Posted on Thursday, April 9, 2009 · Leave a Comment
To make up for my extremely lame joke yesterday, I'll post another (better) one.
The Little Red Man
Once upon a time, there was a little red man, who lived on a little red
street, in a little red house.
One morning this little red man woke up and looked out of his little red
window at the little red sun. He thought it was a glorious little red morning.
So he jumped out of his little red bed and skipped down his little red hallway
into his little red bathroom. He threw off all his little red clothes and turned
on his little red shower.
While he was splashing around in his little red shower, he heard a bang on
the door. He quickly turned off the little red shower, put on a little red
towel, ran down his little red hallway, opened his little red front door and saw
there was a little red newspaper stuck in his little red rose bush. He bent over
to pull it out. As he bent down his little red towel fell off.
The lady sitting at the bus stop who had been watching the whole thing,
jumped up to scold the little red man and ran across the other side of
the road and was immediately hit by a passing truck.
The moral of the story is:-
Don't cross the road while the little red
man is flashing.