Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Today I had one of those moments, when something embarassing happens and you just wanna smack yourself on the forehead and go, "why did I just do that?". But I'm not gonna tell youse what happened in case you start laughing at me.
So how was your day peoples?
LOL at those people that did cross country :P My class did gym. Well not really, since all we really did was play with the skipping rope. Double dutch anyone?
At recess (or was it lunch?) someone ate a fruit -which I don't know the name of- and the juice squirted into stephanie's eyeball. When I was small, the exact same thing happened when I was eating a mandarin and it squirted into Nancy's eye. Good days, I tell you. Good days.
Last night, I watched like, 10 seconds of ghost whisperer and got so freaked. I kept changing to "Getaway" because I couldnt' stand the whole creepy ghost girl thing. Usually, I can watch the whole thing but for some reason, it was scarier than usual..
I'm gonna watch BBF later. I think I'll cry :'( For some reason I didnt' cry when that girl in One Litre of Tears died, but I cry in BBF. LOL
I had ANOTHER strange dream. It wasn't as strange as an octopus eating booonie but still weird.
I seem to be having a lot of dreams about train stations :L Maybe it means I'm going to take a long journey in life. Or maybe I've just watched too much Slumdog Millionaire :) Feel free to interpret my dream again. LOLTian, Nancy and I were at a train station. It wasn't a normal train station
though because there were two platforms on either side of one train track.
Anyways, we were playing a game where you have to run from one platform to
the other by going through the train as it stops. Well Tian was too slow and me
and nancy ended up running through the train when it stopped.
UNFORTUNATELY the train didn't stop long enough and before we got to the other end, the doors
closed and we were stuck in it.
So, I asked nancy for her phone so we could ring Tian and meet up with her
somewhere but nooooo, somebody forgot their phone (or maybe they didnt' have
enough credit). We ended up staying on the train for a very long time and when
we finally reached our destination, we were at the mountains. Like WTF.
When we got there, it turned out that place was like a camp kinda thing.
Sorta like the biggest loser -just not with the "generously proportioned"
people-. We were forced by the people to PICK UP RUBBISH and when we
finished that, we got to go back on the train.
Eventually, we finished and were allowed to go home. When we arrived at the
original train station we had to walk all the way back home. Turns out that
while we were gone, only a few minutes had passed.
ZOMG I finished PE assignment
-does victory dance around the room-