About Me


doesn't really have anything terribly witty or thought-provoking to say. Instead, she'll just leave you to your own devices whilst she tries to stop referring to herself in third-person.

Edit: Okay, maybe you actually do want to know a little more about me so I'll include this extra section down here for anyone who's curious.

Species: Human

Gender: Undetermined (jokes, I'm female)

Age: My mum told me not to disclose my age to the internet. I listen to my mum.... occasionally.

D.O.B: -see above-

Location: Sydney, Australia; that country with the kangaroos and koalas and stuff.

Occupation: Fly swatter

Partner: Married to Lee Min Ho but is also having a secret affair with Jericho Barrons from the Fever Series

Hobbies: Reading, watching tv shows and dramas, gif-spamming this blog, wasting hours on youtube, playing/listening to music, doing puzzles, watching movies, non-strenuous exercise and blogging, obviously.


america animals art artwork Bad day bbf birthday blog blogging books city city hunter conversations cover craft dance dancing doctor who drama dramas drawings dreams embarassing english enlightening conversations eurovision EX2 exam reaction exams facts fail fairies fanart food friends funny game of thrones games gifs graphs haircut harry potter holidays hsc hunger games korean kpop lee min ho life lists maths memories movies music new moon once upon a time parents phantom of the opera photos piano plans playlist poetry procrastination quiz quotes ramblings random rant scary school school work shinee shopping sick sims singing song of the week songs study studying table tennis taemin tarot cards templates the fever series The Hunger Games The story the voice tour true blood tv shows twilight video violin weekends you're beautiful youtube
