"But before the night is through / I wanna do bad things to you."

Is there a male equivalent of menopause? Cause I swear my dad's going through a period of extreme, old man grumpiness. The most simple question sets him off - and for once, I'm not even trying to be a smart alec. Mostly I just remain silent and take the verbal abuse until he cools off. If the whole thing wasn't so frustrating, I would find it hilarious. He actually spent 2 hours ranting about no-one owning up to turning off his computer when it turned out he'd been the one to programme it to automatically do that.
So yesterday was Open Day. It was useful I guess. I've figured out what I want to do and which uni would be the best one for my course. As much as I love the grounds and gorgeousness of USYD, I don't think I would end up going there in the future. Their communications course pales in comparison to UTS' and it seems much more theory based, whereas UTS puts a lot of emphasis on practical skills and actually getting out there to do some internship/work experience. My family couldn't care less about what I do anyway, as long as I don't end up on the streets, so it's all good. When my sister found out that I preferred UTS over USYD though, she had a moment where she was like, "All my friends think USYD is fifty times better. They say UTS is a crap uni." I then had to kindly explain to her that her friends are from SGHS and that it's all in the name of their school. 'Nuff said.
I must admit though, that lecture on the course at UTS was so convincing, I'm worried that they might have somehow brainwashed me. At the beginning I was all like,

“Finnick?" I say, "Maybe some pants?"He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this" -- he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose -- "distracting?"- From "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins
Oh yeah, just look at that face... and that body...Come here baby so I can - oh whoops, I really should stop thinking out loud.

I was talking to Elyn in maths on Friday and we were discussing our dream jobs - jobs that we would have pursued if it wasn't for real life and its responsibilities. I have got so many of these. It seems like every few years, I change my mind about what I want to do (which is normal I suppose). I'll list a few of them out here. These are in chronological order.
1) A VET
To a 5-7 year old, becoming a vet seemed like a perfectly achievable life goal. All you had to do was like animals (or so I thought). It helped that I thought vets only took care of animals (as opposed to performing operations, giving injections, etc.). In hindsight, I was probably thinking more along the lines of animal-shelter caretaker.
Why is it not achievable now? My total lack of interest in science, probably. To be fair though, if I had to choose a science, I would have chosen biology anyway. Sometimes I wonder if my animosity towards science stemmed from the subject itself or the teacher(s). I know for a fact if my legal studies teacher was different, I would've already dropped that subject like a hot potato back in March.
Thank you J.K. Rowling, for letting me think for a while that there was no reason why I couldn't write a few books and become a famous, multibillionaire, award-winning author in the span of a few years. It was a nice thought while it lasted. I blame it on that documentary - the one that shows her frequenting coffee shops with her laptop and writing whenever inspiration strikes. Such a glorious, simple and satisfying career. Too bad I have neither the talent, bravery nor patience to attempt a career as an author. Knowing me, the first rejection letter would've sent me scurrying back to my hole. Then I would have had to spend the rest of my life as a failed-author trying to make ends meet whilst leeching off friends and family.
"If you can't be an author, be a librarian" was the reason for this career choice. I like books. I could gladly spend all day being surrounded by them (although nowadays, libraries don't even need librarians - eveything is self-service). Tian and I made up this glorious plan where she would design a library for me and I would run it. We imaged ornately-decorated, spiral staircases, giant fireplaces and comfy couches where people could just curl up and read. But then people kept telling me that librarians don't earn much (is that true? I haven't checked) and that it was a job of wasted potential. That last past probably isn't true. Being a librarian is hard work (according to the career booklet LOL and requires a five-level educational rating).
I didn't mind what it was, as long as I could travel. Working on Getaway would've been a dream job. Highly unattainable of course, but still a dream job. My boss would've been like, "We're sending you to France for two weeks. You're to experience everything and record it on a blog/write an article/etc." and I would've been like, "Oh sure, no probs. I got this," and all the while, I would be doing a screaming, happy dance inside. Then I could add to my collection of hotel shampoos and conditioners. All those little bottles and soaps... eek! HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE?!?
...Didn't seem like such a bad job.... until I started Year 12 and realised that HSC year had quashed any last lingering amount of love I might have had for English. Literally quashed. Imagine a cockaroach. Now imagine a giant, booted foot descending on said cockaroach like in one of those ads on TV. My love for english resembles the amount of viewers for Gossip Girl over a set amount of time - it is exponentially decreasing. I hate the stupid subject. I hate it with a passion. Also, print-media journalism is a dying career so you have to be ultra-competitive to get a job. I'm still thinking of some kind of communications degree though. Doesn't have to be journalism.
Everything was so much simpler when I was little. You think you can do anything when you're small - be an astronaut, a super athlete, a world-famous writer. In comparison, real life sucks shit.
Oh and look what I found in the corner of my backyard. It's been gathering dust and braving the elements for nearly six years now.
Compare the pair, LOL. 2007 (or was it 2008?) vs 2012.

Original source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=opg4VGvyi3M

But its okay 'cause when I really like something I blog about it - even if no-one's interested in reading it. (You might have already figured that out, lol). Plus maybe one day I can look back at this blog and laugh at all the strange things that I liked. Then I would throttle myself and go, "Cynthia you strange person, what DID you spend your teenage years doing?"
So, last night Tian and I celebrated the end of trials by watching this:

- Dresses hate me as much as I hate them. I have the wrong body shape for formal dresses. Seriously. My bust area is non-existent and my thighs are fat enough to sink the Titanic. What shape IS that? A pear shape? A gourd? A weird, deformed vase? My self esteem sank to below ground level today. It doesn't help that the person trying on dresses in the cubicle next to mine was some super tall, ultra skinny, flawless-looking white chick. Le sigh. Excuse me, would you like to swap genes?
- Shopkeepers scare me. Especially the ones who work in the rich stores and who give you judgemental looks the minute you walk through the door. I have money okay? Stop looking at me like that, lol!
- I should never wear short dresses. Never ever. Can't pull 'em off with these legs. I should exercise more. Treadmill for my birthday guys?
- MYER solves everything. Don't bother going to individual clothing stores - it will take you forever. (Unless the store specialises in formal dresses). Myer sometimes puts all their dresses in one spot - saves you having to walk all over the place, only to end up finding nothing.

"When the love of Bella's life left her, she curled up in the fetal position, went numb for months then jumped off a cliff."

BP: How do they compare? Oh, I don't know.
DT: I'm sitting right here.
BP: Different, just different. They're different men. I don't know how to answer that, really. Both great. I had a longer kiss with you, which I really enjoyed.
DT: But you were more proactive in this kiss.
BP: Yeah.
DT: You were making it happen.
BP: Yeah. It was quite sexy. Quite nice lips.
DT: Thanks very much. Yours aren't too bad either.
BP: It was fun.

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