Posted on Sunday, August 7, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Today wasn't such a great day. First off, it was a Monday ('nuff said). Secondly, I had a dream about ghosts invading E block and haunting me during free period. Thirdly, I was late for my vocals lesson and last of all, my laptop crashed on me in the middle of writing my legal studies essay. Oh and also, the guy who lives across from my house and who's room I can see into from my window, is now playing the guitar. That's not such a bad thing. Except I find it very awkward that his window is directly opposite from mine so everytime I look up from my computer, I am in his direct line of vision. Awkward. And I don't want to close my windows because the sunlight is so nice.
I had my first composition class/lesson today. From now on, every Monday during music lessons, we're gonna have this British guy come in and teach us how to compose stuff. It's quite interesting actually. I don't mind learning how to compose but the thing is, we get assigned so much homework. For example, this week's homework is to compose a 16 bar piece based on harmonic chord progressions. We also need to pick two songs that we like, write a paragraph of analysis on each and then send it to him via studywiz.
I am so going to send him something korean, MUHAHAHAHAHA. Technically, his exact words were, "It can be Lady Gaga or punk rock, just send me anything that appeals to you." Well, imma gonna send you some good ol' korean indie. See how much you like that then, eh?
No really, I am going to do that.
Speaking of Korean stuff, I'm just gonna talk a little bit about kpop. It's hard to say this without it sounding derogatory but I'll try. Kpop.... don't get me wrong, I like kpop but sometimes I just feel so annoyed that it's so 2D. Take the girl groups for example. Whenever I watch their live performances or MVs I can't help feeling that there are only two extremes - the cutesy, bubbly, innocent, rainbow-vomit-inducing songs and the highly aggressive, imma-gonna-kill-ya-boy songs. There rarely seems to be any in-betweens. And some of the stuff is just so manufactured. But I guess that goes for any type of music. There's nothing that I really like on the radio these days. It's only either R & B or club music. Sigh. Mainstream music, y u no like me?