Here's the link:
Fuck, why is maths tutor homework taking so long. It's times like these that I feel like I want to quit so badly. So very very badly. I feel so tired. I have literally been doing this tutor homework from 5pm to now, which is 9pm - with a short half an hour break in between for dinner.
I don't believe it should take this long. Neither do I believe that it is healthy to dedicate so many hours to fucking maths. Seriously. I have better stuff to do. Like study for prelims. Or the HSC. I hate you Jimmy. I hate you so very much. And I don't usually hate people.
You know how some people spit out what they were drinking when told some really surprising news? Yeh... I don't do that. Instead, the drink goes up my nose and it turns into a coughing/choking fit. Which is what happened when I visited today.
It is confirmed. Lee Min Ho is dating Park Min Young - his co-star from City Hunter. Their agencies confirmed that the two have been seeing each other more frequently since City Hunter wrapped up. People have already started calling them the MinMin couple.
My initial reaction was "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MY MIN HO IS TAKEN, NOOOOOOOOOOO" *cue dramatic sobbing and wailing*. But then after the news sunk in, I was like, well if it had to be someone, at least its Kim Na Na. Together they could make kickass babies and. And can you imagine what they would look like??? They would be the world's most genetically gifted babies. Seriously. But dayum, I was half hoping Lee Min Ho would turn out to be gay, just so no (female) could have him.... oh wait... that doesn't make sense.
Jeezus, Park Min Young must've saved a country in her previous life. I just hope she'll be able to fend off those screaming hordes of fangirls. MINMIN COUPLE FIGHTING!
I support them, okay? Seriously, I do.
Sigh. Everyone's spazzing about english. I feel like I should be too. Except I've already done it. What I DO need to do though is:
- English Extension essay on how William Blake's revolutionary ideals are expressed through his poetry (approx. 2 pages)
- Modern History response Bolshevik Civil War (2 pages)
- Modern History response on Bolshevik success in the October Revolution (a page and a half)
- Prepare for Musicianship exams taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday
- Study for another History Extension trial test on appeasement for next Tuesday
- Endless maths homework
- Endless Jimmy 3 and 4 unit homework
- English webpage analysis
- Sibelius annotation.
and that's all.
Y'all should be grateful it's only a report.
Here's the link if you're interested:
But that's not my main point. After listening to that song a few hundred times, I then decided to go listen to some more stuff from Kimbra. And then I found this:
I think my really weird mood showed on my face during piano lessons and as a result, my piano teacher was way more leniant then usual. Or maybe she just didn't want to give me a nervous breakdown, not so close to the exam anyway.
But whatever funky mood I was in before, it's gone now. And that's partly because I just did a practice exam at piano lessons and I PASSED IT. HALLEFREAKINLUJAH. I even got most of the "general knowledge" questions right. Including that one that said, "Name 3 preludes from 3 different composers and state what instrument they were written for." My 1.5 hours of music theory study every night has paid off. Time to celebrate.... before I get all depressed again when I get my modern trials results back tomorrow.
Sims 3 Pets is coming out soon. And guess what? THERE'S GONNA BE UNICORNS. WHOOOOOOOOOOOO. LOL. Just watched the trailer on youtube. The highest rated comment was, "So... who's gonna name their unicorn Charlie??"
Today was the SRC elections. Also known as the annual "Imma-gonna-judge-you-as-you-stand-there-and-talk-about-yourself" or the "Popularity-contest-thinly-disguised-as-a-Student-Representative-Council-election". Okay, I kid. I should stop being so cynical. Hey... my year 12 jersey should say Lil Miss CYNical. Geddit? Geddit?
But seriously though. Congrats to whoever did go up there and try out. You guys are really brave. And really dedicated. And I fully understand that it is very difficult to try to sell yourself to the grade without sounding like an obnoxious, overconfident human being.
I didn't exactly donkey vote this time.... but I think I was only really sure about 2 people. It's sad though, how the people who are actually really serious about it are the ones who do the sincere speeches. And the unfortunate reality is that people are more likely to vote for the "funny" speeches. NOT SAYING THAT FUNNY = NOT-SINCERE EITHER. But you know what I mean. I really admire the people who go up there and give it a go but like, you can't help thinking to yourself "I know this person says that they're doing it for the school, they want to help out and make it a better place, but are they really speaking the truth?"
And also, Lyanna, I'm not sure but I think it was you who said something like, you'll speak up for the people who don't usually speak up. Well you didn't say it like that but it was something along those lines (or perhaps I was hallucinating, I'm not sure). If you did, then thanks for doing that. If you didn't, then just ignore me as I ramble on. The whole time I was waiting for someone to say that. In our grade, there is an imbalance sometimes. The quiet people are the ones who get overlooked. Even during the speeches, you could tell it was all the louder, more popular people at the back who get heard. And that's just our grade, y'know. Sometimes, I just wish that there wasn't such an imbalance. But there's not much you can do about it, right?
And now I have totally forgotten what my main point was. HAHAHA. That paragraph up there doesn't even make sense. Oh well. Maybe I'll try saying it clearly - once I figure out what I'm trying to say.
What is wrong with this English assessment task? It's like freakin' bipolar. It can't make up its mind whether to be a report or a magazine article 'cause seriously, to whoever wrote this task, THOSE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. A magazine article requires some sort of personal response -kind of like a feature article, you have to engage with the audience (and usually, it's written informally.)Well, from the limited number of magazines I've ever read, that seems to be the case...
A report on the other hand is supposed to present the outcome of research, investigations or meetings. It is written FORMALLY, with simple and concicse expressions. One of the teachers said you're supposed to use the word "I" and make your own judgements. How are you supposed to do that if reports are meant to be impartial? And aren't reports usually written for science/economics/business type things, not literature? Unless you're talking about a literature review... in that case, it is a totally different thing.
So basically, you've got to be formal yet you can refer to yourself. Impartial yet remembering to add your own opinions. Use subheadings but somehow try to cover like, 15 aspects. And somehow, make it sound like it's straight out of a poetry magazine. Dude, who even reads poetry magazines???
I have 13 days to memorise the lives of 3 composers: Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel and Henry Purcell. No sweat. It's only like, THEIR WHOLE LIFETIMES that I have to cram into my pathetically slow brain. No really, I have the worst memory in the world, just ask anyone.
I also need to know at least 1o works/pieces from each composer, just in case they ask me a question like, "Name three oratorios that Handel has composed". Most of Handel's oratorios have names based on biblical characters which in theory, should make them easier to remember. And that is totally cool... except for the fact that I've never actually read the bible. Gahhh. *slams head into desk*
13 days isn't too bad though right? If I manage my time properly and stop blogging about Lee Min Ho, it should work. But then again, I've also got to write my legal essay, study for history extension, do music composition and write the report for the english assessment thingo. Extra loud GAAHHH. *slams head into desk and stays there for two hours*
What is that SNSD girl doing there? You're ruining the picture!! LOL jks.
Today wasn't such a great day. First off, it was a Monday ('nuff said). Secondly, I had a dream about ghosts invading E block and haunting me during free period. Thirdly, I was late for my vocals lesson and last of all, my laptop crashed on me in the middle of writing my legal studies essay. Oh and also, the guy who lives across from my house and who's room I can see into from my window, is now playing the guitar. That's not such a bad thing. Except I find it very awkward that his window is directly opposite from mine so everytime I look up from my computer, I am in his direct line of vision. Awkward. And I don't want to close my windows because the sunlight is so nice.
I had my first composition class/lesson today. From now on, every Monday during music lessons, we're gonna have this British guy come in and teach us how to compose stuff. It's quite interesting actually. I don't mind learning how to compose but the thing is, we get assigned so much homework. For example, this week's homework is to compose a 16 bar piece based on harmonic chord progressions. We also need to pick two songs that we like, write a paragraph of analysis on each and then send it to him via studywiz.
I am so going to send him something korean, MUHAHAHAHAHA. Technically, his exact words were, "It can be Lady Gaga or punk rock, just send me anything that appeals to you." Well, imma gonna send you some good ol' korean indie. See how much you like that then, eh?
No really, I am going to do that.
Speaking of Korean stuff, I'm just gonna talk a little bit about kpop. It's hard to say this without it sounding derogatory but I'll try. Kpop.... don't get me wrong, I like kpop but sometimes I just feel so annoyed that it's so 2D. Take the girl groups for example. Whenever I watch their live performances or MVs I can't help feeling that there are only two extremes - the cutesy, bubbly, innocent, rainbow-vomit-inducing songs and the highly aggressive, imma-gonna-kill-ya-boy songs. There rarely seems to be any in-betweens. And some of the stuff is just so manufactured. But I guess that goes for any type of music. There's nothing that I really like on the radio these days. It's only either R & B or club music. Sigh. Mainstream music, y u no like me?
Did you guys know that Tom Felton was in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"? Haha, I didn't - but I'm usually a bit slow on things. Anyway, after finding that out, I youtubed the movie and found an interview with him about Rise of the Planet of the Apes and his role in it. I then scrolled down and the highest rated comment was "Hey Draco, nice bed, mind if I slytherin?" LOL, old joke, I know. I remember someone telling it to me recently. But poor Tom, he'll never be able to escape the Draco image.
So like, I'm going to go watch Harry Potter with my parents and sister today. This will be fun (l0l). Okay, who am I kidding. My parents are the most EMBARASSING PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. The only reason I agreed to this was because its Harry Potter (oh, the things you do for love). I'll just think of it as sacrificing my pride for the sake of one last viewing of the ending of my favourite series. And it's not like I've got any tutoring tomorrow anyway.
Speaking of Harry Potter, I finally got into Pottermore :) I had my laptop on last night whilst watching Angels and Demons and was continuously refreshing the Pottermore website every half hour. I was desperate to get in LOL. I'm not even sure what it is, only that millions of fans around the world are desperate to be one of the early few to register. Basically, for about a week now, a clue has been appearing on the Pottermore website at unknown times every day. If you somehow answer the question correctly, you get directed to the "magic quill" which, according to the Pottermore website, can sense if a person has any magic in them. YAYAYAYAY, THAT MEANS I'M MAGICAL :D.
But yeh, I got last night's question and was able to register. Unfortunately, they don't allow you to pick your name cause they want to keep it kid-friendly. So I got stuck with something like "PhoenixFang182". You can choose it from a list of five though. The other ones available to me were "DragonBludger", "NightWizard" and some other funny ones.
There's only one more day left for the promotion. And then you'll have to wait till October to get in. For those who're interested, go to:
EDIT: Oh wait, Pottermore just opened. LOL I don't think anyone's gonna get in by this point.
This is me during episode 18 of "49 Days":
This is me at the end of episode 19:
Halfway through the last episode, I was like this:
And this is me at the end of episode 20:
If you're wondering, 49 days is a drama I was watching. Basically the protagonist dies in the first episode. And she spends the next 18 episodes or so trying to come back to life. To do this, she "borrows" the body of someone else and tries to collect three pure tears from her loved ones as proof that she deserves another chance at life.
In episode 18, she does the impossible and manages to collect the three tears. And everything is all rainbows, and happiness and unicorns and stuff because she comes back to life and her family and friends rejoice, etc, etc.
But in episode 20, the writers of the drama decided to shock the audience. So they kill her off anyway, hence my reaction up there. You're telling me I spent 18 hours of my life yelling at the computer screen and rooting for the protagonist, just to end up having her killed off? Booo!!!
I really really don't want to do the Musicianship paper this year. Well I've never wanted to do it but the feeling is particularly strong this year. I think I'm suffering from "burn-out" LOL. I feel like a train that's run out of steam too early and now it's stranded in the middle of nowhere. Woah, weird - I just had a Thomas-the-Tank-Engine flashback.
Today I did a practice Musicianship paper at my piano lesson and spent WAY WAY too long on the composition part. I got a huge lecture from my teacher from that. It went something along the lines of:
Teacher: You've spent too much time staring at the manuscript! Write something, and write it quickly!
Me: Err.. ok
Teacher: Well? What are you doing? Don't you know how to compose?
Me: Yeh but -
Teacher: Come on! Just sing a tune in your head and write it down! That's what I do for Church every week. I make up songs in my head while walking to the grocery store. It's not that hard!
And then I feel even more pressured and end up doing nothing. It's hard ok? How the hell are you supposed to compose stuff with someone breathing down your neck and watching your every move like a goddamn hawk. It's impossible.
Half an hour is so totally not enough each day for me to do what I want. In that amount of time, I can only watch a few youtube videos, browse a few sites and blog really really quickly.
There's not much to say.... Um, I'm watching 49 days now, LOL. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, STOP WITH THE DRAMAS YOU FREAK. But don't worry, it's not like I'm marathoning episode after episode. Because I'm trying to stick to my 30 minute rule, I probably only watch like 15-20 minutes every day. So that's what I was doing just then.
I finished an episode today. I quite like 49 days. Obviously not as kickass and slick as City Hunter but I've grown to like it. And I'd decided that nothing was ever going to live up to CH so I should stop comparing. Anyway, I was about to close the window after the ending song started playing when all of sudden, THE STUPID CITY HUNTER PREVIEW CAME ON (49 days aired before City Hunter started airing) AND REDUCED ME TO A WORTHLESS, BLUBBERING MESS. Damn you Lee Min Ho.
GOD CITY HUNTER, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?? JUST WHEN I WAS FINALLY GETTING OVER YOU, YOU TURN AROUND AND STAB ME IN THE HEART. AGAIN. You're like stupid freakin' Edward when he came back to Bella at the end of New Moon. Or Doctor Chris Havel at the end of this season's Offspring. NINA WAS FINISHED WITH YOU, YOU BASTARD.
*deep breath* Yeh, my withdrawal symptons haven't gone away. I think I need therapy.
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