Posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009 · 4 Comments
WOAH So many blog updates and I've only not-blogged for 2 days. Ah wells, never fear, I'll read them all in my own time. After all it's always interesting to stalk people, is it not? :L
Okay I've got an embarassing incident to tell. Not many people that read this blog have seen my dad. He's short and bald. & very very embarassing.
I went to Parramatta Westfields yesterday and while we were walking back to the car to go home, we found out that new technology had been installed in the carpark. Along the top of each parking space was a light. It would turn green or red, depending if a car was parked there or not. My dad, being the embarassing/shameless/socially-unaware person that he is, decided to investigate and find the sensor that was controlling these lights.
When he finally spotted it on the ceiling he stood there RIGHT UNDERNEATH IT and gaped with his mouth hanging WIDE OPEN for like TWO MINUTES. You've gotta understand though, that the carpark was kinda empty and you could just see this short man standing in the middle of nowhere looking at the ceiling. Thats not really embarassing is it? WRONG. After two minutes, he decided to go into the car, grab a phonebook, walk back out and place it directly beneath the sensor, just to see if the sensor could detect it.
All the families that walked past were staring, thinking wtf is this man doing? At that point I was beyond caring anymore so I hid in the car and listened to my Ipod. By all means, let him embarass himself, when I turn 18, I'll disown him.
& then there was the vending machine incident. My dad decided to buy a can of coke from there but the machine didn't have the price so he just kept putting little ten cents into it. When it got to $1.50 he pressed the button and the coke came out. If I was him, I would've just taken the coke and walked away but no, he goes,
"Why is it so expensive?" "They rip me off!!".He goes to the cash register lady and asks her the price. Well, she doesn't know so she shouts down 3 registers to this other man who comes over and tells my dad that its $1.50. My dad starts complaining saying that if he went into Coles to buy a can of coke, it would cost cheaper. He repeats himself,
"THEY RIP ME OFF! I want to see the manager!"
Yeh, like that man you're complaining to, really gives a shit about the price of coke.
Moving on, I bought the I <3 Edward T-shirt. It was expensive -.- Did anyone read about the bank robbery in the newspaper? It happened at Parra and when I walked past the jewellery store near Toys R Us I saw FOUR security guards. Two outside, and two inside. How can people shop in peace?
Currently reading: City of Glass- Cassandra Clare
It's good, I'm just waiting for Clary and Jace to end up together <3 Like hurry up will you? And I laughed when Max died. I had a feeling that would happen coz I knew they were going to kill someone anyway...
I'm bored now, I think I'll go play Sims 2 =3
P.S. Only one more week left and I still need to get b'day presents. Othilia made life easier by putting up a wishlist but hannah ><' Suggestions anyone, what are we gonna chip in for?
*sighs* pour pigeon :L
hahaha dw isnt everyones parents embarassing?
haha.LOL!wear the i love edward t-shirt when i plan to go to the moovies!
Woah. that's so.. weird. Isn't there like a 1000000000 year age difference?