Tairen Soul

So I basically spent the whole morning thinking, "Ah crap, I've got tutor today" and it wasn't until a few hours ago that I realised that tutor didn't start for another two weeks. Cue happy dance around the house. That means I've got a few more hours to waste. So I drew.

Back in Year 7, I did a similar drawing/sculpture for my visual arts project. It was basically a cat with bat wings - I called it the "bacat". Little did I know that I was actually drawing something called a 'tairen soul". I must have been psychic.

The tairen soul features in a book series by C.L Wilson called err, the "Tairen Soul" series? I don't actually know if the series has a name so I'll just call it that. Great stories - craptastic covers. They look something like this:

Yup. Try looking at the last one without laughing.

The "hero" is a shapeshifter who turns into a giant cat-bat. It is better than it sounds, really. So that's basically the thing I drew up there. I have the credit this picture of a puma cub though, which I basically copied. I'm not great at drawing animals from my mind so I couldn't have done it without the picture's help: http://www.lifeinthefastlane.ca/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/puma_cub_managua_sfw.jpg

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