Tut Tut

Haha, I'm like the only person who blogs anymore :) Oh well, I guess that that's just an opportunity for me fill your heads with more random junk. Admit it, you like my random junk ;)


"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one
has to do." - James M. Barrie

...And you tell me this now. Is this a sign that I shouldn't have chosen music? Should I have chosen a science and learnt to like it? >_>

I've developed a new hobby. Blame it on Lyanna/Belinda/Brenda who convinced me to try learning a kpop dance. Yes you heard me, I'm learning how to dance :D HAHAHA, as some of you may know, I'm like the world's most tragic dancer. I can do the nutbush but that's about it... Surprisingly, it's actually quite fun. I love how tutting looks - so intricate and pretty. Oh well, even if I'm an epic fail at it, at least I'm getting some sort of exercise y'know? It's not like this Twix bar is gonna burn itself off.

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