It's funny how I'm always looking forward to the holidays but once they're here, I don't really have anything to do. I guess I just really like the feeling of having so much time - even if that time is wasted on doing basically nothing.
Maybe a reason why I don't have anything to do is because my room is empty. Like literally the only things I have in here are my computer, my bed, my desk and some boxes. I'm getting new carpet on Friday so I've had to move EVERYTHING from my room to the garage. By the end of the holidays, I'm gonna be so fit :D
I just finished reading the book Othilia lent me. It's called Towelhead and its by Alicia Erian. It was seriously disturbing and graphic. The book's been adapted into a movie and I watched the trailer on IMDB. The trailer doesn't look too bad but that's probably because they couldn't show the the truly bad stuff on TV. Um, what else can I say about it? It was interesting I guess? One crtic has said:
"How can a book about such horrific things be so laugh-out-loud funny? How can a
book that seems so lightly done go so far into the dark? Towelhead is totally
engrossing, very witty and sharp"
I kind of agree with this guy. But what really pissed me off was that the protagonist struck me as deluded and naive to the point of extreme stupidity. Far out, how stupid can a person get? You would think that you would REALISE it if you were getting raped.
Oh well, onto lighter things. I watched The Karate Kid (2010 version) last night with my sister and I actually quite liked it :L Haha. Maybe I have a thing for shallow, Hollywood movies that are an insult to my intelligence. Or maybe I am just so movie starved that I could probably watch Twilight again.... and like it.
Haha, constipated much?
But seriously, I couldn't see what was so wrong about the movie. The whole thing was so pretty to look at :D Maybe the whole Chinese culture thing was a bit overdone LOL but it is a movie. The "We're in China, everyone knows Kung Fu here," quote made me laugh. btw, I think my sister has a crush on Jaden Smith :L
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from
themselves." - James M. Barrie
(James M. Barrie was the Scottish author and dramatist, best known as the man who created Peter Pan)
I used to have a crush on Peter Pan.
afafjalsdfjasdfjasv. HAHAHA, forget the tall, dark broody types; give me a boy covered in leaves and wearing green tights anyday :P
Wow, I have just sunk to a new level of dork-dom.

I love the card... especially the arrow labelled Cynthia that points to the fat man :L
BTW, for people going next Friday(?), this was the restaurant I was talking about:

They're all desktop calender quotes that I've kept (cause I can't bear to chuck them away).
The one on the bottom is 21st September. ^^ I ripped it out early just so I could shove it on the bottom there. Oh and apparently, my birthday is the UN's International Day of Peace. See:
I also share the same birthday as Stephen King... so go figure.
Anyway now that I've stuck all those quotes on, I can't take them off, EVER. Cause otherwise my wall will have all these random sticky tape marks and blank paint stops left. Heh... maybe I should've thought this through properly first... -.-'

For those interested, here's the short program that she did for the 2010 Olympics. It's a James Bond Medley and this performance was a World Record Breaker:
Also, she's a singer as well and on youtube, there are videos of her ice skating to Brown Eyed Girls "Abacadabra" and SNSD's Run Devil Run.
Here are some more Kim Yuna links for those interested:

I. am. so. happy.
THE YEARLIES ARE OVER XD except for school certificate maths trial tomorrow... But meh, it's only maths. Psssh, not that important.
I can finally go back to youtubing Taemin. But uh, Taemin, I've just got a small question for you...
Did you decide to change it because I said I wasn't going to youtube you for one week? You know, you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to go swap your nice curly dyed locks for some random black bowl cut. I only said that because I had exams... Oh well, I still love you - fugly hair and all.
Like dude, seriously. The hair. It's killing me. Haha oh well. I'll get over it. I'm not like one of those uber crazy Korean fans who spaz over minor details... or am I? *insert suspicious looking emoticon here*
On to other news in my oh so interesting life. Today I played violin for the opening of the lecture theatre. I played in front of Nick Lalich :D HAHAHAHA. Isn't that awesome? He's like... 1/4 famous y'know. LOL, I swear, Miss M has got to stop using the violin people as her music slaves. It was fun at first but after having to play My Kind of Irish for EVERY SINGLE OCCASION, it's starting to get a bit tiring. And its not like we even sound good. We're just the only string people that the school has. Pretty sad, isn't it?
What was funny though was when they announced the string group and didn't say Bonnie's name. Ngaww, poor Bonnie.
I finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha a few days ago. It was good. For those who don't know, it's about a Japanese girl called Chiyo (also known as Sayuri) who gets taken away from her family to become a Geisha. What's special about Chiyo is that she has blue-gray eyes, a feature that stands out to most people she meets. The book basically follows her whole life and the obstacles she has to face to become one of the most famous Geishas of Japan. It was really interesting but the thing that disturbed me was that most of the men in the book were either really old or really horny... or both. It was so weird...
Also, the main guy in the book (who she calls the Chairman), was made to seem like a nice, kind, compassionate person throughout the whole story. He's the one who gives her hope to achieve her dreams, etc, etc. But then on page 420 of the novel, near the end of the story when Sayuri has finally gotten together with the Chairman, I read this line, "The Chairman wanted me out of Gion to keep me out of sight of Nobu, but he certainly wasn't going to marry me; he was already married."
Haha, just joking. Apparently, it was very common for men to take Geishas as mistresses back in those days. Who am I to criticize?
Anyway I think I'm going to watch the movie again on Friday. Just so I can compare the book and the movie.
I also have to say one last thing. For some reason, I really liked Hatsumomo in the book. I know her character was the evil bitch but for some reason, it was the character that stood out most to me in the story. I remember seeing Gong Li's portrayal of Hatsumomo in the movie and she totally killed it (in a good way).

Come out and play with me,
and bring your dolly three
climb up my apple tree...
Saturdays are awesome. I wake up, I eat, I play some music, I do some procrastinating, then I take my own sweeeet time studying or whatever. Plus the house is always empty on Saturdays so there's no one to scream at me.

My life fucking sucks.
I have a tutor test tomorrow, which I didn't hear about until an hour ago. I've been sitting at the back for my Wednesday classes so sir doesn't check my work. Which is a good thing cause I don't get about half the stuff I learn in class, I struggle with the homework and I've got like all these random black spaces in my book where I think I'm supposed to have working out but I don't cause I just don't get it.
I got yelled at by my piano teacher (again) cause I haven't been reading up on classical suites, purcell and bach.
My mum can't drive me back from tutor tomorrow. So guess who's gonna be driving me home? ><' Two words ass-hole.
My modern history exam is the day after tomorrow. I couldn't study for it cause I was cramming for the tutor test that just came out of nowhere.
I can't do it. My brain's gonna explode.
I can't fucking write 2 essays (5-6 pages each), an extended response and answer short answer questions in only 2 hours.
I think they're overestimating me. My english feature article was only about 3 pages and I had TWO periods to do that.
I don't even have time to study for my normal year 10 yearlies cause of all the stuff I've been doing. Oh and Ms M has decided to use the violin people as her music slaves again so that means I need to practice for another performance. I AM SO SICK OF THAT SONG.
I also stubbed my toe again. Another stuffed-up toenail. It won't stop bleeding.
*sigh* Ranting to this blog has helped..... a little. But I still have a giant headache that won't go away and I still feel like crying. I think I'll just go to sleep now. I can't think clearly.
P.S. I wonder who reads this blog... It's kind of scary thinking that some randoms out there might come across this.


I did this for music class composition but since musescore sucks shit, I'd rather play it. The lyrics are from the book Mockingjay, written by Suzanne Collins but I made the melody + harmony up. Obviously, I prerecorded some parts on my digital piano cause unfortunately, I don't have three hands.
Here are the lyrics (I only used the last verse though):
Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run so we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
BTW, I finished reading Mockingjay like a week ago but I won't review it until more people have read it. Or maybe I just won't review it. I have to get over how disappointing it was. WHYYY?!

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