It's been old news for a while - Robert Pattinson is NOT playing the role of Finnick Odair - but I thought I should just post this here. recently posted an article of R-Patz denying the rumours. I thought it was funny how he phrased the rejection:
“I woke up this morning and saw all these things about me being cast in The Hunger Games,” Pattinson tells USA TODAY. “I was kind of curious for a second. So I called my agent.”"No one's going to offer you that part." LOLOLOL. Ouch. I think that was supposed to be an insult.
The response?
“My agent was like, ‘No,’ ” Pattinson reports.
“(My agent) was like no one’s going to offer you that part,” Pattinson says, breaking into a laugh. “I was like, thanks for the reassurance.”
It's been a long time since I've felt so sick. I don't even know what "sickness" this is. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, I feel hot and cold simultaneously and my back aches. I feel like an old man.... an old man who's nearly been run over by a car.
Being sick makes me feel unproductive as well. I spent my double free period lying across three chairs in the library impersonating a hobo at Hyde Park. Now I know why people love sleeping in free periods so much. And when I felt cold, I migrated to the heater. Of course, afterwards I felt really guilty because I realised I now had a ton of untouched maths homework.
Then came recess and I went around asking for drugs from people. Okay, not drugs but Panadol. Unfortunately, nobody had Panadol so Juliana and I went to first aid where I asked my auntie if she had anything. She couldn't give me anything though without ringing my mum so I was like, "Nahhh". So much effort just to stop feeling so nauseous.
After recess, I had to give my Wuthering Heights speech which was worth 40%. It wasn't too bad. Mostly I just forgot how sick I was....until I finished the speech and then spent the rest of the double trying not to run outside and throw up in the bin. It was torture. I wanted to get up and lie horizontally on the table just to stop the aching in my back LOL. Poor Ms A - she had to sit through three similar speeches on Wuthering Heights, one of her students had just dropped and another one now wanted to impersonate a sacrificial lamb.
Afterwards I walked home with Tian. Again I mostly kept silent and tried not to puke. When I'm sick, I'm much more quiet than usual. And it gets tiring explaining to people how crap you feel so mostly I just stay silent. Unfortunately that also means coming across much more antisocial than usual. Sorry guys - I wasn't trying to be a bitch, I just felt too crap to talk.
At home, I dragged my pillow and blankets downstairs and passed out on the couch. I woke up three hours later feeling better but also immensely guilty. Those three hours could have been spent doing my extension 2 project. Le sigh. This is why I hate taking naps on a school day; I always end up feeling so guilty. Gahhh! I hate being sick.
My love for Eurovision knows no bounds. Even as I write this, I'm being entertained watching an over-enthusiastic, middle-aged, Serbian guy belt his lungs out on stage. But as much as I love Eurovision, I really do wish Australia would stop showing the finals on Sunday night. I have tutor on Sunday nights! Why do they have to make my life so hard??
Who would've thought? There is actually one thing in this world that I hate more than my EX2 project.
Meet my new best enemy: "Ode on a Grecian Urn", AKA the most unbelievably, frustrating poem ever written in the English language. I have three words to say about this poem:
W. T. F.
oh, and also a few others:
G.T.F.O. of my life you S.O.B.
Almost forgot to give a shout-out to Annie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!! You are one of the nicest, smartest people I know and you deserve all the good things that come your way. Free periods and maths last year wouldn't have been as fun without you in them :D I hope you had a great day!
<3 Cynthia
P.P.S. Sorry for the delayed birthday greeting this morning LOL. I had to make sure it was your birthday (didn't want to look like an idiot for saying happy birthday to the wrong person).
"Her pupils dilated, pulsing in and out like small, ferocious olives."
He spoke about his memories at Canley Vale High School - how in his seniors years, he wanted to be a Doctor so he did chemistry and physics until one day, the science head teacher came into the classroom and told the class that half of them would fail the exam. So then he thought, "Well, I might as well do Ancient and Modern History since I'm interested in those subjects and they aren't that hard to get marks in." After he changed subjects, the science head came to find him and said, "You didn't actually have to drop science... I was talking to the OTHER half of the class when I said that - not you." It was so funny. He also said that Mr G was his history teacher - and he ended up coming 4th in the state for modern or something. He said just because he isn't a Doctor doesn't mean he isn't helping people - he's just going about it in a different way.
It was a very inspiring talk... and really brought home the point that regardless of what school you attend, you can still succeed in life. I was inspired to do law for about half the day. And then I remembered what type of ATAR you needed to do that and my hopes deflated just as suddenly. It's probably just as well. I would make a shitty lawyer. I mean, I can't even tell people off for pushing in canteen line - not even when they're in the year below me.
Lastly, I just wanted to say that my group collected $268 for the Salvos thingy - not bad, considering we didn't even finish the whole course. Funny story actually: there was this one house that looked like a total train wreck - ciggies in the front yard and plants growing all over the place. Even worse, they had a crazy-as dog that kept trying to meld through the flyscreen and bite my face. At first, I thought, "Hell no am I asking them" but then I figured that I shouldn't judge by appearances. I rang the bell and the people in that house ended up donating 25 bucks. Noiiice....
At first it was like.............................................................................
But then we all came on and we stomped and clapped and acted all agro-like and someone landed on my foot but it was okay because they finally smiled AND IT WAS BLOODY AWESOME AND I AM SO PROUD. LOLS.
And now you're probably wondering what the fuck I'm talking about. That's okay, half the time I don't even know what I'm talking about.
On to a change of topic: just the other day, my dad said to me and my sister,
"Your mum... she's very beautiful... but not very smart. That's why I married her - because if she was beautiful AND smart, everyone else would want her."
And he said that right in front of her too. Haha. Smooth Dad, smooth...
Your typical teenage post about typical teenage problems. Don't be expecting anything mature and intellectual (as if I ever write intellectual posts anyway).
I want:
To curl up in bed and just sleep past 7:20 every day. I want to stay cooped up at home reading trashy historical romances for 3 hours straight (have just graduated from paranormal romances. My reading preferences reflect the circumstances of my life - they're insubstantial and all over the place). I want The Great Gatsby to self immolate and poof up out of my life. I wish Daisy Buchanan would get run over by a car. I want to watch The Voice tonight. But I can't... cause there's these thing called the HSC which I am a little bit worried about. I want to replace all my english homework with maths homework. I want to stop feeling so unmotivated. I want the weather to warm up. I want to stop freezing my ass off in maths class. I want to stop blogging now because it's cutting into my "study" time.
I forgot how funny "About a Boy" is. I laughed so many times last night, watching it on TV. I loved the part where the kid chucked the bread at the duck and acidentally killed it. I loved the part where he gets stuck in a room with that lady's creepy son who then starts having a meltdown. I loved the part where Hugh Grant goes to the SPAT meeting and tries to pick up single mums. And I loved the part where Hugh Grant goes on stage to sing "Killing Me Softly" with the boy. He was literally "killing the audience with his song". LOL.
Man, I so want to live in London. Why couldn't my parents have fled to England instead?? WHY??
No seriously, look at them. LOOK AT THEM DAMMIT. Benji and Joel Madden said that they called them the Twilight pair behind their backs. I can see why.
The voice is so entertaining guys. It's not half as sucky as I thought an Australian adaptation would've been.
And Keith Urban is like, the man. I finally see why Nicole Kidman married him. He's such a nice person! You never would've thought, judging from his rough-cut appearance and the whole drugs thing.
Hey look, it's Troy and Gabriella! Okay, I'll stop now. But you should watch this one too. It was my favourite one of that episode.
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