Introvert, Extrovert, Doesn't Matter

Y'all should watch Charlieissocoollike's new video before reading this. He explains it much better than I ever could:

So after watching this, I (and about 854,209 other people out there) firmly believe that if Charlie and I were ever to meet, we would become the bestest of friends. Like seriously; the awkward moment when Charlie makes a video about himself but actually talks about you...

Haha okay, I'll try to stop sounding so presumptuous now. But there were some moments in there where I thought, HELL YES, WHY IS HE DESCRIBING MY PERSONALITY???

So yes, I always knew I was kind of introverted - but I  never knew how much of an introvert I actually was (until I watched that video). I don't think being an introvert necessarily makes you a "shy" person and Charlie is right when he says that people falsely assume that just because you're quiet, you must be 1) rude 2) unable to have fun or 3) socially awkward. That's not true. An introverted person is someone who tends to... think more before they say something? As in, we won't say much unless we know that it contributes something meaningful to the conversation (as opposed to saying every single thing that points into our head and having an outwardly natural enthusiasm). That's why sometimes in large groups, I prefer to listen rather than talk. Unfortunately, it also means that after a while you kind of.... blend into the background? As in people forget that you're there or they think that you don't want to talk to them. I don't know. Either way, it's not much fun when you're the only introvert in a large group of extroverts.  

Oh, and when I'm talking about being an introvert around people, just keep in mind that that doesn't extend to all social situations. Obviously, everyone acts differently around friends than they do around strangers. In my group of friends, I tend to be rather extroverted at times (especially when Tian and I are left to our own devices lol).

For me personally, I don't mind spending time alone. It's not like I'm a hermit and I'll shun everyone's company - rather I like having the time to think and just... do stuff, without feeling the pressure of having to say something to fill up space. Plus, if I did do just that - say something to fill up space - most likely it would end up sounding really fake and unnecessary. And that's not the point of talking is it? You talk because you think you have something relevant to say.

There are probably many extroverts out there who are scratching their heads now and thinking I make no sense. That's okay. In the end, it doesn't really matter whether your introverted, extroverted or a little bit of both; just as long as you're comfortable with who you.

Oh, and just to poke fun at introverts:

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