Ahhh poor blog, I've left you neglected for so long that you're starting to gather virtual dust. How long has it been since I've had some good ol' heart to heart with you eh? LOL.
Today, I'm not gonna blog about a specific event or the latest amateur art that I've done. I'm just gonna ramble like I used to... So happy reading? O_O
Such a big dilemna. Its 11:01 pm and I can't decide what to do. I've finished writing a poem for HA and that took a while coz my hands were literally FROZEN. I feel tired.
As Shakespeare would've put it, " To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question!"
The holidays went by so fast. Most of it was spent at the computer though, playing Sims 2. Did you know they had a man-eating cow plant which could eat the sim's neighbours? HAHAHA I had so much fun with that.
Books that I want to read:
- The three vampire books that Snezana has.
- Evernight,
- Blood Ritual and
- Whats-its-name(?)
- At Angus and Robertson's bookstore they have a top 50 children's book section and "Northern lights- by Phillip Pullman" is one of them. I remember reading it in year 5 but I kinda gave up coz it was SOOOOOO boring. Who knows? Maybe I'll finish it this time, I mean it did take me 4 tries to finish lord of the rings :)
- Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants- book 2,3 and 4
- Read Alanna the Lioness series again
So, did youse hear about the Swine Flu? It's spreading so fast and my parents are so paranoid. They're like, "If it keeps spreading, we can't go to America because people are infected there". Problem is, if we dont' go we lose $5000 coz we bought the plane tickets already...
On the last day of the holidays, jessica, elyn, lyanna, jun and aaron(?) came to the townhouse unexpectedly. I was wearing my pjs when they knocked on the door :( LOL, we played a bit of music, went to Tian's house, ordered pizza, played T or D and watched Masterchef. It sure beat studying for science (which I SHOULD HAVE studied for btw). You hear that people? If I fail, its your fault :P
Funny part was when Lyanna shouted out,
in the townhouse. She could've said it louder though. There's nothing to be ashamed of.
And yes, I also bought Hannah's present in the holidays. Hobbo gloves, a box of lindt chocolates and a kimi doll. PHEW that was too close. Next time I should buy her presents earlier, not two days before school starts.
Dammit there's sport tomorrow -.-
Does anyone watch Food Safari? Yes, no, maybe so... My parents do and after watching the episode on last week they decided to go to the japanese ramen retaurant that was on TV.
This is what it looks like on the outside:
It's a very traditional type of noodle house that is said to sell THE BEST ramen noodles outside of Tokyo :) Yumm.. I've never eaten ramen. I've seen people from dramas eat it and it looked so nice. (BTW watching Goo Jun Pyo eat it is so hilarious. He didn't know how to turn the stove on so he ate it straight from the packet XD)
Anyway, tian's family and my family all went in and sat down at the table next to the window. Guess who got the seat next to the window AND HAD TO ENDURE THE STARES OF EVERYONE WALKING PAST?? Yours truly.
ITADAKIMASU! It looked so pretty; I felt bad that I had to wreck it buuuut a hungry person's gotta do what a hungry person's gotta do. (The reason my bowl looked so small was because I ordered the kid's meal which was already quite big.)
Did You Know: The soup for the ramen is slowly boiled with 14 HOURS before serving? ^^ & the proper way of eating ramen is to make really loud slurping noises.
And of course, no family outing is ever complete without my dad embarassing everyone. When we were ordering he said really loudly, "I want the one on TV!". This made everyone in the restaurant turn around and look at him. And then he took out the camera and started clicking away at the inside of the restaurant. Poor people couldn't eat in peace & this is also why I have a picture of the noodles.
Most embarassing moment was when halfway through eating, he caught the waiter's eye and made the thumbs up sign with a noodle hanging out of his mouth....
I wanted to stab him with my chopsticks.
Have a nice day people.
These are my results =D
What Day of the Week are you?
You are a big planner and you always worry about school. Some
advice- losen up a bit and have some fun! You wake up bright and early every day
and you LOVE TO READ.
OMG F5 I HATE MONDAYS. I always feel like crying coz my weekends are over...
What Snack Are You?
You are a very nice person! Sometimes you can get a little emotional, and
you can be a softy. You never want to hurt someone else's feelings, or insult
anybody. It is also hard for you to lie to anyone.
Hobbies: Baking, Playing
Friend: Milk
Messy hair
You don't care about getting your hair messy at all! Try tying up your hair
without using a brush for a cool effect!
You're a protector of nature
Your enemies won't notice you were there until you hit them wind your arrow
or magic. When caught, they won't see you for long we you go invisible or run at
the speed of sound. You are most likely to live in hunts hidden in trees or
caves in foggy lands or even with a group of animals, and you may also work with
a team. You also work hard to conserve nature.
A calming yellow
The color that describes your personality is a sensual yellow, which means
that you're pretty laid-back and happy with your life and the decisions you
make. You're like the sunshine on a rainy day when you're in the presence of
others, and people usually adore your soothing attitude and look up to you for
advice when times are rough. To sum it all up, you're pretty much amazing!
You love to play and you practice very hard. You are always
trying harder than any body. You never quit.
Your Coolness (If that is a word...)
It's your cool edge that makes you
shine. You have a way of knowing what's cool and what's not, then making it work
in amazing ways! Your friends envy your style and way of thinking. Though, not
everyone will see things in the same way as you. Remember to keep your cool in
difficult situations, but with your charm, you'll have no problem solving even
the most difficult delima.
A bold, energetic girl like you must be from Mars! This fiery
planet is
tied to the god of war, which gives you extra courage to go after
what you want
and tackle any challenge that comes your way!
Earth Day
You are Earth Day! You are a new event at my school. You really
care about the environment and stand up for what you believe in.
Oh geez, I feel exhausted.
Today, I woke up late and realised I was gonna miss the train and couldn't meet fiona, julz, tina and cecilia at the station. My dad woke me up at 8:45 INSTEAD OF 7:30 and he said: "Hey, was I supposed to wake you up early today?"
As punishment, he had to drive me to Burwood. He dropped me off at the main entrance where I met Christina and we waited for the others to arrive by train. It was nice to see everyone again, though I did feel kinda dead. Well what would you expect from someone who slept at 1:30 am last night?
We spent most of the time looking at stuff and in cc's case, buying :L She and Julz took around 45 minutes, I repeat, 45 minutes looking for gangsta hats at City Beach. I bought a little kimmidoll keyring :) Afterwards, we walked outside and looked at more shops such as artbox, morning glory, h for home and also random places. I tried looking for presents but wasn't sure if ppl were chipping in or not. *sigh* Time is running out...
We ate lunch at a sushi train place. HAHA actually, only Tina and Christina ate, the rest of us took lots of random photos. The poor dude who was making sushi was probably thinking, "What are these girls doing? Taking photos in a sushi bar... Does my hair look alright in that picture?"
More shopping and then we sat down at the food court and played Truth or Truth. We found out Tina's secret. It was so weird. Like seriously, talk about unexpected o.O But um, good for her I guess.
We took the train back to Yagoona and met tina's mom there. Fiona's pom pom from her beanie hat fell off (HAHA) and she only bought it that day too. While we waited, we went into a bread shop where the dude at the register tried to rip me off >_> Btw, I didn't have to pay as much for my train ticket coz Yagoona station doesn't check it MUHAHAHA.
At Fiona's house, we all went up to her room and looked at the pics on her wall. She is OBSESSED with that Super Junior dude. LOL. Fiona attached her pom pom back onto her beanie with her pro sewing skills and Julz decorated her hat with Winnie the Pooh and Tigger(?) stickers. Like, totally GANGSTA man.
Afterwards, ppl started going home and it was just me and julz left. We tried to prank call Christina. FAIL. Later, a lady rang us back and we thought it was Christina's mother calling to complain :L We also played Stepmania and I sucked so bad. I'm still seeing flashing arrows though.
Julz left and it was just me and Fiona. We found something on youtube called explicit anime porn and were gonna watch 10 seconds of it but my parents came :L Saved, I guess?
Right now, I feel dead internally and externally but it was worth it for all the funny moments.
- Cynthia
HALLELUJAH!! I found out how to adjust the brightness on my scanner. YESSS.
For this picture, I got some help from google for the pose (I suck at human figures and poses). It's not really related to anything, I just felt like drawing wings again.
Hmm, it's getting there but still not how I want it. Everything I draw looks cartoonish, uggh.
I have to admit it is kinda strange but oh wells, its still very nicely drawn isn't it? Did you know, I always visualised Magnus as a fat, old man. Probably coz of his name. MAAG-NUUSS. But here, Magnus seems sexier than Jace and yes, that is possible. (That comment was directed at you Nancy :P)
(Inked Version)
WOAH So many blog updates and I've only not-blogged for 2 days. Ah wells, never fear, I'll read them all in my own time. After all it's always interesting to stalk people, is it not? :L
Okay I've got an embarassing incident to tell. Not many people that read this blog have seen my dad. He's short and bald. & very very embarassing.
I went to Parramatta Westfields yesterday and while we were walking back to the car to go home, we found out that new technology had been installed in the carpark. Along the top of each parking space was a light. It would turn green or red, depending if a car was parked there or not. My dad, being the embarassing/shameless/socially-unaware person that he is, decided to investigate and find the sensor that was controlling these lights.
When he finally spotted it on the ceiling he stood there RIGHT UNDERNEATH IT and gaped with his mouth hanging WIDE OPEN for like TWO MINUTES. You've gotta understand though, that the carpark was kinda empty and you could just see this short man standing in the middle of nowhere looking at the ceiling. Thats not really embarassing is it? WRONG. After two minutes, he decided to go into the car, grab a phonebook, walk back out and place it directly beneath the sensor, just to see if the sensor could detect it.
All the families that walked past were staring, thinking wtf is this man doing? At that point I was beyond caring anymore so I hid in the car and listened to my Ipod. By all means, let him embarass himself, when I turn 18, I'll disown him.
& then there was the vending machine incident. My dad decided to buy a can of coke from there but the machine didn't have the price so he just kept putting little ten cents into it. When it got to $1.50 he pressed the button and the coke came out. If I was him, I would've just taken the coke and walked away but no, he goes,
"Why is it so expensive?" "They rip me off!!".He goes to the cash register lady and asks her the price. Well, she doesn't know so she shouts down 3 registers to this other man who comes over and tells my dad that its $1.50. My dad starts complaining saying that if he went into Coles to buy a can of coke, it would cost cheaper. He repeats himself,
"THEY RIP ME OFF! I want to see the manager!"
Yeh, like that man you're complaining to, really gives a shit about the price of coke.
Moving on, I bought the I <3 Edward T-shirt. It was expensive -.- Did anyone read about the bank robbery in the newspaper? It happened at Parra and when I walked past the jewellery store near Toys R Us I saw FOUR security guards. Two outside, and two inside. How can people shop in peace?
Currently reading: City of Glass- Cassandra Clare
It's good, I'm just waiting for Clary and Jace to end up together <3 Like hurry up will you? And I laughed when Max died. I had a feeling that would happen coz I knew they were going to kill someone anyway...
I'm bored now, I think I'll go play Sims 2 =3
P.S. Only one more week left and I still need to get b'day presents. Othilia made life easier by putting up a wishlist but hannah ><' Suggestions anyone, what are we gonna chip in for?
- The first letter of everyone in my family makes up the word "CASH". Funny right? Considering how dirt poor we are.... (Ah yes, listen up children, this is what we call IRONIC).
- I'm a perfectionist. Everything I do, I have to do right. If not, I'll go crazy.
- I went to the Easter Show yesterday (look at Nancy's blog for more info) and bought a cheese dog. She found a recipe on the net and we're gonna make them in the holidays. Bring on the carbs XD
- I really like dorky computer/fantasy games. HAHA. I think I got that from my cousin who's also into dorky games. Seriously, we can spend the whole day gaming. Me, my sister and cousin stayed up till 12 am one night playing and my sis collasped the next day because of a headache.
- I had swimming lessons for 8 years.
- Pets I've had: A fish named Geoffrey who died of unknown causes. Another fish named No-Name who died of an infestation of worms in his tank. A budgie named Leaf who liked eating wallpaper and thus, pisisng my mum off. He flew away.
- I have a fear of the dark. Not like a phobia kind of fear though, more like a small, unconscious one. Especially after watching scary movies. Wait, doesn't everyone feel that? Oh, okay then.
- I drank champagne yesterday and it tasted horrible. There was a weird buzzing in my head and it left a disgusting aftertaste. Tian's brother, on the other hand, nearly chugged down the whole glass. BLEURGHH!
- A normal 100g Cadbury Easter egg takes one hour of jogging to work off. That is, if you jog at 8 km/h. How many Easter eggs have you eaten so far?
- According to a recent convo with my old cousins (Manly and Roxie), Tian's going to be the first to get a boyfriend :L I quote: "It's always the most unlikely person who gets a boyfriend first." And um.. I'm sorry Nancy but when they asked I said you had a boyfriend =3 (Which is kind of true btw) So if they start asking questions, it was probably because of me. HAHAHA.
It's 12:00pm right now*..., I just finished watching a semi-scary movie and now I can't sleep :(
Wondering what I just watched? Well, it was The Village . Actually, it wasn't all that scary, I liked the plot and the main actress. My sis and I were just sitting on the couch hugging the pillows and we didn't move at all for 2 and a half hours. LOL . Let me explain it a bit (dw, its not really scary):
The story is set in a small village set in the 1800s. The people who live their are enjoying life but none of them venture into the woods because of "the creatures". They don't wear red because it is the "bad colour" and there are a few superstitions. Things start happening, like red crosses appearing on people's doors, screams in the woods and skinned animals left in some places.The main character is a girl named Ivy. She's blind but very brave. Lots of stuff happen, including her falling in love with a guy named Lucius and her sister getting married. Meanwhile, the strange stuff keeps happening and near the end, we find out all this stuff was planned by the "elders" of the village.
Anyway, when Lucius gets stabbed by this semi-crazy dude who loves Ivy as well, her father tells her to venture through the woods and to the "towns" and get medicine. So she embarks on a terrifying journey through the woods, not very easy for a blind person to do. She eventually ends up outside a nature reserve.
And then we find out ....
Basically, their whole village was a made up place situated inside a high security nature reserve. Many of the people living there don't know this but the elders do and they were the ones who had planned, many years ago, to start a village away from all the real troubles of modern life. Many of them had experienced losing loved ones in the city and so had decided to create a village away from the rest of the world.
I know its really weird but somehow I really liked it. Maybe it was the nice love story or maybe it was the interesting plot or maybe it was the "family friendly" horror themes...
Anyways, I should really go to sleep now. I had a LOOONG day that included going to the city (and a funny incident with my grandparents and a fat lady on the train)
-but I'll save that for another post
Goodnight peeps & HAPPY EASTER!
P.S For once I don't feel like blogging about my dream, mainly because it was too weird.
*I don't know how to change the time that appears on my blog post. Can anybody help? :(
To make up for my extremely lame joke yesterday, I'll post another (better) one.
The Little Red Man
Once upon a time, there was a little red man, who lived on a little red
street, in a little red house.
One morning this little red man woke up and looked out of his little red
window at the little red sun. He thought it was a glorious little red morning.
So he jumped out of his little red bed and skipped down his little red hallway
into his little red bathroom. He threw off all his little red clothes and turned
on his little red shower.
While he was splashing around in his little red shower, he heard a bang on
the door. He quickly turned off the little red shower, put on a little red
towel, ran down his little red hallway, opened his little red front door and saw
there was a little red newspaper stuck in his little red rose bush. He bent over
to pull it out. As he bent down his little red towel fell off.
The lady sitting at the bus stop who had been watching the whole thing,
jumped up to scold the little red man and ran across the other side of
the road and was immediately hit by a passing truck.
The moral of the story is:-
Don't cross the road while the little red
man is flashing.
Not that I would be having much of a holiday... I mean, tutoring doesn't stop and I'm gonna be partially studying for half yearlies. Yeh yeh, call me crazy but a nerd's gotta do what a nerd's gotta do. (jokes)
Seriously though:
I'm still waiting for my EPIC FAIL for science, music and history this year -.-'
Soooo, I had cross country today :) It was tiring and I nearly got lost. You know that hilly part? Well I was running behind kevin and his minder/teacher during that part and I heard the teacher say:
"Kevin, we should've just rolled down the hill..."
Then I started cracking up coz I imagined both of them tumbling down like human sized barrels. But that made me start choking coz my throat was sore from running :( BTW, did anyone see Mr. E's extremely disturbing dancing? *shivers* Oh! That reminds me, everyone better watch the dance finale on sunday. Especially YOU (you know who you are).
I got a veeeery busy schedule in the holidays.
- Monday- Easter Show (?)
- GHPS reunion
- People coming over to form a band at my house :L
- Cousin's 21st
- Othilia's B'day?
- Shopping- For presents, new watch, etc.
- Wanna go ice skating..
- & heaps more other stuff that I forgot.
After cross country today, my roll call sat down and listened to the award presentation. Nancy and I were always clapping after everyone else until we realised that 3 english teachers were sitting behind us and staring daggers into our backs. We also played chinese whispers and passed punches down the line. It was fun.
Some of the things that we said were: "Osly got knocked up", "I raped kittens", "It's Mr. Metwally's (?) baby" and "Nancy sucks".
Easter eggs eaten so far: 8
(hey! most of them were the really itsy bitsy little ones)I will now leave you guys with an easter joke I stole from Rollercoaster.
What do you get if you pour boiling hot water in a rabbit hole?
HAHAHA.. hahaha.. ha...
lame T.T
Okay, I'm gonna stop talking about BBF and start talking about real life. BTW, I'm setting a time limit of 15 minutes for me to blog coz I realise that sometimes I get carried away and blog for too long.
I went shopping at Livo yesterday and saw Ms. P (PE teacher) buying easter eggs. I was RIGHT NEXT TO HER when I realised. It scared the bejeebas outta me. So then I quickly walked into the stationary aisle LOL There's just something weird about seeing a teacher at the shops.. I also saw Belinda there and the twins. It's like everyone from CVH goes to Livo on the weekend. Apparently Snez was at TimeZone (I wonder what she was doing there :))
I also went swimming yesterday coz my sister has lessons. I wonder when I started to hate going to the swimming pool. I took swimming lessons for 9 years and quit when everyone in my class became younger than me. It just felt weird yesterday, I don't know why.
Actually.. it didn't help that my parents were wearing embarassing, colourful swimming costumes -.-
I'm still waiting for my real birth parents to show up.
Last night, while listening to my iPod in the dark, the "cellogic" song came up and I just started laughing like a crazy person. So then I turned it off and tried to go to sleep but the cellogic song was stuck in my head :(
A few nights ago, I dreamt that Nancy was dating Miley Cyrus's ex. They were both in a big bitch fight HAHAHA. Last night's dream was even weirder. I was probably thinking of the brochure task that Mr. D gave us so in my dream, I dreamt that we had to catch a red trout and analyse it. The fish kept slipping out of Jessica's hands though :L (butter fingers).
15 minutes is up already! Did I really take that long? Jeez...
LOL Everyone's gonna blog about this so I'll just blog DIFFERENTLY.
Judo was so FUNNNN :L We all got to wear the white/blue uniform thingo but I came late so I had to wear a miniature one. I guess i was lucky though, nancy, tian and jessica didn't get one.
At first I was scared coz all the other people who did it were big guys. We learnt how to break fall (fall by putting your arm out and absorbing the impact). I banged my head once :( It was so funny. Everyone was just falling over. You could hear: BANG BANG BANG, as the old man came around and pushed us over, like dominoes...
Talking about the old man, when he took his shirt off to put on the white uniform we all turned away coz we didnt want to see his flab. I dunno if Nancy looked though :L
Basically, we fell for 1 and a half hours. And when we didn't fall, we had to grab a partner and make THEM fall. HAHAHA at Lyanna who had to be the guinea pig. Phoenix's sis and bro were so cute though. The old man called her bro "shortstuff". He was the only guy there.
Congrats to Jessica who was told that she had natural talent at falling :L In 3 years time, she's going to go to the Olympics and win medals. Overall, it was very fun. We got told that we were a very good group and that we did really well for a bunch of girls. HAHAHA Now I get to tell people that I know judo and I can KICK THEIR ASS.
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