Posted on Thursday, July 12, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Huh. So they are making a movie.
I don't really remember much from The Mortal Instruments trilogy besides the fact that there was this hot guy called Jace who liked to walk around shirtless, showing off his epic tattoos - kind of like Jacob from Twilight I guess. (Nancy had a thing for this hot guy, if I remember correctly.) There was also a girl - Clary? She had powers (duh) and she and the hot guy I mentioned before had unresolved issues. Issues that had something to do with falling in love and then realizing that they may, or may not have inadvertently committed INCEST. Wait am I talking about the right book? This sounds awfully like Cersei and Jaime in Game of Thrones. Anyway, they're making a movie with:
Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace. And because I can't resist, I have to post this picture as well:
Isn't he beautiful, Nancy?
Lily Collins as Clary.
Jemima West as Isabella,
and it is rumoured that some guy called Shannon Kook may be cast as Magnus Bane.
I can barely remember anything from the books (read them about 6 years ago) so all this casting news isn't doing much for me. But hey, I always find book to movie adaptations quite interesting to follow. I guess I just like to see how they manage to transform words on a page into an actual film with real people and stuff. At this point, I'm not going to judge or offer an opinion on anything. I don't think they even have a trailer yet so there's not point saying stuff like, "THIS MOVIE'S GONNA SUCK SHIT," which I think a lot of people already started thinking when they cast JCB into the role of Jace in place of the much beloved Alex Pettyfer.