Sadness Forever

I had an extra tutor lesson today.

Where I found out that my weekends have now been taken away because Jimmy has decided to make us do 2 hours on Saturdays and 2 hours on Sunday.

And apparently, I missed out on Killa Burgers' and ice cream as well.

Why hello there Series 4!


The Doctor: The last time, with Martha, it got complicated. And that was all my fault. I just want a mate.
Donna Noble: You just want to mate?
The Doctor: I just want *a* mate!
Donna Noble: You're not matin' with me Sunshine!
The Doctor: A mate! I want *a* mate!
Donna Noble: Well, just as well, because I'm not having any of that nonsense! I mean, you're just a long streak of nothing, y'know, alien nothing!

This. This is why I think I will like Donna Noble.

I don't really feel like blogging about the first episode of Series 4 and to be honest, I'm pretty sure no one wants to read about it :) AMIRITE? AMIRITE? YOU CAN STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK NOW. Instead I will do list of random points:

  • I quite like Catherine Tate.


  • Haha, I love how Donna was fully prepared to go travelling with the Doctor. She even had suitcases! In the boot of her car!

  • Donna Noble has an awesome grandpa, lol.

  • This isn't about the first episode of Series 4. I'm referring to the Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned when I say this, but omg, David Tennant needs to stop (inadvertantly) flirting with all the females that appear on the show. I know he can't help it. But seriously. Oh and note that I only said "females". He can flirt with Captain Jack Harkness all he wants. They make a cute couple.

  • Voyage of the Damned starred KYLIE MINOGUE. Yeah, that was weird.

  • Is it just me or does the Doctor seem less... emo in this series?

  • Did I miss something? Oh right,




I knew she was making a return in Series 4 but I didn't know we would see her again this early. The writers must have been cackling away evilly at their keyboards while writing that in, thinking, "THE AUDIENCE ARE TOTES GOING TO FANGASM WHEN THEY SEE THIS LOLOLOLOL." So can we please see some Tennant/Piper love soon? Please?




Okay I'm done. I must congratulate you if you've read all these posts, especially if you don't watch Doctor Who. You guys must be so sick of my fangirling LOL.

They're still a bit creepy aren't they?

Weeping Angels doing the macarena, anybody?


Goodbye Martha Jones/ Not Another Doctor Who Post!

WARNING: Post contains minor spoilers about DW again... yadaa yadaa yadaa, you get the point. Feel free to skip if you're not interested, etc. etc. Or you can just scroll down and look at my awesome gifs and totally disregard the rant. Whatever tickles your fancy.


Hey guys (aka, at most, the three people who read my blog AND watch Doctor Who), I have just finished Series 3 of Doctor Who which means... NO MORE MARTHA JONES, WOOOOOOOO!!

Here, have a celebratory gif:


Okay, okay, to be fair, I was actually starting to like Martha Jones, especially during the second half of Series 3. By the way, the second part of Series 3 was WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the first half. Hooray for (partly) consistent writing! Ahem, as I was saying, Martha Jones was actually starting to grow on me. I know right? WEIRD. Maybe it was because I'd started coming out of my OMG-ROSE-ANGST! phase and had decided to accept her character. I shall elaborate.

Wait before I do that, OMFG FACE OF BOE, OMFG JACK HARKNESS. Whoever wrote this, you are a genius.


MARTHA is a BAMF in her own right. She had all the makings of a good character/companion - brave, reliable, kickass and so very very pretty. And also very INTELLIGENT. Definitely a bit more intelligent than Rose, I have to admit (seriously Rose, sometimes I just wanted to reach through the screen and smack you). Martha was training to become a doctor too. I really liked that part in Human Nature where she rattled off all the bones in her hand just to show that Joan woman that she could.


BUT what totally ruined her character for me was the fact that she wouldn't stop mooning over the Doctor. SERIOUSLY. That part in Human Nature (again) where she states "You had to do that didn't you? You had to go out and fall in love with a human... and it wasn't me," had me yelling at the screen like a crazy ahjumma. I know this is really hypocritical of me. HELL, I totally would have done the same! It's David Tennant man, the only guy who will ever make science look sexy! (Oh whoops, sorry Jessica, I ain't stealing your man dw). Such wasted potential though! Martha, you would have made such a great companion if only you'd stopped obsessing over the Doctor. It was never going to happen. How could you not notice that look in his eyes everytime Rose's name was brought up? You should've just dropped it. Dropped it like a hot potato I tells ya!

Oh Martha Jones.... I feel a bit sad for you, really I do. Just that little detail put me off your character. But apart from that, you still were pretty awesome. Martha Jones, travelling all over Earth! Spreading stories about the Doctor! Epic. And really it's not your fault. It was the writers' I suppose. Oh and also David Tennant's. The Doctor is such a big flirt, LOL.

Anyway, Series 4 here I come! Here's to hoping the Catherine Tate doesn't fall in love as well. Oh dear, I hope I didn't just jinx myself. (P.S. Don't spoil it for me though, I don't want to know yet!)

Gifspam time!!




P.P.S. I still miss Rose :( Apparently this was the last scene they filmed together and they couldn't keep it together and started crying and and and....

I think I'm going Stir-Crazy


P.S. This post officially ends my long streak of Doctor Who posts. Boo :(


So like I watched Blink. Supposedly the "scariest episode of Doctor Who eva" or something like that. And it wasn't scary at all! LOL. I expected to be peeing my pants during it. But I didn't. Maybe because I watched it with 4 other people, lol. It was still awesome though... just not scary.

Anyway, have some relevant pictures:



To back up my previous post

-Click to enlarge-

Okay, this comic made me like Martha a little bit more..... I said a little.

LOL, I fail.

Okay this is kind of embarassing but uh.... I can't really watch Doctor Who anymore.

Not in a physical sense I mean, just mentally I can't do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the show's bad! In fact, I'm pretty sure the special effects have improved dramatically since the last series - did they get a budget increase or something? And the scripts seem more exciting and stuff too. I just... I can't see the Doctor with a new companion, that's all.

I feel like one of those annoying people who scream at the TV when they see something they don't like. For example, when the Doctor and Martha ran down the corridor holding hands in the first episode of Series 3, in my head I was going "NO DON'T FUCKING DO THAT. THAT'S ROSE'S HAND TO HOLD, NOT YOURS! GRRRRR!!" Also, the Doctor keeps getting these epic moments of sadness where he reflects on his time with Rose. For example, he once says "It's so strange... I feel like it's staring me right in the face. Rose would know what to do." And then Martha goes, "Who's Rose then? Is she a friend of yours?" And then the Doctor gets the saddest expression on his face and MY HEART BREAKS INTO A BIJILLION PIECES AND I FEEL LIKE I'M DYING ALL OVER AGAIN.

Yes, I'm one of THOSE people.

I don't know, I think I just need time. Marathoning these episodes back to back is giving me a different viewing experience and I'm getting unhealthily attached. I can understand why some people watching the series in real time would be ok with it. I think after Billie Piper left, they had like, what, a six months break before the next series started? That would be plenty of time to recover from the distressing finale of Series 2. But I can't deal with it. To me, getting rid of Billie Piper/Rose is like getting rid of Hermione from the Harry Potter series. I just... I really really want to enjoy Doctor Who again but I can't let go of Rose/Ten. It sucks though cause I really really want to like Martha :( DAMN YOU BILLIE PIPER AND DAVID TENNANT. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!?!

But I will recover. And I will enjoy Doctor Who again. I am determined to enjoy it again. After all, it is Doctor Who - it's basically a given that actors will constantly change on the show - it's even written into the plot! I should stop being so childish and just deal with it! Haha, just wondering though, does anyone else get this problem? Do you get so attached to the actors/character that when they leave, you suffer severe emotional whiplash? I'm sure it's not just me.

P.S. I apologize for the barrage of Doctor Who posts. It's just what I do on this blog. I write about my unhealthy obsessions and pretend that people are listening, lol.


WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Doctor Who. Okay, I feel silly for mentioning it but you never know, there might be people out there who read my blog and who are planning on watching DW so I'm just letting them know in advance. I know for a fact that if anyone ever spoiled anything for me, I would hunt them down and make the rest of their life miserable. Just sayin'....




The Doctor: Here you are, living a life day after day. The one adventure I can never have.
Rose Tyler: [crying] Am I ever going to see you again?
The Doctor: You can't.
Rose Tyler: What are you going to do?
The Doctor: I've got the TARDIS. Same old life. The last of the Time Lords.
Rose Tyler: On your own?
[the Doctor nods]
Rose Tyler: I... I... I love you.
The Doctor: Quite right, too. And I suppose... if this is the last chance I'll ever have to say it... Rose Tyler-
[he fades away before he can finish]



Oh right, intelligent input.

There isn't much to say besides RUSSEL T. DAVIES Y U BREAK MY HEART?? Okay, to be fair, obviously I did know that Billie Piper wasn't going to stay forever but faaaar, that didn't make the parting any less painful. Jesus people, way to ruin the rest of my day.

I know that some people hated Billie Piper as a companion. I've seen enough on the net to know that she's not everyone' favourite. Even Jessica said she doesn't really like Rose, lol. But I do :(Although that's probably because she's my first companion and honestly, how can you watch 2 series of DW back-to-back without growing attached to the main characters?)

I also think that part of the unhealthy attachment comes from me being a Nine/Rose shipper and Ten/Rose shipper. Ngaww ~true love~ The Doctor and Rose were so cute together.... always hugging, holding hands.... and then giving the audience whiplash by not clarifying what their relationship was. You know what sucks even worse? I was such a Nine/Rose shipper. And then Nine left the series and Tennant came in and then I had to adjust to the Rose/Tennant pairing. It was a bit strange at first but eventually I grew so attached. And then what do the writers/actors do? They rip out my heart and stamp on it in the series finale. Boooooooooooooooo. Ugh, serves me right for latching on to things in an unhealthy manner. WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THIS?! Whether it be a Korean drama, a book or DW, I get so attached to the characters and stories that when something ends, I die internally. It's like losing a bit of myself, haha. Just ask my friends. They know how mood-swingy I get when my favourite drama ends. But mostly they just ignore me until I ride it out LOL.

Okay, that's enough moaning I suppose. I will recover from this tragic heartbreak... eventually. You know what we need? We need some happy gifs to cheer us up! Hooray!!






A Very Mundane Blog Post


Hiiii!! :D

My computer totally hates me. Oh and btw, I'm talking about the one in my room, not my laptop. It works totally fine - there's no viruses, no malware, no intentionally malicious content or anything but it's so freakin' SLOOOOOOOOOW. Think of the speed at which Mr Banner talks... then multiply that by 100. I've tried everything. I've disabled all internet toolbars and add-ons, cleaned up my temporary internet files, and disabled any background applications that I could find. It didn't help one bit. Sigh. It's gotten to the point where I have to wait 20 seconds for one internet page to load (yes, I timed it). Grrrrrrr, so frustrating. *headdesk*

But apart from my uncooperative internet, I can't say there's much to complain about. I'm going to make the most of these holidays, even though I have to dedicate at least 2 hours of study everyday to the subjects-that-shall-not-be-named. My shockingly bad practice test run in H.E. was a major wake up call. Hah. But everytime I try to sit down and do some work, there's a voice in the back of my head that says, "Everyone else doesn't have much homework to do these holidays. Why are you slaving away?" I should just ignore that voice. LOL But I get this feeling that next year, when all the other Year 12s are working hard at their assignments and tests, I'll just be lying there in the corner, suffering from burn-out...

Anyways since my normal computer hates me, I'll just have to blog and do stuff from this laptop. Which is totally fine btw because I've got lots of Doctor Who gifs on this laptop. Here, have a gif:


Oh and as an update, I'm up to Series 2, episode 10 (yes I know I'm rushing through the series. I can't help it. Need MOAAARR!!) so for those who are going to be joining me in watching what is supposedly the most scariest episode of DW, it might not be until a few days later. Last time I checked, I think Blink was episode 10 of Series 3. OMG ARE YOU READY GUYS?! I'M SO EXCITED BUT SCARED LOLOLOL.


P.S. is a comedy skit by Catherine Tate and David Tennant if you're bored..... I remember watching it a while back and I laughed so hard at it even though I didn't really know who David Tennant was (it was still hilariously funny!). But now that I do know and I can totally catch the Doctor Who references, it's even more hilarious.

Hehehehehe. ~BITE ME ALIEN BOY!!~

P.P.S. No, I am not going to stop with the gif spams. One can NEVER have enough Doctor Who gif spams. JUST YOU TRY AND STOP ME!!







Awesome gifs are awesome, no?

David Tennant LOL


Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Well... this is... different...
Rose: Cassandra?
Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum. So many parts. And hardly used.
[starts jerking around]
Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Ah, ah! Two hearts! Oh baby, I'm beating out a samba!
Rose: Get out of him!
Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Ooh, he's slim... and a little bit foxy. You thought so too; I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You *like* it.


Doctor Who

Welcome to my new obsession.

There used to be a time when I used to blog about my interests and try to "sell them" to you guys who read my blog. I used to outline the reasons why I liked it and why I think others would like them. I don't think I'm bothered to do that anymore though... Because if something is awesome then well, it just is. I don't really need to prove it right? And honestly, there's no point trying to prove it. So instead of saying how awesome Doctor Who is, I'll just kind of rant/talk about it a bit.

I've just finished the first series of Doctor Who. For those who don't know, the Doctor in this series was played by Christopher Eccleston (or as Jessica puts it, "the bald guy"). Technically he's not "bald".... he just has less hair than the other doctors. Anyway, they say that you'll always be attached to your first doctor and I guess that is pretty accurate. *spoiler alert*. Since he gets "reborn" into the next doctor, I'm not exactly sure how to transition to the next actor who plays him now. I've grown so attached to the Rose/Doctor 9 pairing now that seeing the Rose/Doctor 10 pairing is a bit strange. IN THEORY, he's supposed to be the same Doctor but I just find it weird.... I mean, Eccleston and Piper were so cute together :( Ngaw. But I'll get used to it. I'm sure I'll grow to love Tenant as much as I loved Eccleston.

What else did I want to say? Oh right, I wanted to talk about the highlights of Series 1. Personally I really loved "The Empty Child" story arc. That was pretty cool but some scenes SCARED ME SHITLESS. Like wtf, how is children going around wearing gas marks fused to their face supposed to be "family entertainment". This graph is an excellent example of what I'll think of whenever I see a gas mask:

I also really loved the Rose/Doctor relationship. They were so sweet together. Rose was the perfect antidote to the Doctor's loneliness. But the relationship was a bit ambiguous to me.... I felt like even though they kept emphasizing that Rose was just the Doctor's companion, that was never really the case. Everytime Rose was in trouble, the Doctor would freak out or go all aggressive-like. And then sometimes I felt like the Doctor was just a father figure to Rose. But then in that episode I just saw err......... Oh whatever, I won't say anymore.

Doctor Who has the most awesome quotes lol. Even though I've only watched the first series, I find that there are really great one-liners in a lot of the episodes. Here's a list of my favourite quotes from Series 1:

  • "Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks.... hey, this could be a little more sonic!"

  • The Doctor: Blimey!
    Rose Tyler: Don't laugh!
    The Doctor: You look beautiful! [Rose stops laughing and smiles instead. The Doctor looks away awkwardly] ...considering.
    Rose Tyler: Considering what?
    The Doctor: That you're human.

  • Trin-E: Just stand still and let the Defabricator work its magic.
    Jack: What's a Defabricator?
    [Jack's clothes are disintegrated.]
    Jack: Okay, Defabricator. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Am I naked in front of millions of viewers?
    Zu-Zana: Absolutely!
    Jack: Ladies, your viewing figures just went up

Okay, these aren't my favourite quotes.... I couldn't really remember what my favourite ones were lol. Ah well.

To sum up though, I suppose the reason I love Doctor Who so much is because despite all the sci-fi story elements and conventions, it's a show that's really got heart. Oh lord that sounds so cheesy but it's true. The characters are so well developed, so likeable and so full of awesomeness. Everytime they overcome a hurdle (or save the planet or w/e), you can't help sharing in their joy. Similarly though, everytime the Doctor gets that sad face when talking about his family, it also makes you feel sad and then you just want to give him a hug and destroy all the Daleks in the universe and paint the sky rainbow colours and bake him cake full of sunshine and lollipops and...........

Series 1, I'm really going to miss you :( But its okay cause HERE I COME, DAVID TENANT! WHOO!! -cue Doctor Who gif spam-






Cynthia Watches Doctor Who

Yep. So I've finally started watching Doctor Who. Why? I'm not sure why. I just felt like it I guess. And also because I wanted to cementify my status of geek-dom cause y'know, being an avid collector of anything Hunger Games related and a dedicated fan of the Lord of the Rings franchise just isn't enough. Medieval obsession? Tick. Elizabethan England obsession? Tick. Dystopian fantasy obsession? Tick. And now, science fiction obsession? TICK!! Would anyone else like to join me on this Doctor Who adventure? :)

Obviously I'm not starting from the beginning of the Doctor Who franchise cause that would be mad. For now, I've downloaded a few episodes of Series 1 (not Season 1) and I've watched the first one. According to Jessica, I should start from Series 5 but I dunno, I'm a bit iffy about doing things in the wrong order, LOL. I don't like starting things from the middle. But who knows, maybe I'll change my mind later.

Um, thoughts on the 1st episode... I quite like it already, lol, and it's only the first episode. To be honest, I thought it would take me a while to get into it but that's not really the case here. It was fun, zippy and mysterious enough to get me interested. The special effects make me laugh but it's not like this is a billion dollar Hollywood movie so I don't really care. I would totally watch the 2nd episode but its like 1 at night so I'll probably do it tomorrow. Sigh, I'm totally gonna fail Year 12 because of an overindulgence in TV shows, aren't I? Whatever. I DESERVE A BREAK. I've been thinking recently, if I keep waiting for my workload to cease before I do the things I really want to do, I will never end up doing them. The HSC is in like 4 weeks and I certainly do not expect to be studying non-stop 24/7 till them. I am totally going to follow the philosophy of "Carpe Diem" which I learnt in english extension literally means "seize the day", in other words, imma gonna live life to the fullest!

Hell, what am I saying? I'm just trying to justify my laziness here...

To the people who already watch Doctor Who, you guys are probably laughing at me aren't you? Yes, I know I'm a Doctor Who noob. I don't really have much prior knowledge to the series really. Here is a list of my insufficient knowledge of the series:

1. The Doctor always dies and that's how they introduce a new doctor every few seasons.

2. The TARDIS is a blue phone booth(?).

3. There is a very very scary episode about weeping angels which I will most likely pee my pants while watching but I've still got a while until I get there.

4. There are some episodes called "Doctor Lite" and there are Christmas specials as well? (I don't know I read about that somewhere)

5. The current doctor is played by Matt Smith.

6. Charlieissocoollike watches Doctor Who :D And since Charlieissocoollike watches Doctor Who, that must mean that whoever watches Doctor Who is a cool person.

7. I just remembered that my spoilt, little, rich cousins watch Doctor Who. They are not cool. So the above statement is void.

8. And last of all, I know that I am quite excited to get into the series.

P.S. As much as I liked the first episode, I really really don't like mannequins/dolls/things that are supposed to be inanimate but are't (cause I am a rally big chicken). So right now, I am scared to death of turning off the light in fear of one of those creepy mannequin guys coming into my room. Euuuurghhh!


You can't stop the beat

Yesterday, I went to watch Hairspray the Musical.It was awesome. The end.

Protect the Boss

I wasn't going to blog today. But then after reading some other people's blogs, I changed my mind.

Exams are over but I feel neither a sense of extreme happiness or relief. To be honest, the past two weeks have actually been quite fun/relaxing. No I'm not crazy, it's just the truth. I think it comes from staying home so much and also having less tutor homework. It also helps that the teachers from my year 12 subjects decided to take it easy on me and didn't overload me with essays and whatnot (like what they have been doing fortnightly for the past year). I have been studying like everyone else. But I haven't had to make notes for history extension or write extended responses for modern. I feel so liberated. But now that its over, apart from feeling a little bit relieved I also feel sad - knowing that all the work is going to start piling up again. And after next week's camp, I really have to get started on studying for the HSC subjects cause I am WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY behind.

I really want to watch a TV series again. Yeah, bad timing but I really do want to. I was debating whether to pick up the vampire diaries again but then tossed that idea because I can't remember which episode I'm up to. I've been thinking for a while now.... I really want to watch Doctor Who. Ever since markreads started doing recaps of Doctor Who, I've started thinking seriously of watching it. Does anyone know which season I should start from? Cause obviously I'm not gonna start from Season 1 lol.

I really like Protect the Boss. It makes me laugh. And its such a breath of fresh air in the K-drama world. Sure, it's got its stereotypes and typical k-drama tropes but it also manages to take some well-known drama conventions and turn them on their head. E.g. What happens when you start working at a company and soon enough, find out that the two rich, hot, director chaebols are fighting over you? YOU FUCKING PUNCH THEM BOTH IN THE FACE, THAT'S WHAT. And what do you do when the male lead tries to wrist-grab you and lead you somewhere? YOU GRAB HIS OWN WRIST AND TWIST IT TILL HE CRUMBLES TO THE FLOOR IN PAIN. And when you expect the two male leads to start punching each other up over the girl? Well, you can just laugh while watching them bitch slap each other. Hehe so funny =3

This drama also probably holds the record for "most hilariously dysfunctional lift scenes" ever known to man. I cracked up every time the CEO started beating up his son in the lift while the two secretaries had to somehow cover up the CCTV camera in order to preserve their reputation.

And that's all I have to say.


I really really don't like driving

I FEEL SO TRAUMATIZED RIGHT NOW. I never ever ever ever want to drive again (but I will have to cause my dad's making me do another hour tomorrow). GAHH. Why is driving so stressful?? My heart is too weak to withstand the stress and emotional scarring. If you're wondering what happened, I can't be bothered explaining. But it involved:

  • The Main Road

  • Police

  • Random Breath Testing

  • Me

  • My Dad

  • My ineptitute at parallel parking (have never done it before - except on big empty streets)

  • Heaps of cars behind me

  • & lots of pissed off policemen

Someone please brainwash me of this incident so I can carry on driving without any emotional scarring.

I Love Ginger Beeeeeer!

Cause like, alcohol is soooo mainstream. All the cool kids drink ginger beer :)

I just realised that I forgot to test for 180 degrees today, whilst doing the maths extension test. How many times have I reminded myself, "When using the t-formula, TEST FOR 180 DEGREES!!" Well there goes another mark...

Does anyone ever feel antsy when they have too much free time? This is how I've been feeling lately. I'm so used to getting bombarded with work and assignments that this week, having a few days off has left me feeling... stranded? I swear, THERE'S NOTHING TO DO. I think it might be because I don't do any of the heavy subjects like science, business studies or eco. Sure, I have my challenging subjects but they're the year 12 ones. *grumblehistoryextensiongrumble* So I find that I have way too much free time on my hands. Okay, I shall attempt to explain my thoughts via the use of dot points:

  • "YAY! I have a day off today. What shall I do? I should probably study for legal."

  • "Okay, I've finished legal, let's have some fun now!"

  • "Oh... but on facebook, everyone says they're studying."

  • "It doesn't matter! I've got FOUR more days to study for legal!"

  • ".....uh oh. Am I getting overconfident?"

  • "I should probably use my free time to my advantage and cram like a crazy person."

  • "That's right, my free time never lasts long anyway. This is like the calm before the storm. Sooner or later, I'm going to be swamped by tests and HSC practice papers."

  • "GAAAAH, what to do?!"

  • "STUDY!!!!!!"

I feel like I'm turning into one of those crazy people who study for the sake of studying. Kind of like how Jimmy doesn't feel normal when he doesn't have tutor classes. But the truth is, I don't even do that much studying. The thing I am most afraid of in the world is thinking that I'm studying a lot when in fact, I'm just making excuses for myself and going, "Uggh, that should be enough studying for today."

How much studying is enough? Is there a way to measure the exact amount of hours I am supposed to be putting in? What if I think I'm studying a lot when in actual fact, it's not a lot and inside, I'm just being a lazy person. Cause it seems strange how I'm always telling myself that I do too much work when I actually have time to drama, lol. That seems really self-defeating to me.

Sorry for talking about studying, guys. I don't mean to stress you out but I can't help it :(


I suck. Seriously, I do. I did something so stupid today in the english exam. SIGH. I wonder how many marks I get off for that? Probably between 3-5. It doesn't seem a lot but still. Now I'm going to have to crawl into a corner and mope for the next 24 hours.

BRB: Sadness in progress.

How to be an asian parent, part II

Mum: "We're going moonfest today. Your sister's going too, do you want to come?"

Me: "I want to... but I can't. I have to study for the test tomorrow."



LOL jks. I love my parents.... (sometimes).

Because I don't want to study

