Hey guys, you know that post down there - the one beneath this one? That was my 666th post.
I'm not a very superstitious person but seeing as trials are coming up and I don't want to jinx myself, I felt like I had to do something. So here is post number 667. It makes me antsy to see the words "666 posts" everytime I log onto blogger.
Okay, that is all. Y'all may go back to your studying.
No seriously, stop procrastinating.
I mean it!
Don't say I didn't warn you.
britain, david tennant, doctor who, harry potter, london, matt smith, olympics
The Doctor and the Torch
- A Harry Potter Float - consisting of four giant floats to represent each of the houses. Then Daniel, Emma and Rupert will come out on plastic brooms suspended above the stadium (safely harnessed of course). For added effect, they may even attempt to project a Dark Mark onto one of the screens.
- A Doctor Who Parade - complete with Daleks, Weeping Angels and Oods. OMG, they should also wheel in a TARDIS and set it in the middle of the stadium. And guess who steps out of the TARDIS?
- The Queen of England! Now wouldn't that be dramatic? I can already picture it happening. Fog machines will turn on and the lights will be dimmed. It will be a glorious moment.
- Susan Boyle. They should get her to sing "I Dreamed a Dream" but if that's not possible, she could always do the National Anthem.
- Charlieissocoollike. I'm not sure what he could do but it would be nice if YouTube had a representative. Perhaps he would be willing to paint himself purple again.
- A performance from The Spice Girls. They could put them on one of those stages that seem to rise out of the centre of the stadium. I'm sorry but I can't really think of any other British bands at the moment. Oh right, One Direction! They could pair each of them up since each band has 5 members each. Maybe we would get a One Thing/ Wannabe mashup?
- A Shakespeare performance. Oh come on, it wouldn't be an opening ceremony if you didn't feel like falling asleep at least once.
- Performances from Ed Sheeran and Adele. Whooooo!!!! British music represent!!!
And that's about all I can think of.... if anyone knows how they might manage to work in Jamie Oliver, William and Kate, please tell me. I have a good feeling about my predictions, guys. Let's see how many I get right.
Original source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoShxAK1uXM&feature=relmfu
So I was watching random Voice videos on YouTube and somehow managed to stumble upon this one. It's pretty good. Y'all should watch it - if only for that exquisitely cute moment at around 2:13... or maybe you just want some good ol' Danny from The Script. Admit it. You do. It's okay - I won't judge. He is quite fit, isn't he?
Don't mind me - just make sure to step around my body as you walk past. I'm just gonna lie here and wallow a little... You're welcome to join me if you want. We could have a bit of a cry over school tomorrow - and bemoan the fact that the majority of us don't live in San Diego, California, United States of America.
Huh. So they are making a movie.
I don't really remember much from The Mortal Instruments trilogy besides the fact that there was this hot guy called Jace who liked to walk around shirtless, showing off his epic tattoos - kind of like Jacob from Twilight I guess. (Nancy had a thing for this hot guy, if I remember correctly.) There was also a girl - Clary? She had powers (duh) and she and the hot guy I mentioned before had unresolved issues. Issues that had something to do with falling in love and then realizing that they may, or may not have inadvertently committed INCEST. Wait am I talking about the right book? This sounds awfully like Cersei and Jaime in Game of Thrones. Anyway, they're making a movie with:
Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace. And because I can't resist, I have to post this picture as well:
Isn't he beautiful, Nancy?
Lily Collins as Clary.
Jemima West as Isabella,
and it is rumoured that some guy called Shannon Kook may be cast as Magnus Bane.
I can barely remember anything from the books (read them about 6 years ago) so all this casting news isn't doing much for me. But hey, I always find book to movie adaptations quite interesting to follow. I guess I just like to see how they manage to transform words on a page into an actual film with real people and stuff. At this point, I'm not going to judge or offer an opinion on anything. I don't think they even have a trailer yet so there's not point saying stuff like, "THIS MOVIE'S GONNA SUCK SHIT," which I think a lot of people already started thinking when they cast JCB into the role of Jace in place of the much beloved Alex Pettyfer.
To sum up, I have a gif. It's not that great but at least it expresses my respect for the show producers/writers/actors/etc/etc.
Good luck trying to win Sansa back now, bitch.
I love my major work about as much as I love Chinese mushrooms, racist people, the flu, bananas and that stupid game where they make you draw a given shape with only one line (and without lifting your pen).
I don't even know how to fix it lol. Cause fixing it entails rewriting the whole thing. Le sigh.
Original source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7L2PVdrb_8
It's not really a song.... more like a THEME song. But who cares about the song? No one's gonna notice the song - not with an opening as awesome as this.
As I watch this, I wonder, for the 7th billion time, how much money they actually had in their budget. Srsly. Season 1 was like one big, giant, 10-hour movie.
So anyways, here are some thoughts I have on the first episode. All in all it was an epic starter. Everything was so beautiful - like Skyrim turned into real life. I read on wiki that they filmed on location in Ireland and Morroco so I guess that explains it. I'm also wondering how much it costs to film a single episode. Probably a bijillion dollars or something like that. ANYWAY, here are my thoughts (in no particular order)
- I don't care about nudity. Doesn't mean the boob/bum shots aren't distracting. Just sayin'.
- Daenerys' brother is a BUMHOLE. I want to snap his scrawny little spine in half.
- The little boy from the Stark house was cute - I hope he doesn't die.
- Why does that buff, man-warrior guy wear so much make-up?
- Speaking of the buff, man-warrior guy I refuse to believe that this guy:
- Why is everything so prett - oh wait, I said that already.
- BOROMIR!!!! WHOOOO. I can't take him seriously when he's not trying to steal the ring from Frodo.
- That opening was like, THE BEST OPENING EVERRRRRR.
- That boy prince (I have no idea what his name is - seriously, have you seen the size of the cast?) looks like Draco Malfoy. He also looks kind of sinister. I think he's evil.
- Actually, I think everyone's evil - except for the little boy who nearly dies (or does die)
- Should I have read the books first before I watched the series?
- Daenerys has a dragon inside her which she's afraid of releasing. When she does release it, it will go on a scary rampage killing everything and anything. (You've always got to watch out for the innocent-looking ones.)
- Someone will have sex in episode 2 - pfffff, duh.
- The little boy will die... for DRAMATIC IMPACT.
- The show will end in democracy
- At least 12 people will die from White Walkers attacks - one of them a significant character
- Daenery's brother will get chucked off a cliff (hopefully)
- There will be mermaids. Okay, probably not. But there will be dragons.
- Daenerys will learn to love buff, man-warrior guy. But it will be a doomed love because he will probably die.
- I'm out of ideas already.....
If you're wondering what's with all the photos, it's because I recently found a folder on my dad's laptop with a whole bunch of old shots. There are some really embarassing ones in there but I think I'll refrain from posting them.
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