
Cover of "Mine"- Taylor Swift

This one took me FOREVER, not because it was hard to play but because everytime I tried to record it, something would happen to stuff it up. First, my dad barged in, then my mom, then my sister. It's like they were on a mission of sabotage F5. And then my voice started making this weird cracking sound, the camera ran out of batters and the memory card was full. & by the time I finally had a successful recording, the song had kind of lost its original sound if you know what I mean. It didn't sound as good as the first time I recorded it -.-' Oh well.

I think I need a better camera for recording cause the one I'm using is my dad's digital camera... which isn't all that great.

This is for you fodmn :L I didn't even try to sound like taylor swift cause her voice is waaaaay different but I hope you still like it.

Anyone else have any song requests? I'll play anything... as long as its not by the ting tings *shivers*.

Apple Pie

"I want to get pureed in a jet engine" - Greta (from According to

Obviously not a very smart girl.


Two weeks ago I baked a pie and Othilia finally sent me the picture so I can upload it on blogspot. It doesn't look that nice in the picture but I can assure you it tasted very nice :) The white stuff is castor sugar LOL.

I know I'm a horrible cook but I'm actually quite proud I managed to pull an apple pie off (with the help of Hannah). Amazingly, her house was still in one piece at the end. Please don't make fun of the pie, its the first decent thing I've ever cooked apart from migoreng.





Now please excuse me while I become a social recluse and hole myself up in my room. The reason I'll fail physics tomorrow is right here in front of me.


I'm in the middle of doing my PE assignment right now but my brain's turned to mush so I think I'll take a break.

I went downstairs five minutes ago to ask my mum, who works at a high school, if she had any brochures and stuff on teenage pregnancy (cause that's the topic I chose to research). And... she kind of gave me this look like O_O. LOOOL And then I realised what it must have sounded like cause I didn't tell her it was for my school assignment. How embarassing.

But seriously. Me? Teenage pregnancy? Puh-lease, I don't even live on the same planet as everyone else.

Ok, that break was long enough. Back to assignmenting :(

@jessica - ^^ why thank you. I'll dedicate my next cover to you... if you don't mind listening to me massacre another song :D

V for Volumptuous

Volumptuous... I like that word. Especially when you say it with an English accent.

AAARGH falsjkvpoanvawefnalv.

Are Sundays usually so boring? FAR OUT MAN. I'm bored shitless here. It's like I'm waiting for the day to end which doesn't really make sense since tomorrow's going to be Monday and I'm going be bogged down with assignments and stuff. I should be doing something productive.

I watched V for Vendetta (thanks Lyanna), yesterday. It was good but I ended up feeling very confused and had to wiki the plot while watching. I would've enjoyed the movie more if my parents hadn't barged in halfway and started talking really loudly. I think that's why I seemed to miss the point of the movie entirely :(

Natalie Portman's really pretty but the part where her head got shaved was such a wtf moment... I wish I could wind back time and watch the movie again and this time pay more attention. LOL funny thing was: even though I didn't really get the plot, I still felt inspired when it ended.
Haha, Jessica and I seem to be the only people blogging anymore.


If I Die Young - Cover

Yay! Friday afternoon :D & here's my next cover. The song's called If I Die Young - and no, I'm not emo. I came across it after visiting a random Hunger Games fan site :) It really does suit the book I think.

Dedicated to Taemin, even though the song has nothing to do with you whatsoever.

Haha, how I managed to stuff up a song involving only 4 chords is beyond me. & do I really sound so nasally in real life? Ewwy ><' Oh well I tried...


If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
oh oh oh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother
She'll know I’m safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

And I’ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
I’m as green as the ring on my little cold finger
I’ve never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There’s a boy here in town says he’ll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls
What I never did is done
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com

A penny for my thoughts, oh no I’ll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I’m a goner
And maybe then you’ll hear the words I been singin’
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin’

If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
oh oh

The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep ‘em in your pocket
Save them for a time when your really gonna need 'em oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls

~Singing Oah~

Remember when I had that Alexander Rybak obsession? Well I spent 15 minutes youtubing his songs again tonight and it helped me remember just how catchy they were. It also reminded me of how ugly he actually is... LOL. That doesn't mean I like him any less though.

I also realised that his songs have very lame and sometimes very disturbing lyrics. For example:

'Cause who would know that you would treat me like a boy
And I treat you
like a girl in this funny little world. - from Funny Little World
Is he saying that people don't already treat him like a boy?

"But I know a magic dolphin
Swimming above the world
And in my dreams it
promised me
That someday I'll find my girl"-from Dolphin

LOL I see magic dolphins too 8) Except they don't tell me whether I'll find a guy or not because like... dolphins.. don't... talk.

"Singing Oah
I love you Moa
Youre way too young for me
But I dont
mind..." - from Oah
What's he saying? That he's a pedo?! (F5)

Oh well, he's Norwegian so I guess he kind of has an excuse for the strange lyrics.

Bruise :(

Wednesday, August 18th:

"Laugh to forget, but don't forget to laugh. It'll do your heart good :)" -

Supposed to be doing homework but really can't be bothered. Ewwy, can't believe we're gonna get a PE assignment :'(

I have a massive bruise on my right leg. It was a pinkish-blue colour yesterday but today, when I looked at it again in PE, it was a BLACK/PURPLE coloured. Yuck. And then in European handball, my team (who obviously decided that I was expendable >_>) decided to make me goalkeeper so I spent 2 periods getting balls pegged at me. Hooray! Let's all chuck balls at cynthia! One of them collided with my bruise and it hurt.

LOL, nah it wasn't that bad. It was actually quite fun once I forgot about the mind-numbing pain associated with being a human target. Plus, I actually block better than I can play so yeh :)

Oh and because I can't resist:


And yes, I have decided that he is male even though it should be illegal for a guy to be so pretty.


I'm in luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve.

His name is Taemin, he's from SHINee and he's male................................ i think.

On second thoughts, I'm not so sure. I'll need to get back to you on that one.

LOL I am so confused. If I like him... but he looks like a girl, then what does that mean exactly?! (F5)

...so tempted to do a spam of taemin pictures. But I won't (just in case you decide to fall in love with him(her?) too).


Tut Tut

Haha, I'm like the only person who blogs anymore :) Oh well, I guess that that's just an opportunity for me fill your heads with more random junk. Admit it, you like my random junk ;)


"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one
has to do." - James M. Barrie

...And you tell me this now. Is this a sign that I shouldn't have chosen music? Should I have chosen a science and learnt to like it? >_>

I've developed a new hobby. Blame it on Lyanna/Belinda/Brenda who convinced me to try learning a kpop dance. Yes you heard me, I'm learning how to dance :D HAHAHA, as some of you may know, I'm like the world's most tragic dancer. I can do the nutbush but that's about it... Surprisingly, it's actually quite fun. I love how tutting looks - so intricate and pretty. Oh well, even if I'm an epic fail at it, at least I'm getting some sort of exercise y'know? It's not like this Twix bar is gonna burn itself off.


Book Checklist!

I found this on a random blog and thought it was quite fun :) Everyone should have a go.

The following list of books teens love, books teens should read, and books adults who serve teens should know about was compiled IN ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFIC MANNER and should be taken with a very large grain of salt.
Put an “X” next to the books you’ve read
Put a “+” next to the books you LOVE
Put a “#” next to the books you plan on reading
Tally your “X”s at the bottom
Share with your friends!

1. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy / Douglas Adams
2. Kit’s Wilderness / David Almond
3. Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian / Sherman Alexie
4. Speak / Laurie Halse Anderson
5. Feed / M.T. Anderson
6. Flowers in the Attic / V.C. Andrews
7. 13 Reasons Why / Jay Asher
8. Am I Blue? / Marion Dane Bauer (editor)
9. Audrey Wait! / Robin Benway
10. Weetzie Bat / Francesca Lia Block
11. Tangerine / Edward Bloor
12. Forever / Judy Blume
13. What I Saw and How I Lied / Judy Blundell
14. Tyrell / Coe Booth
15. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants / Ann Brashares X+
16. A Great and Terrible Beauty / Libba Bray X
17. The Princess Diaries / Meg Cabot
18. The Stranger / Albert Camus
19. Ender’s Game / Orson Scott Card
20. Postcards from No Man’s Land / Aidan Chambers
21. Perks of Being a Wallflower / Stephen Chbosky
22. And Then There Were None / Agatha Christie #
23. Gingerbread / Rachel Cohn
24. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist / Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
25. Artemis Fowl (series) / Eoin Colfer X
26. The Hunger Games / Suzanne Collins XXX+++
27. The Midwife’s Apprentice / Karen Cushman
28. The Truth About Forever / Sarah Dessen
29. Little Brother / Cory Doctorow
30. A Northern Light / Jennifer Donnelly
31. Tears of a Tiger / Sharon Draper
32. The House of the Scorpion / Nancy Farmer
33. Breathing Underwater / Alex Flinn
34. Stardust / Neil Gaiman
35. Annie on My Mind / Nancy Garden
36. What Happened to Cass McBride / Gail Giles
37. Fat Kid Rules the World / K.L. Going #
38. Lord of the Flies / William Golding #
39. Looking for Alaska / John Green
40. Bronx Masquerade / Nikki Grimes
41. Out of the Dust / Karen Hesse
42. Hoot / Carl Hiaasen
43. The Outsiders / S.E. Hinton
44. Crank / Ellen Hopkins
45 The First Part Last / Angela Johnson
46. Blood and Chocolate / Annette Curtis Klause
47. Arrow’s Flight / Mercedes Lackey
48. Hattie Big Sky / Kirby Larson
49. To Kill a Mockingbird / Harper Lee X
50. Boy Meets Boy / David Levithan
51. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks / E. Lockhart
52. The Giver / Lois Lowry
53. Number the Stars / Lois Lowry
54. Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie / David Lubar
55. Inexcusable / Chris Lynch
56. The Earth, My Butt and Other Big, Round Things / Carolyn Mackler #
57. Dragonsong / Anne McCaffrey
58. White Darkness / Geraldine McCaughrean
59. Sold / Patricia McCormick
60. Jellicoe Road / Melina Marchetta X
61. Wicked Lovely / Melissa Marr X+
62. Twilight / Stephenie Meyer X+
63. Dairy Queen / Catherine Murdock
64. Fallen Angels / Walter Dean Myers
65. Monster / Walter Dean Myers
66. Step From Heaven / An Na
67. Mama Day / Gloria Naylor
68. The Keys to the Kingdom (series) / Garth Nix
69. Sabriel / Garth Nix X+
70. Airborn / Kenneth Oppel
71. Eragon / Christopher Paolini X+
72. Hatchet / Gary Paulsen X

73. Life As We Knew It / Susan Beth Pfeffer
74. The Golden Compass / Phillip Pullman X
75. Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging / Louise Rennison #
76. The Lightning Thief / Rick Riordan X
77. Always Running: La Vida Loca / Luis Rodriguez
78. how i live now / Meg Rosoff
79. Harry Potter (series) / J.K. Rowling X+
80. Holes / Louis Sachar X
81. Catcher in the Rye / J. D. Salinger
82. Push / Sapphire
83. Persepolis / Marjane Satrapi
84. Unwind / Neil Shusterman
85. Coldest Winter Ever / Sister Souljah
86. Stargirl / Jerry Spinelli
87. Chanda’s Secrets / Allan Stratton
88. Tale of One Bad Rat / Brian Talbot
89. Rats Saw God / Rob Thomas
90. Lord of the Rings / J.R.R. Tolkien #
91. Stuck in Neutral / Terry Trueman
92. Gossip Girl / Cecily Von Ziegesar
93. Uglies / Scott Westerfeld X+
94. Every Time a Rainbow Dies / Rita Williams-Garcia
95. Pedro and Me / Judd Winick
96. Hard Love / Ellen Wittlinger
97. American Born Chinese / Gene Luen Yang
98. Elsewhere / Gabrielle Zevin
99. I am the Messenger / Markus Zusak X
100. The Book Thief / Markus Zusak X+

Score: 18

The Secret Life of Hobos

Here's the short story I wrote while people were installing air-con in my room. I thought of the title before the actual plot so it was supposed to be a funny/humorous type of story. But um halfway, it kinda went in a whole new direction so it didn't end up being funny -.-' Anyway I hope this doesn't offend anyone, it was just for fun.

Read it you want to, don't read it if you don't want to.


The Secret Life of Hobos

You pass us every day. Your eyes dart away once you catch sight of us, nestled into the corner of some building or sprawled on a bench in Hyde Park. Don’t think we don’t notice the slight turn of your head or purse of your dainty lipstick covered lips. The slight whitening of your knuckles as you clutch your purse closer to your chest, as if you’re afraid that the very air around us might pollute it. You’re not the only one though.

There are those who don’t even notice us at all – or pretend not to notice. Their eyes glaze over, as if they’re inspecting an interesting object far off in the distance. Some, mostly teenagers, walk by normally. Then, when they’re far enough away they turn and whisper to their friends, “OMG, that guy was so gross!” Your children stare, with their young, curious eyes. Some even point their chubby little fingers at us until their mothers come along, hissing commands and dragging them away. We don’t care. We like it this way. Your ignorance, the aura of blindness that accompanies our very steps is what we live for. Do you know why?

We see you. We watch you from our dark, isolated corners. Every step you take, every breath you release, every tiny, miniscule clench of your muscles is monitored by us. We are the eyes of the city, the very framework of this urban society. If the city was alive, we’d be the nerve endings, branching out in a series of complicated networks that lead right back to the centre. We’re not as useless, as incapacitated as you think we are.

Have you ever been out during the darkest, quietest moments of the night? When even the city has shut down and doors have been locked? That’s when we come alive. Our cloaks, the matted, ugly disguises you see are slipped off. Our weary limbs, cramped from retaining our positions the whole day, are shaken and stretched until they are limber and strong again. We emerge from our designated spots, casting off the shadows of the alleys and like an army of the night, head towards the centre of the city. Do you ever feel an uncomfortable shiver down your spine in the dead of the night? That is us passing by your bedroom window. You lying safe in your warm bed in your warm house, oblivious to what is happening around you. While we come out at night serving a purpose too great that your meagre, superficial, human brain will never be able to comprehend. Continue living like this. Continue to ignore us so we may accomplish our mission.

The mornings come and the city eventually wakes from its slumber. Daylight casts a glow across the rooftops and billboards, and people start wandering through the streets again. We must return to our spots and shrug on our cloaks of insignificance again. But we will never stop watching you.


You Shall Not Pass! :P

"The happiest people are those who are too busy to notice whether they are
happy or not."- Unknown

I've finally got air-con in my room XD and its very warm.

I basically spent Saturday moving stuff out of my room so that the people could set it up. I didn't know so much stuff had accumlated at the back of my desk LOL. Then I invaded my sister's room and used her desk. I wrote a short story while the people installed the air-con. It was hard to concentrate cause of the noise. I thought my eardrums were going to explode. Then because I'd used up all my motivation on writing the story, I basically spent the rest of the day doing nothing.

At night, I watched Lord of the Rings for the 11th time cause it was on GO! channel. I love LOTR - even though the books make me fall asleep. I'm such a dork 8) Huh, that reminds me, Othilia and I have still got to force Bonnie to watch it. What happened to our super awesome Lord of the Rings Movie Marathon plan?

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, "Certainly I can!"
and get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt


Monday's Quote:

"Great thoughts come from the heart." - Marquis de Vauvenargues

(I didn't make the name up.)

Tuesday's Quote:

"The secret of patience... to do something else in the meantime."-Anonymous

Wednesday's Quote:

"How many joys are crushed underfoot because people look up at the sky and
disregard what is at their feet."- Anonymous

Just wanted to share some quotes to inspire people. From now on, I'm not going to throw away my quotes. I'm going to collect them and when I have enough, I'll make a poster and stick them up on my wall.

Btw, has anyone else ever noticed how weird "Wednesday" is spelt; WED-NES-DAY. Wet-nest-day.


I am so confuzzled right now. Should I choose music? Should I not choose music? It doesn't help when people say "Choose it if you love it." If only it were that easy. Can someone actually look me in the eye and say they don't care about the scaling of a subject? My neighbour did music - it dragged her HSC scores down and she had already passed her 8th grade exam when she did music in high school. LOL, okay bad example. But honestly - there are performing arts schools out there and selective schools who specialise in music and stuff. How do we compare? ><' I'm so confused.



HAHAHAHA Aren't they just awesome? Obviously I didn't make them, cause I'm not that funny.

There's more at the mockingjay website.


Oh man I killed Katniss.

Should I post it or not? Huh... maybe not - it'll probably destroy the image you have of her in your head.

I think I should leave drawing to the pros.

