Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Say, Say my playmate
Come out and play with me,
and bring your dolly three
climb up my apple tree...
Come out and play with me,
and bring your dolly three
climb up my apple tree...
Who doesn't like the target commercial? I wonder how long it took to film. And what is with the last line of the song? LOL. I also really like the Saltwater Room song... eheh I'm so slow.
Saturdays are awesome. I wake up, I eat, I play some music, I do some procrastinating, then I take my own sweeeet time studying or whatever. Plus the house is always empty on Saturdays so there's no one to scream at me.
Oooh I went library yesterday and I borrowed:
It's pretty good so far. I remember watching the movie while I was on a plane. The movie was good too although I remember feeling kind of disturbed about the main guy... who was about 30 something years old when the main girl (Sayuri) was only like, 9.
But anyway, the movie was very pretty. The story was interesting as well even though people have said that the movie had been "hollywood-ised".
Okay, back to studying.
