Posted on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 · Leave a Comment
So after working 4 hours on The-Project-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, I wanted to do something fun. But for me fun = computer games. And computer games = addiction = failed HSC. I'd deliberately not asked for any TV shows before school ended either cause I wanted to be a good girl and focus on my studies. Pffffffffff. Anyway, that left one other thing I could do.... draw fairies!!
She's not exactly a fairy... more like a cross between angel and demon. Close enough. I was going for seelie half versus unseelie half anyway. Oh, and uh, she wasn't supposed to look so Asian; I just kind of suck at drawing faces. No matter! Cultural diversity is always good, even if it is unintentional.
BTW, my shading does not usually look that good. Instagram just makes everything look fifty times better. Instead of one shade of grey, there are fifty shades of grey. (ESHAYS!! SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?!) Don't read Fifty Shades of Grey by the way - unless you're into BDSM - at which point I still wouldn't recommend it because the writing is shit.
I don't know about you guys but when I'm sick, I get absolutely no pity from my parents. Instead, my mum goes on this crazy rant screaming, "I TOLD YOU SO! YOU SHOULD'VE WORN MORE LAYERS, EXERCISED MORE, ETC. ETC." Unfortunately, today I woke up with a blocked nose and stuffed up throat which meant I had to spend the whole day avoiding my mum. I had to stick to one syllable answers like "yes" and "no" when she asked me questions and everytime I wanted to blow my nose, I had to do it upstairs with the doors closed. So far, she hasn't noticed. I think I should be fine though, as long as she doesn't ask me anything that requires a sentence-long response. Le sigh. I am such an oppressed child.