Posted on Sunday, August 26, 2012 · 2 Comments
So I finally got to watch The Avengers. It was pretty good but I think I was expecting full-blown, exploding-rainbows awesomeness. My expectations were probably too high. I liked the action scenes. I liked the Hulk. I liked Robert Downey Junior, and I liked Loki. Poor Loki - so unloved and evil. He's like Severus Snape reincarnated, complete with lanky hair and a excessive aversion to sunlight. Actually all the characters were pretty awesome - yes, even you guy-with-arrows who everyone else seems to overlook, I liked you too. I understand very well that not everyone can turn into a big, green hulking, 600-pound super warrior. Some of us have to perch on skyscrapers shooting arrows at aliens. Those are just the facts of life.
ABOUT. TIME. YOU WATCHED IT. Avengers is pretty good, but I think it's a little over hyped. And you can comment now? TRES AWESOME :)
Yes I can! Blogger has decided that censoring me is pointless - HUZZAH!