doesn't really have anything terribly witty or thought-provoking to say. Instead, she'll just leave you to your own devices whilst she tries to stop referring to herself in third-person.
Edit: Okay, maybe you actually do want to know a little more about me so I'll include this extra section down here for anyone who's curious.
Species: Human
Gender: Undetermined (jokes, I'm female)
Age: My mum told me not to disclose my age to the internet. I listen to my mum.... occasionally.
D.O.B: -see above-
Location: Sydney, Australia; that country with the kangaroos and koalas and stuff.
Occupation: Fly swatter
Partner: Married to Lee Min Ho but is also having a secret affair with Jericho Barrons from the Fever Series
Hobbies: Reading, watching tv shows and dramas, gif-spamming this blog, wasting hours on youtube, playing/listening to music, doing puzzles, watching movies, non-strenuous exercise and blogging, obviously.