Posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 · 2 Comments
Oh geez, I feel exhausted.
Today, I woke up late and realised I was gonna miss the train and couldn't meet fiona, julz, tina and cecilia at the station. My dad woke me up at 8:45 INSTEAD OF 7:30 and he said: "Hey, was I supposed to wake you up early today?"
As punishment, he had to drive me to Burwood. He dropped me off at the main entrance where I met Christina and we waited for the others to arrive by train. It was nice to see everyone again, though I did feel kinda dead. Well what would you expect from someone who slept at 1:30 am last night?
We spent most of the time looking at stuff and in cc's case, buying :L She and Julz took around 45 minutes, I repeat, 45 minutes looking for gangsta hats at City Beach. I bought a little kimmidoll keyring :) Afterwards, we walked outside and looked at more shops such as artbox, morning glory, h for home and also random places. I tried looking for presents but wasn't sure if ppl were chipping in or not. *sigh* Time is running out...
We ate lunch at a sushi train place. HAHA actually, only Tina and Christina ate, the rest of us took lots of random photos. The poor dude who was making sushi was probably thinking, "What are these girls doing? Taking photos in a sushi bar... Does my hair look alright in that picture?"
More shopping and then we sat down at the food court and played Truth or Truth. We found out Tina's secret. It was so weird. Like seriously, talk about unexpected o.O But um, good for her I guess.
We took the train back to Yagoona and met tina's mom there. Fiona's pom pom from her beanie hat fell off (HAHA) and she only bought it that day too. While we waited, we went into a bread shop where the dude at the register tried to rip me off >_> Btw, I didn't have to pay as much for my train ticket coz Yagoona station doesn't check it MUHAHAHA.
At Fiona's house, we all went up to her room and looked at the pics on her wall. She is OBSESSED with that Super Junior dude. LOL. Fiona attached her pom pom back onto her beanie with her pro sewing skills and Julz decorated her hat with Winnie the Pooh and Tigger(?) stickers. Like, totally GANGSTA man.
Afterwards, ppl started going home and it was just me and julz left. We tried to prank call Christina. FAIL. Later, a lady rang us back and we thought it was Christina's mother calling to complain :L We also played Stepmania and I sucked so bad. I'm still seeing flashing arrows though.
Julz left and it was just me and Fiona. We found something on youtube called explicit anime porn and were gonna watch 10 seconds of it but my parents came :L Saved, I guess?
Right now, I feel dead internally and externally but it was worth it for all the funny moments.
- Cynthia
omg i love sushi train!
I watched the video we were watching before. LOL it's hardly porn. Seriously, even gossip girl is more pornographic than the one we were about to watch.
Then again, maybe we just chose a really bad video, we should give watching anime porn another try :D