Okay this is a sketch of the mockingjay pin on the cover of the Hunger Games. This is just a warm up - I want to try to sketch the characters next. Thing is though, I can't really draw people/characters -.-' I wish i was one of those people who can visualise something in their heads and then easily transfer it to paper.
I have decided to decorate my room :D
My wall's been looking kinda blank and lonely for the past year and I've been meaning to do something about it. Be prepared for an onslaught of random art and craft tidbits cause Cynthia is atually feeling motivated!!
Okay, first up is the Paper Finnish Star. I made it out of those colourful paper strips that you use for miniature stars cause I was feeling too lazy to cut strips out of paper (there's only a limit to how far my motivation can stretch). This is gonna go on my wall, right next to that sexy picture of Grimmjow that Hannah gave me a while ago :)
It's actually quite easy to make and the end result is quite pretty. I mean seriously, even I could make it, and we all know how artistically challenged I am.
To anyone interested in learning how to make it, the site is www.craftideas.info/html/finnish_star.html
With subject selections coming up and all the tests in Week 4, I think we all need something to take our minds of things, no?
"Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow." - Swedish Proverb
When my piano teacher's not blowing my ear off with her lectures, she's remarking on my shoe size. Take today for example:
Her: Cynthia, what shoe size are you?
Me: Err.. 4 and a half or five. Depends on the shoe...
Her: Really? But, they're huge!
Me: ...
Chehh, if she thinks my feet are huge, how would she react to Nancys'?
Anyway, I was feeling too confused to be offended.
By the way, does anyone else ever wake up feeling depressed? I did today. But that's just cause I had the most awesomest dream. And because of that, I spent most of the day moping at school with Othilia telling me I was weird for prefering my dreams to real life. Seriously? Othilia's telling me I'M weird? Puh-leeeease.
This is a mock trailer of the Hunger Games movie. It is not the real trailer, just a fan made one. That doesn't take away any of the awesomeness of it though :D
I DID NOT make this video - I shall make that very clear. No copyright infringement was intended. The honours go to TheHungryJabberJay, who made and uploaded the video on youtube.
OMGOMGOMG THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN!! Get ready for more Hunger Games hype in my upcoming posts. You've been warned. (more about this down the bottom)
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein.
Huh. Go figure.
Y'know sometimes its best to just nod and pretend you understand when really you have no clue. I've realized that I do that a lot these days. Just nod and walk away...
Also, I've realised that the reason I zone out in class is simply because it takes too much energy to look like I'm paying attention.
Today my maths book fell apart on me. A huge chunk of it just broke away so I ended up with like two parts of a maths book during class. Is this a sign? Should I not do Extension maths next year? Psssh nah, I've wasted too much blood, sweat and tears on maths and maths tutoring to just chuck it away. So many hours of my high school life have been dedicated to doing maths. I might as well spend another two years slaving away at it.
Sometimes I wish I had an interest in mathematics, science and economics - subjects that can get you mullah. Oh well, it's not like I need much. As I mentioned before in my LIFE PLAN, I'm just gonna freeload off Tian and Nancy. In exchange for housing and food, I will scrub their toilets for them. Yep; aim high people.
I really like learning about Anne Frank. It's interesting, compared to erm *cough*thegathering*cough*. You know, I think I might be developing a crush on a guy that died in 1945 =3 Peterrrr... LOL. I'M JOKING. I'm eccentric, not crazy.
Speaking of Peters,
More specifically in:
LOL I just wanted to repost this.
IAMSOFUCKINGEXCITED. It's like the twilight series all over again, huh. Not many people know the Hunger Games but its gonna be like one of those super phenomenal worldwide explosions (like Twilight) where its gonna become famous overnight. Just you wait and see.
Oh and I want one of these:
Isn't that awesome?
Last of all, to the people who give a shit, here is a site I just discovered that has cool Hunger Games updates: http://www.mockingjay.net/
It's got book updates, movie updates and even some casting news on who's gonna play who in the movie.
My sister touched someone.
HAHAHA that sounds wrong doesn't it? Sorry what I meant to say was that she touched someone half famous. She touched the woman who played Elphaba in Wicked. Apparently two cast members from Wicked visited her school this week; Ephaba (Jemma Rix) and I think Fiyero. They handed out discount vouchers and Jemma Rix sang :O And when she walked past, my sister touched her LOL.
*sigh* so lucky. Wait till I tell Tian, I wanna see her spontaneously combust from envy.
Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond our grasp,
but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. - Nathaniel
I am in pain. I have been in pain for the whole day. My arms are so weak that just squeezing the top of the shampoo bottle brought tears to my eyes. That's how sore I am.
Anyway, after some debate with myself, I decided to upload a cover of me singing Little House by Amanda Seyfried. Yeh, I convinced myself when I realised that no one reads this blog anyway :) Anyone who knows me knows that I have the most massive stage fright ever but hey, this isn't a stage and you're not gonna see my face. Yay :D
Please excuse the shitass guitar playing. This is what comes from learning guitar off youtube/chord sites TT'. Maybe I should ask my sister if she could play it instead... Oh and the pause in the middle comes from scrolling down the screen for chords LOL.
Dedicated to BANJOS2ECT ... again (hence the ring XD)
I love this song. My sister and I watched Dear John last night. It was so boring... seriously. But Amanda Seyfried has THE BEST VOICE EVER. So go check out her video on youtube.
P.S. OMG CK the gaybo just came back from the shops with my dad and she bought... A GUITAR. Seriously, why does she need another one? If she gives up like she did with the oboe I'm gonna WHOOP HER ASS.
Oh oh, nearly forgot. Tian and I laughed our asses off over this. It's a New Moon parody thingo, click it, you know you want to:
I <3 the Sims :)
I need something happy to watch now. Urrgh... Singin' in the Rain, anybody?
P.S. I am in love. His name is Andy and you can see him in Toy Story 3 (L)
Heh, I was feeling extremely bored so I decided to do the tarot card test again. Last year, the tarot card post was like, my 4th post ever and my result was, "The Moon". This time its:
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Feminine my ass. I want my Moon back ><' It was so much more interesting.
Today in maths class, I had an epiphany. All these years, I've been ruling a line down my maths book at the 8cm mark. Today, I realised that the halfway mark is actually at 8.5cm :O It all became clear to me then, no wonder it always seemed like one half was bigger than the other! All these years, my maths book has been totally inaccurate. Talk about a breakthrough in the science of maths-book-ruling.
As you can see, my life is very interesting.
But anyway, I only realised this because maths lessons at school are when I tend to space out (juliana, if you're reading this, I can see you rolling your eyes). I think Mr N told my parents at parent-teacher night that I seem "really bored in class" or something like that. Huh, I dunno, maybe its because erm, YOUR VOICE PUTS ME TO SLEEP. Then again, he also started talking about Einstein and Newton to my parents, and asking random students if they had money, so I think its safe to say he wasn't actually making any sense that night. Whatever, point is, no-one gets to call me spaced out but myself.
In music today, Othilia and I started having this argument about who was the more insane one. I swear to you, I am perfectly sane. I may have some neurotic moments (runs in the family, I mean look at Tian), but I am not insane. Othilia on the other hand is not normal. LOL. Yeh, and that's why we started this You-Are-More-Insane-Than-Me argument. Bonnie just sat there and ate Ms H's lollies. Oh by the way, did I forget to mention, us three OWNED THAT QUIZ. All because Bonnie knew her terminology and I knew my key signatures. Heh, no one else knew that B flat minor had 5 flats or that D flat minor had seven flats and one double flat. I guess my piano teacher yelling at me every lesson does have its uses (you know, besides permantly damaging the hearing in my right ear).
Lunch was pretty epic as well. Half the class sought out Mr W at lunch and demanded an extension for the history assignment. He said, "Only if you manage to get a petition with every single person in this class's signature." So that started the biggest collaboration in the history of ... collaborations. There were people running everywhere, trying to round up all the people from 10HE. There were groups who ran all the way to D block to get people to sign the paper. We managed to get EVERY SINGLE SIGNATURE, except for Snez and Anita who were somewhere, but we forged those (LOL). Good enough, considering the size of the school. Anyway the petition was delivered but nooo, Mr W said, "I want proof that the people actually signed this, get everyone in the class to come stand in front of me."
So we did.
It took more running around but we managed to get everyone (all 30 of us) just as the end of lunch bell rang. So he finally relented and gave us our history assignment extension. AWESOME MUCH? Snez and I even made up a warcry:
I don't know but I've been told!
(I don't know but I've been told!)
Give us a history extension or your mighty old!
HISTORY! (extension!)
HISTORY! (extension!)
LOL, who says we're the non-creative grade?Puh-lease.
Anyways, I will now leave you guys with a riddle. People from High Achievers already know the answer so don't spoil it :D
Two American soldiers meet on a bridge. One is the father of the other one's
son. What is there relationship?
P.S. Can someone please tell me whether Merlin is a cultural influence in Australia? It's a British TV show and its based on the Arthurian legends that originate from Britain. Does that make it a cultural influence?
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