that bad. Though she does scare me sometimes with her random outbursts.
Teacher: "No, NO, NO! I told you, when writing cadences, you must follow the dominant chord with a tonic chord and NEVER omit the third of the triad. Make VERY sure- Cynthia! Are you listening? MAKE VERY SURE that the bass doesn't exceed the tenor voice and that the alto of the previous chord is LOWER THAN THE SOPRANO....
Me: ...
Today I was doing some theory work and she started talking about her performances in church.She was telling me ALL about the "ridiculous price, these sight-reading books have gotten to. Why, just a few years back, they were less than 30 dollars!" and I was nodding my head like one of those demented bobble-headed dogs that people stick onto their car.
It was so interesting , I nearly fell asleep.
But you probably don't care.
Should I talk about school now? Do you really want to hear about what work I did in period 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8? To those who answered yes, I feel for you. Go get a life (jokes)
I should cut back on the sarcasm, its giving me whiplash.
Oooh, forgot to mention that I'm a GREAT speller. Seriously:
Bonnie's blog explains it better than mine but basically: Hunger causes people to do ODD things. :L
Wednesdays are the worst days of the week, don't you think? Double science:eww, double HA:eww, double theory music:eww, maths and history EWWWW to the MAX.
Yesterday, I came home, all pumped up to watch BBF and OMG viikii didn't upload it :O The actress got into a car accident so that somehow delayed the episodes... well, at least they had the intelligence to put up a talk show instead.
GJP can play the piano (!!) I. am. so. in. love. right. now.
Anyways, that's enough blogging for today. Goodnight peoples and thank god wednesday's nearly over. I swear, Wednesdays does strange things to my mind. <3 SINFEEYA