This is a post to say that I'm sorry for not posting properly for the last few weeks. All I seem to be doing is linking to videos and stuff but I haven't actually blogged properly about life. It feels like cheating. Even now, I want to post up another Song of the Week but I must resist... otherwise my blog would just turn into a linking page. I just feel like if I have any spare time, I should be doing something productive. Like tackling EX2.
Not likely though.
Uh oh, the feeling's coming back. It's telling me to go study inverse functions instead of staring at this posting screen. I guess I should go now. Goodbye friends. I'll try to post properly another day.

After much deliberation, I have decided that I would rather take a nice long bath in a vat of toxic waste rather than drive again.
And here are some other things I would rather do than drive:
- Spend the rest of my life on a diet of bananas and become mosquito bait.
- Give up Chuck
- Give up my eyesight
- Burn my Hunger Games collection
- Mutilate my fingers so I cannot play any instrument ever again
- Stop reading (although having no eyesight kind of rules that out anyway)
- Spend the rest of my life doing my EX2 project
I'm sorry but I don't plan on getting my P's any time soon. Maybe in the next century, when they invent automatic, self-routing hover cars, will I rethink this resolution.

You know, in case you're not sick of this song yet.
You're welcome.
And Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Trying to get through school is like trying to wade through a tub full of jelly. Really hard jelly. Really hard, SOLIDIFIED-IN-YOUR-FREEZER jelly. I feel like I'm making progress but once I lose focus, I get pushed back 20 steps. Sigh.
Okay, I'll stop wasting your time with stupid metaphors on life. Oh but before I leave, I would like to say congratulations to The Civil Wars who won 2 Grammys yesterday. Yay!! They deserve it.

Ha! Got your attention with the "Free Album Download" part didn't I? Yes, you read right, there is a free album download this week. But before I get to that, let me talk about The Civil Wars.
The Civil Wars are the most awesome thing to happen to me all week. Yeah, I'm aware they existed a long time before I started paying attention but for those long time fans, bear with me as I go through my mini fangasm.
Original source:
All their songs are so beautiful. Simple, but beautiful. Basically, the grammy nominated due is made up of Joy Williams and John Paul White. They're married but not to each other. However they make such beautiful acoustic music together that you would've thought they WERE married to each other. Their website describes their songs as "minimalistic" which I guess means there's no fancy schmancy beat disrupting their tunes.
The website also says that the song above was apparently played in its entirety on an episode of Grey's Anatomy. I wouldn't know cause I don't watch Grey's Anatomy but apparently after that episode aired, hundreds of thousands of people started googling the song and they were given a huge popularity boost. Taylor Swift also tweeted her love for the duo, which I guess partly explains their collaboration on Safe and Sound.
Usually I would only post one song per week but I think for this band, I have to make an exception because I love them too much and only one video does not do them justice. Here's the first song that they ever wrote together.
Original source:
Oh and yeah, they have a free album download on their official site (fully legal if you're wondering). The performances on it are live but that doesn't matter because I have a feeling their live performances are even better than their studio stuff. There's 10 songs on the album I think:

Don't ask me what she's singing about, I have no idea. It might have something to do with da sex though:
"Pick me up and take me like vitamin
'Cause my body's sweet like sugar in the morning yeah
Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)"
Yeah.... that doesn't sound sexual at all.
Oh Lana Del Rey. You're so amusingly ambiguous. I can't decide whether your lyrics are so meaningful that they escape comprehension or whether you really have no idea what you're singing about sometimes.
Either way, I don't really care. As long as the song sounds nice.

Tutor's been cancelled today! Yaaaaaaay!!
Yes. Welcome back, my most over-used happy gif. It's just that, I don't actually have anything happier than spastic Matt Smitha and Karen Gillan, so you'll just have to do.
It's Sunday today and at this point in time, I feel quite happy. If my mood over a specific time period was graphed out, I believe it would look like a sine curve. I'm always so prone to fluctuating from highs to lows to highs again. Don't worry, it's not bi-polar, it's just me. And I believe Extension 2 has something to do with it. If I've worked on it recently and I'm okay with what I've done, my mood rises. But if I've neglected it for a while and I know I really should be dedicating some time to but just can't find the will to do anything, my mood starts sinking back down. And the cycle will inevitably repeat. That's the curse of a major work. If you do Visual Arts,Drama, History Extension or English Extension 2, you will know what I mean.

Ever since I started Year 12, I've been hanging around the library a lot. Actually I practically live there, since it has become my temporary maths classroom as well. Anyway, I've been noticing that in my free periods, people that normally don't talk to me (or even know I exist) have been approaching me and asking me how many hours I study a night.
THAT IS AN ENTIRELY LEGIT QUESTION... which I don't know how to answer because I don't "study". I do homework and if I feel like it, pretend to make notes for the sake of acting productive. So at this point, my expression is like the one above because inwardly, I'm panicking. If I say I don't study a lot, I put my nerd-status at risk. And if I say I spend 6 hours a night reviewing notes or something, I would be lying and people would start running away from me in fear.
So yeah, just something pointless I wanted to share. I now feel more motivated to study lol. But don't worry, it will pass.

Romanticism should go die in a hole.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Okay okay I lied. I actually do have more to say. (To echo the words of my favourite Korean drama blogger, Javabeans, "Brevity is not my friend. I want to be its friend, but it shuns me regularly.") So let me clarify. I don't HATE Romanticism as a topic per se, I just hate how difficult it is to find related texts for the subject.
You must be thinking, how is that possible? There must be a billion books and poems out there about Romanticism! That might be true but the fact is, I would rather stick pins into my eyeballs than read any more poetry or classical literature.
For example, while I was haunting the library today (I use the word haunting because everytime I'm in there, I feel like Moaning Myrtle. Seriously, try spending 12 periods a week in there and see if you don't go insane) I decided that I should probably get a head start on finding related texts. Predictably, the library didn't have anything. So I tried reading something on my laptop. Three chapters into Mopey Dickhead Moby Dick, I felt like giving up. Not because it's bad or anything but just because books like that no longer capture my attention. I want to read something entertaining that doesn't require functioning brain cells. And plus, I HATE choosing related texts. I HATE IT. How do you know what you choose is going to be relevant for the HSC question? What if the Romanticism question deals with imagination but the texts that I've chosen barely mention anything about it. What would I do?? My whole HSC could quite possibly hinge on that one question and its marks.
Le sigh. Whatever. I'm just gonna bo back to doing maths homework. Good ol' dependable maths - too predictable and monotonous to ever become a threat to my HSC. (Oh damn, did I just jinx myself?).
P.S. If you're reading this Othilia, maths homework is question 1-7 of exercise 5.8, and the whole of 5.9. I tried ringing you to tell you that but no one picked up the phone.

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