Cramming before the night of the English Half Yearly = NOT GOOD!! I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears.
2. Justin Bieber has the most awesomest scream. It sounds like, "AAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAEHHHHHHHHHHH"
3. Nancy's chinese name is "liu bei xi" which literally translates to "picking your nose". HAHAHAHA, thanks for reminding me Nanc.
4. By reading this post, you have just contributed to 1 of the 5 views I needed to reach 6000. Thank you very much.
5. My desktop is a slideshow desktop and currently, it's showing Central Park. The slideshow consists of all the places that I want to go to one day. It motivates me :D
6. A rapist from Carramar was recently caught and charged. I know who you are >_>
7. People with schizophrenia can sometimes feel invisible fingers touching their neck.
8. My Daily Desktop Calender Quote (DDCQ) is "Why not learn to enjoy the little things - there are so many of them."
9. My sister's hair smells like custard.
10. ..... I ran out of observations at number 9 but it felt weird just leaving it there. That's why there's a number 10.
Did you know that Koreans have very different attitudes towards cosmetic surgery than Australians?
For example, in Korea, the gift that parents usually give their child before she/he starts high school is eyelid surgery. You know, the one where they fix up your eyes so that you actually have a fold. To them, that's normal.
Isn't that interesting? I saw it on some program on SBS. It's kinda like, "Hey honey, you're too asian. Now go get surgery to fix up those asian eyes."
LOL. But hey, whatever suits their fancy. Like I can understand why they'd do it. (Korean children, I feel your pain.)
Today, I went to the city with my family. Usually, I dont' like going places with them cuz they're so freakin' embarassing but today was alright :)
At Darling Harbour, the Hoopla festival was on, which was was basically a circus kinda thing spread out all over the harbour. There were fire jugglers, clowns, death-defying acts, etc. Some of it was pretty cool and some of it was like... For example, there was an old guy wearing a VERY TIGHT leotard and he was unicycling to "Love is in the Air". Yeh... that made ME feel uncomfortable and I wasn't even the one wearing a VERY TIGHT LEOTARD while unicycling.
I liked the breakdancing on the ladder. That was kinda cool. There were so many people there today though, everyone was taking advantage of the long weekend to go out to the city.
I went shopping for a bit as well. Bought a singlet-tee from valley girl and a stripy hoodie thing from ICE. God, my mum wouldn't stop talking to the shop assistant while I was in the change rooms. They talked about where they were from and my mum wouldn't stop chucking clothes over the door. But I couldn't complain since she was the one buying them.
After that, my aunty brought us to the most awesomest Japanese restaurant ever. It's called Mizuya, is located on George St. and is actually tucked underground so you have to go down some stairs to reach it. I liked it cuz you order on computer screens :D And plus its so pretty. They had glowing cherry blossom trees and lots of little, private tables.
I was so tempted to just press everything on the computer screen... but I resisted.
After that, my sister and I went to the new apple store to look for iPod earphones. We walked out again after 5 minutes. Seriously, $40 bucks for a pair of earphones? JEEEEEEZ.
Um, we also went JB Hi-Fi and I bought this:
LOL that expression is so freaky.
A friend once told me that "Amelie" was her favourite movie and that I should watch it. That was 5 years ago... LOL I think its about time I watched it.
There's so much else that I did but I don't have time to blog about it all. Gotta go tutoring in 5 minutes :( I bought ice cream at Darling Harbour and for once it wasn't mint choc chip. From now on, I'm going to try something different everytime. Otherwise how else will I know if I like it or not?
This is my second post of the week. Like woah, what has gotten into me. I haven't blogged in a month and a half and suddenly, I've blogged twice in a week. I guess its because it's the:
Such a relief man. Term 1 was so hectic :'( At times it was like I was drowning but I got through it.
1 down; 3 more to go.
I'll just talk a bit about the stuff that happened this term.
I tried out for E-day LOL and totally bombed my audition. It was so FREAKIN SCARY. Like now that I think about it, it shouldn't have been that hard but it was :( I'm such a big chicken these days but when i think about it, I wasn't at all shy when I was small... Anyway, at the end of it, the teachers+students gave me this pitying look; kind of like, "You tried but you sucked." I just can't get over my nervousness. God, I hope I don't have stage fright.
But yeh, for some reason I still got in LOL.
This term, I also found out that Bonnie, Othilia, Tian, Jun and I are going to be playing at the Opera House :D Violin, I mean. The concert is going to be called "Jacaranda" and is part of the "Festival of Instrumental Music". At least that's what it says on my note here but in my opinion it should really be "Festival of the Squawking Geese" because that's what my violin sounds like right now. Oh well, I guess its not that bad compared to my sister's oboe playing. She makes my violin playing sound like a Edward Cullen's voice.
Anyway, So You Think You Can Dance is gonna finish in about a month. I want Jessie, Robbie, Ivy and Philippe(?) to be the Top 4. And I want either Jessie or Robbie to win. Remember these words people. Jessie and Robbie are going to WIN.
Last but not least, here is a game that EVERYONE should play. It's called Boomshine and its seriously the most addictive game in the whole universe.
You know you want to.
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