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Happy Birthday LuuPoo!

I hope you feel like an old, old granny! LOL jokes. Happy Birthday again :) I'm sorry I only saw you once very briefly this morning. Tuesdays are a bit hectic because of the whole going early to school and violin at recess thing so I couldn't really spend the day following you around and punching you. But it's okay, because I mentally gave you birthday punches. And plus we had pizza just a few hours ago so it was all good. Yay! We are the same age again now :D

Oh and I searched all over the net for these pictures after I heard that Triple J's Tom and Alex were going to the ARIAs in these "costumes":

What do you think? Best red carpet costumes ever, or best red carpet costumes ever?

Congratulations, My Fellow Bloggers!

Just a heads up for you guys. I am 98.55% sure that for my English Extension 2 Major Work, I will be doing a series of BLOG POSTS about stuff. What exactly? I 'm not entirely sure. I still need a concept but I'm kind of leaning towards maybe exploring "How pop culture influences social media (aka blogs), and how in turn, social media influences what today's social identity is."

What did I just say up there? GOOD QUESTION GUYS. I will get back to you on that.... once I figure it out properly. See the thing is, I sometimes get these inspirational hallelujah moments on what my concept is about. And then a few days later, I will forget. Right now, I believe it means that I just want to look at how people perceive themselves through social media. Why do we blog? We blog because we want to talk about our interests (at least that's why I blog, I don't know about you). But in doing so, are we actually establishing our own identity - to tell people "this is who I am and this is what I like." Pop Culture can become the linking theme. I'm going to create a few personas/characters and they will blog about ...... I don't know, Lady Gaga, Gene Kelly, the Beatles, etc. And in doing so I can somehow hint that their interests have shaped the way they act, they way they go about their everyday lives, etc.

Am I confusing you guys? I probably am aren't I? Well if you understood what I was trying to say up there, then good on you. Oh, Lyanna and Othilia, I'm talking to you guys specifically cause this was what I was trying to say at lunch today..... before my brain got fried by Mr T's incessant cross-examination. Does my concept now make sense? If it doesn't, please tell me because I myself am not 100% sure what I want to do. I think being asked questions by other people will help me clear up the grey areas.

Anyway, I digress. Why did I congratulate you fellow bloggers in the first place? It's because, henceforth, I shall be regarding all your blogs as "research material" for investigating what people blog about and why they blog. YAY! You are now all "test subjects" for Cynthia's English Extension 2 major work! Don't worry, I won't mention your blogs specifically in my bibliography/journal (unless you want to be mentioned of course). And I won't be analyzing your personal issues or whatever. I'm just interested in your styles, your format and your choice of subject matter. So carry on, my fellow test subjects! (LOL just kidding. You guys don't have to think of yourself as test subjects..... you may use the term "guinea pig" if you prefer).


Who watched the ARIAs last night? You know what I realized? Gotye is actually quite sexy.... in his own lanky, unassuming, way. I never noticed. Must have been all that body/face paint.

Is Meme pronounched "meeeeem" or "mi-mi"?

Sorry guys, just had to get that off my chest. Now back to staring blankly at my legal book whilst fighting the urge not to go downstairs and watch Beauty and the Geek.

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Breaking Dawn: Part 1

Highlight of Breaking Dawn:

Oh yeaaahhh.... *licks lips*. By the way, his name is "Booboo Stewart". If that doesn't make him the most adorable human being on the planet, then I don't know what does.

Um, that's about it. It was okay. I wasn't expecting much so y'know whatever. I think its become a tradition now that every year, I go with my friends to watch the new Twilight movie and then we come out and either laugh about how bad it was or say "Well.... that wasn't terrible."

I want to....

I want to have a movie marathon.

I want to have a full 8 hours sleep.

I want to play Sims 3 Pets.

I want to go for a bike ride.

I want to read romance novels.

I want to do a cover of something.

I want to go berry picking.

I want to watch Eurovision.

I want to play old skool Gamecube games with Nancy and Tian and our sisters and brothers.

I DON'T want to go to school anymore.....

The holidays... so close, yet so far.

Click it, you know you want to....

Because who doesn't want to see a shirtless Matt Smith?

Original link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJMhyoytsQw

Doctor Who, My 500th Post

Isn't this so awesome? My 500th post will forever be remembered as the post in which I blogged about finishing the Doctor Who series. I didn't plan this I swear.

So yeah, I've finished Episode 13, Series 6 of Doctor Who today. It has been a long and wonderful journey and I've loved every minute of it. Even though I only started Series 1 (of the reboot) last term, I feel like I've known this show and the characters for such a long time now. And I'm relatively new to the series..... considering how some people have started following Doctor Who ever since 2005. How do they bear with it? The waiting, oh god, the waiting! Now I will have to follow the series in Real Time. Inconceivable! Jessica, we can finally sit down and talk about Doctor Who without spoiling each other. I never thought this day would come lol. Anyway, back to the last episode, "The Wedding of River Song."

I shall let the gif do the talking.


Um yeah. That's basically it. I enjoyed it I think. But I was also left a bit confused. I think I'll just leave my questions to when I talk to people because there are really major spoilers in them. I felt like Moffat didn't really answer anything LOL. There were so many loose ends..... Series 6 probably raised more questions than it solved.

So... what should I do now? Oh that's right, GIF SPAM TIME!!










And in conclusion, I love you Doctor Who :)


Guys, I'm so excited for the Doctor Who Christmas Special!!!!

Jersey Names

.... are so hard to make up. Especially if your name is Cynthia. I've wasted about an hour of my life trying to come up with one that I really like but to no avail.... Here's my list so far. None of them really jump out at me and some are just laughable. Here, maybe you can come up with something after looking at these:


  • Cynphony (Cynphonic? I don't really want "phony" in my name.)

  • Cynful

  • Cyndrome

  • Let's Cyn Along! (too long)

  • Cyncerely/Yours Cyncerely (taken, I think)

  • Cynical

  • Cynister (lol)

  • Hyacinth

  • Uncyncable / Uncynkable (I just looked it up... apparently unsinkable is not a word)

  • Cynderella (taken)

  • Cyn City

And now for some anagrams:

  • Tiny Cha

  • In Yacht

  • Any Itch

  • Cathy In

  • Nay Itch

  • Cyan Hit

The Hunger Games Trailer (Official)

My craptastic day has just turned a little less crap. What do you guys think?

F*ck yeah, Lee Taemin!

I feel sad but I don't exactly know why. Maybe it's because I realized that I have a whole year of non-stop work ahead of me. Those carefree years of '07, 08', '09, and '10... they are never returning. We have Year 12 and then we have Uni and then we have to get degree and then we need to somehow find a job and hope that the pay's good and then you gotta grow up and have a family and yeah.... It never ends. But I guess everyone has to deal with it eventually. And I'll always have Taemin. Taemin's face makes me happy :)

Um yeah.


English Extension 2 is stressing me out... and I haven't even started anything yet! I blame it on the stupid conference today. The first part was interesting but then the stupid Krump (Crump?) woman came on and was like, "DON'T WRITE A SHORT STORY!" I wasn't going to write a short story anyway but her whole speech grated on me. I didn't believe her whole "I am really passionate about english extension 2" thing she had going on. Lady, let me give you some advice. If you want people to believe that you're passionate about something maybe you should try NOT speaking in a monotone voice?

Sigh. I feel scared now. Am I really supposed to maintain an interest in a project that will haunt me for 9 months? Also, I'm not exactly sure what I'm passionate about anymore. I feel a bit lost right now. Ah well, I'll always have my trashy novels and Doctor Who.

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Taemin, my baby I'm so sorry for having neglected you for about 8 months. I've been busy and I haven't had time to compulsively youtube you and your beautiful face. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have spent so much time mooning over Lee Min Ho and David Tennant. You will always have a special place in my heart - you know that right? The concert last night rekindled my love for you. You were up on stage, doing your thing and I suddenly remembered how much I loved your dancing. God, it was like a punch in the gut when you danced. I would've jumped onto the stage and kissed your beautiful face (but I couldn't because you were about 100 metres away, plus the security guards were already eyeing my group suspiciously). Did you hear me scream for you though? Haha probably not, since about a bijillion other girls were screaming your name. I will stop now because I'm embarassing myself but just remember Taemin, I will always love you and your epic dancing and your epic coolness and your epic lanky figure and your epic hair and your epic eyes......

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Kpop Concert 2011


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. First we got there, and then we walked around and Jamaica dela Cruz from SBS Popasia was talking to some people next to us and then we lined up to take photos with cardboard cutouts but that failed because NANCY GOT A TEXT FROM HER SISTER SAYING THAT SHE WAS IN THE SAME TRAIN CARRIAGE AS MY-FUCKING-CHONNY!!!!!

So then we tried to go Chonny-hunting but that failed because Nancy's sister had lost track of him so we mingled around and it was funny because there were instances where a whole giant crowd of people would run in a specific direction and that would cause a chain effect and people were running everywhere thinking that they could see Kpop idols and I was laughing like a lunatic as I filmed people running.

At at around 5:30pm, the gates of ANZ stadium opened and after a bit of mix up with the seating arrangements, we finally found out seats. And then we basically waited for an hour but it was okay guys because MYCHONNY LITERALLY WALKED PAST OUR SEATS but I couldn't take a photo cause I was too slow so then I spent that one hour being on Chonny-watch and aiming my camera at the entrance hoping he would walk back in. And he did, 30 minutes later. But me, being the stupid distracted person that I am nearly missed him and only took a photo of his back. GUYS HE WAS LITERALLY LESS THAN 10 METRES AWAY FROM ME.

At 6:57, the countdown started and people went crazy. The whole stadium was on fire I swear - everyone was screaming as the kpop bands were announced. And then OH GLORIOUS DAY, the screens on the stage slid apart and OUT CAME SHINEE AND I WENT DELIRIOUS. I was like, "OMG TAEMIN OMG TAEMIN OMG TAEMIN - I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!!!!"

And the concert was so awesome and epic and grand that I can't possibly put into words everything that happened. Highlights for me though, included SNSD's performances, SHINee (obviously), B2st and CNBLUE. I LOVE YOU CNBLUE, ESPECIALLY YOUR LEAD SINGER GUY. You have such a sexy face. I swear every boy and girl's ovaries exploded when you sang.

I'll post pictures tomorrow, when I start sounding coherent. And thank you again, those who chipped in for the ticket. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH, THANK YOU!!


Eleventh of the eleventh .... of the eleventh

WARNING - Shameless gushing in the body of this post. Read at your own risk. Seriously. I will not apologise for my shameless gushing lol. I deserve a good gush now and then. It's not like I go up to people and talk about my report. I like to gush inwardly. And on this blog. And I will stop saying the word "gush" now.

GUYSSS I AM VERY HAPPY WITH MY RESULTS :D Yes, even the results for the Year 12 subjects. My lowest rank for this report was 3rd lol. And that was for Modern and considering that I was going up against Year 12's, I am very very very very happy ^^. I came 1st for maths and english which made me very happy as well. It's easy to say you can do maths or that you can do english but being able to do both is such an accomplishing feeling :D MENGLISH ALL THE WAY!!

Eheh yeah, I can't continue talking about results without sounding stuck up or boastful so I'll shut up now.


Kings Of Convenience - I'd Rather Dance With You

Let's learn this yeah, Tian? I'll play the piano chords and you can play the violin part..... and maybe Othilia will dance LOL.

Life is Strange

So like, apparently my dad got a call today from my auntie (who works at the school) while he was at work. She asked if it was really true that I dropped 4u maths and said something like "everyone is talking about it." Obviously my dad was just like wtf. So then he called my mum and told her what happened. And then she came home and was like to me, "Was everything okay at school today?" So I said err yeah, of course, lol. And then my mum was like okay, cause your dad called and said he got a strange call from your auntie about 4u maths and then I was like O_O .... okay?

Yeah, that was kind of strange.

My suspicions are that it was just my auntie doing what she does best - gossiping. LOL. And blowing things out of proportion. I suppose it runs in the family... haha.

I Epic Failed... Again

Today at tutor, the tutor teacher asked if anyone was busy next Saturday because he was going to temporarily transfer the class to that day. Me, being the most idiotic, forgetful person who's ever walked this planet didn't say anything. And then I got home and realised... that next saturday is the Kpop Concert.


So now I have to call him and say I can't make it. Sigh. I'm pretty sure I've used up all my favours already. *headdesk*


Sadness gif is entirely relevant.

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Trashy Romance Novels, Dancing, Maths and Essays

It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and write a proper post on this blog. Recently, my posts have been more of OMG!DOCTOR WHO! or OMG!HUNGER GAMES! or OMG!4U MATHS SUCKS! or OMG!HSC STRESS! and less of "Hey, why don't we all just sit down and talk and just chill, like?" It's gotten to the point where I also can't be bothered using proper grammer and the like because really, it just wastes a lot of time and effort and prevents my enthusiasm from getting across. But today, I'll try to write normally and that means no more CAPSLOCK spamming, keysmashing, interruptive "lols" or pic spams. Okay? Okay. What I'm trying to say is that this is going to be a very chillaxed blog post so if you've got better stuff to do than by all means, feel free to move along to the next blog.

So.... my parents have been taking dance classes. A lot of you guys know that my mum does tap-dancing on Monday nights but this is different. This involves my dad and mum practicing in the living room every day and night, trying to nail the cha-cha and the samba. Traumatizing much? Yeah. I don't know who's bright idea it was. Probably my mum's though, seeing as she's like the "man" of the family. (I've even listed her as "The Man" in my phone's contact list). I can just imagine it - mum would've been like, "Hey let's go learn how to dance so we can show off at parties!" and that my dad would've said something like, "Errr, no thank you," and then my mum would've given him an evil glare and then my dad would've backed down and agreed. 'Cause that's how we roll in this family.

In fact, my dad did tell me that he was very reluctant to do the lessons but my mum, being the big bully that she is, went out and bought him some expensive "dancing shoes" which means that he can't even back down anymore. My mum. She's manipulative. I was going to go downstairs and take some pictures for you guys before but then I realized that I would have to get up from the bed, look for my camera, walk down the stairs........ and well, to be honest, I can't be bothered. Hehe.

Moving on, I spent the whole afternoon trying to start on my English Extension essay. I've got my intro down.... which means I've only got 1200 more words to go. How do you guys write essays? I don't think I've asked that before. It used to be that I could just put my pen to paper and write something and it would turn out inexplicably coherent but it doesn't work like that anymore. Now I actually have to research. Only after compiling a list of random copy-and-pasted facts can I start writing. And even then, it takes me forever to construct a sentence that makes sense. Is it supposed to be that hard? Why can't it just be as easy as blogging?

I went to the library on Friday night ('cause I'm cool like that) and borrowed a book by Kresley Cole from the Immortals After Dark Series called "Dreams of a Dark Warrior". Basically, it's a trashy romance novel. But I loved it so much that I devoured it in 1 day. I can't help it okay? It's not like I go into libraries with the intent of borrowing romance novels, they just somehow end up in my pile of Stuff. Don't judge me. At least I read stuff I enjoy. Who needs deep and meaningful stories? Certainly not me. Who needs thought-provoking, philosophical introspects into the human condition? No thank you - escapist fiction all the way, huzzah!

Oh right, I was supposed to talk about the book.

Well basically, she's a beautiful Valkyrie named Regin the Radiant ('cause like, her skin glows) and he's a berserker named Aiden. Okay I admit, that sounds cheesy already. Whatever. Anyway, Aiden gets killed in the Prologue and you might be thinking, "Hey what kind of story is this?" but its okay guys because he gets reborn again. And again. And again. Basically, Aiden reincarnates everytime he dies and Regin always manages to find him. The problem is, he's also cursed. His time with Regin is always cut short because once he remembers who he is, he dies. Hence you get the whole "Oooooohh, forbidden love + tragic consequences = sexual tension" trope. And like all typical paranormal romances, there's a whole lot of fighting, magic, violence and witty banter. It actually reminds me of Richelle Mead's novels ... just way more extreme in terms of ..... everything.

You know, once I become older, I am going to campaign for the increased recognition of Romance novels as a serious literary genre. It seems like they're always under-appreciated and dismissed as pedestrian in style. As I said before, who cares if something isn't really that thought provoking? As long as it entertains and is a good read, then it deserves the respect of literary critics, amirite?

What else did I want to say? Oh right, I was going to elaborate more on returning to 3u maths at school but to be honest, maths isn't really that interesting to talk about. I'm just going to say this. I fully understand why people keep asking me whether it was because I couldn't keep up. Hell, I would be asking the same thing if I was someone else 'cause that's usually why people drop subjects right? But no, it was because I realised that 1) I really really did not like 12 periods of maths a week - especially on Tuesdays when I got the 5 periods in a row with Mr M. With English and English extension, you get diversity. You'll always be learning new things and different subjects but for maths, it gets a little bit repetitive and eventually, it'll drive me insane (especially with all the homework). 2) I realised that I had enough units. 12 is sufficient I think and even if it turns out I did tragically in History Extension and Modern History, I could always retake them? I don't mind I guess. At least I would have had an advantage. 3) I don't have the drive for maths that everyone else in that class seems to have. It makes me feel bad. Especially when I see everyone else so dedicated.

So basically what I'm saying is, those are my reasons up there, as to why I dropped 4u. Some people may still ask questions and I understand but well, like my whole existence, most will probably have not even noticed. Haha. *hypothetical high-5 with Tian*

Anyway, I shall end off here and guess what? I didn't use a single "lol"!


No Rest For the Wicked

Not that I'm "wicked" or anything. I just really like that phrase.

Really really really really am not bovvered to do the stupid English Extension Essay. Bah! The two most stressful weeks of my existence has just come to a close but that doesn't mean the workload stops too. I've gotta catch up on a bijillion maths exercises, write an english extension essay, do my long-neglected tutor homework, organize and get up to date on legal and get started on all that 9/11 stuff 'cause APPARENTLY, we're getting an assessment task on it or something (?). I don't know.

Oh and speaking of tutor, I've got it later. Haha - commence most awkward tutor lesson ever - in which Cynthia slinks back into the 3u class and pretends that no one is wondering why she dropped 4u.

I was gonna do a post about my feelings on dropping 4u and going back to Ms Diep's class but then I grew lazy on Friday. Doctor Who was calling my name. Oh Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill, how I've missed you guys!

Hating Twilight Is So Mainstream lololol (jokes)

I have to admit - I am quite excited for Breaking Dawn. My sister is too. She was all like "Pssh, my friend's aren't excited at all. They think they're so cool because they hate Twilight."

But it's ok, cause we both want to see it. It will be so craptastic-ly awesome. *HIGH-5 CK*

Seriously guys. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to see a baby rip itself out of Bella's stomach. Do it. I dare you.

Ahh, I miss those good ol' times when I used to pic spam all those funny edited twilight photos.

Vanity Fair Photoshoot for Hunger Games

No doubt the photos are pretty. Too pretty in fact. Errr, guys? I don't think y'all should be smiling like that. Correct me if I'm wrong but AREN'T YOU ALL SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNIN' ROUND DECAPITATING EACH OTHER - not standing around in a paddock smiling like them weirdos in the Colgate ads?

Haha just kidding. Smile all you like guys. It is Vanity Fair after all.


So like, I've officially dropped 4u maths guys.


Yes, it's true. Now all I have to do is go to school tomorrow and tell Metwally and Ebbott.

To be honest I am feeling very mixed emotions. On the one hand I am feeling very elated - like a weight's been lifted off my chest. That's good right? People always say thats what it feels like when you drop a subject.

But on the other hand, the not-so-fantastic performance at the History Extension HSC today is kind of getting to me right now. It didn't bother me so much before because I was feeling way too happy about the exams being over. But now its sinking in. Why didn't I have a clear head while doing that exam? :( Guys, that really is the worst feeling ever. I'm not talking about doing bad in an exam - I'm talking about the feeling you get when you KNOW you could've done better.


So I just came back from the History Extension exam today. I guess that means I'm done. No more stupid exams! Whoo!!

Am I happy with how I went for both of those tests? Errrr.... kind of? I mean it could've been a lot more worse.... but it certainly wasn't the best I've done in a test. Actually, I think I might have done better in the trials... lol. To be honest, I have really mixed reactions with how I went. Oh well - I should be grateful that I didn't stuff up big time. But seriously, that history extension paper was so like ALSDJF;ALSDJFAL;SDVN;ADFASD >:(

Ah well, as I said, it wasn't terrible. So I guess that means that I can drop 4u maths? Uh oh, wish me luck guys, I have to call him tonight.

