Cynthia Watches Game of Thrones: Episode One

I have a lot of questions after watching the first episode of Game of Thrones. Mainly:


Is it something in the water? Is it something in the air? Is like, beheading people an aphrodisiac? I don't know.... but it definitely doesn't stop all the characters from going at it like dogs.

So I finally caved and watched Game of Thrones. I am a sucky person - I have zero willpower. You hear that? That's my HSC going down the drain. Okay, not really. But I figured: Season 1 has 10 episodes. If I watch an episode a day, I should be finished by the end of the holidays. That's good, cause I can put it all out of my mind by the time school starts. Logic!

So anyways, here are some thoughts I have on the first episode. All in all it was an epic starter. Everything was so beautiful - like Skyrim turned into real life. I read on wiki that they filmed on location in Ireland and Morroco so I guess that explains it. I'm also wondering how much it costs to film a single episode. Probably a bijillion dollars or something like that. ANYWAY, here are my thoughts (in no particular order)

  • I don't care about nudity. Doesn't mean the boob/bum shots aren't distracting. Just sayin'.
  • Daenerys' brother is a BUMHOLE. I want to snap his scrawny little spine in half.
  • The little boy from the Stark house was cute - I hope he doesn't die.
  • Why does that buff, man-warrior guy wear so much make-up?
  • Speaking of the buff, man-warrior guy I refuse to believe that this guy:

is the same as this guy:

  • Why is everything so prett - oh wait, I said that already.
  • BOROMIR!!!! WHOOOO. I can't take him seriously when he's not trying to steal the ring from Frodo.
  • That opening was like, THE BEST OPENING EVERRRRRR.
  • That boy prince (I have no idea what his name is - seriously, have you seen the size of the cast?) looks like Draco Malfoy. He also looks kind of sinister. I think he's evil.
  • Actually, I think everyone's evil - except for the little boy who nearly dies (or does die)
  • Should I have read the books first before I watched the series?

Now that you've seen my thoughts for Game of Thrones, I am going to make some utterly inaccurate predictions about the series, based on what I already know so far (aka nothing).
  • Daenerys has a dragon inside her which she's afraid of releasing. When she does release it, it will go on a scary rampage killing everything and anything. (You've always got to watch out for the innocent-looking ones.)
  •  Someone will have sex in episode 2 - pfffff, duh.
  • The little boy will die... for DRAMATIC IMPACT.
  • The show will end in democracy
  • At least 12 people will die from White Walkers attacks - one of them a significant character
  • Daenery's brother will get chucked off a cliff (hopefully)
  • There will be mermaids. Okay, probably not. But there will be dragons.
  • Daenerys will learn to love buff, man-warrior guy. But it will be a doomed love because he will probably die.
  • I'm out of ideas already.....
I hope no-one confirms or denies these predictions. Just so you guys know, I am extremely spoiler-phobic. So no spoilers please! And I'll try to do the same for those who haven't watched it yet. 

3 Responses to “Cynthia Watches Game of Thrones: Episode One”
  1. Cecilia says:

    PROUD. OF. YOU. Though I agree, getting hooked to this show is a bad decision. I really didn't get into it until around episode 3- after that, you just HAVE TO WATCH WITHOUT STOPPING. I may or may not have watched it till 4am on consecutive days. THATS HOW AWESOME IT IS.

    And about the sex/nudity thing...sounds weird, but trust me, you get use to it. Look out for ep 7 as well- that one's particularly raunchy. PROUD OF YOU!

  2. Cecilia says:

    And also, whatever you do, don't spoil it for yourself. GOT is one of those shoes where a tonne of shit happens, and spoiling it just wrecks the whole season. DON'T WIKI IT. WHEN YOUR FRIENDS TALK ABOUT IT COVER YOUR EARS.

  3. Cynthia says:

    Thanks for the warning! Unfortunately, I already spoilt something for myself when I google-imaged Game of Thrones. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I swear, the internet hates me. And about the raunchiness - it was kind of expected, considering I've seen some parts of True Blood. LOL HBO really do love their sex and violence, don't they??

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