Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2010 · Leave a Comment
I. am. so. happy.
THE YEARLIES ARE OVER XD except for school certificate maths trial tomorrow... But meh, it's only maths. Psssh, not that important.
I can finally go back to youtubing Taemin. But uh, Taemin, I've just got a small question for you...
Did you decide to change it because I said I wasn't going to youtube you for one week? You know, you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to go swap your nice curly dyed locks for some random black bowl cut. I only said that because I had exams... Oh well, I still love you - fugly hair and all.
Like dude, seriously. The hair. It's killing me. Haha oh well. I'll get over it. I'm not like one of those uber crazy Korean fans who spaz over minor details... or am I? *insert suspicious looking emoticon here*
On to other news in my oh so interesting life. Today I played violin for the opening of the lecture theatre. I played in front of Nick Lalich :D HAHAHAHA. Isn't that awesome? He's like... 1/4 famous y'know. LOL, I swear, Miss M has got to stop using the violin people as her music slaves. It was fun at first but after having to play My Kind of Irish for EVERY SINGLE OCCASION, it's starting to get a bit tiring. And its not like we even sound good. We're just the only string people that the school has. Pretty sad, isn't it?
What was funny though was when they announced the string group and didn't say Bonnie's name. Ngaww, poor Bonnie.
I finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha a few days ago. It was good. For those who don't know, it's about a Japanese girl called Chiyo (also known as Sayuri) who gets taken away from her family to become a Geisha. What's special about Chiyo is that she has blue-gray eyes, a feature that stands out to most people she meets. The book basically follows her whole life and the obstacles she has to face to become one of the most famous Geishas of Japan. It was really interesting but the thing that disturbed me was that most of the men in the book were either really old or really horny... or both. It was so weird...
Also, the main guy in the book (who she calls the Chairman), was made to seem like a nice, kind, compassionate person throughout the whole story. He's the one who gives her hope to achieve her dreams, etc, etc. But then on page 420 of the novel, near the end of the story when Sayuri has finally gotten together with the Chairman, I read this line, "The Chairman wanted me out of Gion to keep me out of sight of Nobu, but he certainly wasn't going to marry me; he was already married."
Haha, just joking. Apparently, it was very common for men to take Geishas as mistresses back in those days. Who am I to criticize?
Anyway I think I'm going to watch the movie again on Friday. Just so I can compare the book and the movie.
I also have to say one last thing. For some reason, I really liked Hatsumomo in the book. I know her character was the evil bitch but for some reason, it was the character that stood out most to me in the story. I remember seeing Gong Li's portrayal of Hatsumomo in the movie and she totally killed it (in a good way).