Has anyone ever seen this movie? LOL I watched it last night and its actually REALLY good. It's about a boy named Jamal who goes on the indian version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" and somehow he knows all the answers. It was also a bit sad :( Coz he had lots of flashbacks of his childhood and he went through lots of sad stuff. Like people murdering his mum and his friend getting his eyes burnt out coz blind beggars earn more money... Oh yeah and he had a childhood friend who he fell in love with too. There was also a funny part where he had to escape from an outdoor toilet but the only way out was down the hole. So he jumped right into his crap XD
I'm writing a murder mystery for english. It's about Juliet's death, well not really, coz I changed it and stuff. Maybe I'll post it one day, if its not too bad...
This morning, my mum was trying (unsuccessfully) to teach me mandarin. I'm trying to tell her its a waste of time but noooo.. she just wants to make me suffer >_> I think I should go exercise outside. Someone else exercise with me so I don't look too retarded (talking to you nancy).
In HA, I had to help my partner with english rules. I just gave her most of the answers LOL. Patience is NOT one of my virtues. That's why I'm never gonna be a teacher. :) NOOO thank you.
Does anyone realise that people act differently in their blogs than in real life? Its true though. We all act normal at school but when we go home and blog, everything is revealed. HAHA listen to me, I sound like a shrink. I once wanted to be a psychiatrist =3 But then I watched this movie where a psychiatrist went crazy after listening to all his patient's problems... *shivers*
Okay, I'm rambling now XD Shut up cynthia and go watch BBF.
Hmm sounds like a great idea ..
Oh yeh, and people, if you can, try and watch Slumdog Millionaire :) It's a good movie.
Change was in the air...
As I walked into the classroom, a strange feeling came over me. The whole room was strained in anticipation and everyone's eyes were drawn to the blackboard. I followed the whole room's line of sight and nearly fell over from shock. This was REALLY unexpected.
We were actually gonna WRITE something in English :O -shocked gasp-
sources: based on a true story
Did I tell you about my dream? It was really STRANGE, but then all dreams are supposed to be strange.
I was Blair in gossip girl and I was telling chuck bass that I loved him. LOL He was saying something in return but I couldn't hear him because my dream suddenly changed. I found myself below deck on a ship. Instead of floorboards, there was glass. Out of nowhere, a GINORMOUS WHALE swam under the ship. I think I nearly died from shock. After that, the dream changed again and I was in a tree, watching this guy down below. He seemed to be lost so I came down from my tree and talked to him...
& then I woke up :(
Hello People, are you having a nice day? I WAS until somebody told me the answers for the maths test and I realised I made lots of silly mistakes. School was alright though. In maths, mr ngov put some algebra questions on the board and spent like 5 minutes doing the working out when I already knew the answer by writing one line :L I played with wax in science. That experiment took 15 mins? and thenI spent the rest of the period watching nails rust. yay. I ate 2 lolly snakes in music and they were both green. Stephenie ate like.. 4. XD
BBF was so sad TT' I didn't exactly cry, but my eyes leaked tears. & I'm not really a crying person. I mean, I laughed when that girl died in one litre of tears. Go figure.
I was looking through some things on a twilight fanfiction site and did you know there's a story called "My Name is Cynthia" and its about a girl named cynthia turning into a vampire. The girl who wrote this story has talent. LOL
I seem to be obsessed with "Your mama" jokes. Like this one:
Hehe =3Your mum's so fat that people exercise by running laps around her.
I'm gonna blog really fast coz i wanna watch BBF. HAHAHA Everything I seem to do revolves around BBF =3.
Today was alright I guess. I went to the music room at lunch to practice singing with Lyanna but its was so LOUD there. It was a cacophony of NOISE. LOL High Achievers was funny today. We had to go to F block to practice our bathhouse song and I told snez her singing was low and she got all offended and when she came back, she started talking in a high voice. Now me and bonnie may have to do the bathhouse song by ourselves. And if that happens pigeon poo's gonna bash my face :o
HAHAHA I made Tian do the tarot card test and guess what she got? THE EMPRESS. Which basically stands for beauty, love, art and all things FEMININE lololol. Unfortunately my comp is going all wonky so I can't show you a pic :(
Hmmm.. Nancy told me to write something here.. I forgot what. I think something to do with her being gay? Oh wells :P
Anyways goodnight ppl, i'm off to staring at Goo Jun Pyo's face =3
I feel dead.
My eyes are sore
My fingers are cramped
My brain has exploded from overexposure to the computer screen.
&it is all because of those stupid templates. I spent 2 hours yesterday and 3, I repeat 3 hours today trying to find a template or skin for this blog. And as you can see, I've ended up right where I started. Kill me now.
-sigh- I feel much better now. Thanks for listening :)
moving on to other news:
Today I did table tennis at another school. That school looked WAAAY better than our school. LOLS CVH is so azn XD Anita was hungry but she was afraid of eating her fried rice coz it would make her look even more azn HAHAHA. So she ate a muffin instead.
I was looking through some fan art from www.ramblingsandthoughts.com/twilight and I found this:
obviously, I didn't draw that. So don't sue me whoever did it. It looks really cool :) I also found one where a plant was growing out of edward's ears. LOL. Its so ..strange but I can't stop staring at it.
I still haven't taken a shower yet and its already 8:42. Heyys did anyone watch the Oscars? LOL. I feel like watching slumdog millionaire now. OMG I did so many silly mistakes on the maths test yesterday. How was I supposed to remember to put savings into the budget table??
Hmm.. not much to really write about.. except bonnie peeing herself in rollcall :P PSSHHHH. Ok I'm getting off now. I think I wanna watch BBF XD GOO JUN PYO lololol
Anyway, continuing from before I left for tutoring.
Oscars tonight, I think I might watch since I've nothing better to do. LOL, anyone watch Dance yesterday? Charlie is so cool. I didn't know he had abs :L I think I wanna go Dubbo now... NOT.
To do list:
1) Get a new template for this blog. This one is WAY too popular.
2) Change vocal lessons
3) Unpoof my hair :L
4) I feel like writing something.. just can't think of what to write. Suggestions anyone? or not.. depending if you want to keep your ideas to yourself.
5) Tutoring HW, GAAH!
Btw, the brown blob in my dp is a wombat, I know lots of people can't see it and think its just another panda. It makes more sense if you know its a wombat :)
I know this is totally random but according to a site I went on, my hobbit name is:
Rosie-Posie Hornblower of Waymoot
Ok, so I was looking around at ppl's blogs and I realised: WHY DOES EVERYONE SEEM TO BE BLOGGING ABOUT THEIR CRUSHES/HEARTBREAK/BF/GF/EMOTIONAL CONFLICT?! Everyone is caught up in their life dramas. Except for me -.- Am I just emotionally incompetant? LOLs. Teenage angst is running rampant. hehe.
As you all know, today was photo day. I kept getting people come up to me and tell me I looked different... Then I would stare at them and try to figure out it they were being sarcastic or serious >< Hairdresser lady, I'm still mad at you! Oh and I just realised, your hair can't turn green and then fall off coz there would be no point in it turning green in the first place...
to lyanna: you're a genius because you taught me how to delete a post :)
I better finish up now coz I got tutoring after this. & also becoz nancy (that fei bart por) is telling me to hurry up.
I have tutoring in 2 and a half hours TT' One day my head will explode from all the math formulas stuffed into it.
Right now, its very late at night. ^^ Gotta be quiet, or else my mum will come into mythe room and start shouting and screaming in chinese. LOL
So.. I went to the hairdressers today and got a haircut. It looks WEIRD, all puffy at the top and thin at the bottom. I'll need some time to get used to it. Here's to hoping my hair grows back fast ><' Hairdressers are EVIL. I am never trusting them ever again. You tell them to cut 4 cm, and they'll hack off 20 cms !! Oooh, and just before photo day too. I don't know your name lady, but I am going to warn everyone of your wicked hairdressing ways and atrocious sense of style!! May your hair turn GREEN, mouldy and fall off. AFJA;LSFJAF.
Hey Peeps,
I wasn't gonna post today, but since i'm waiting for part 6 of BBF to load, I might as well do something.
Today was quite boring compared to all the other days. Went to school, had a normal school day and came home. Along the way, i managed to lose my watch :( But good news is: I can get a new one =D
Aiiyahh, my video's been loading for ages. I think its frozen ><
Yesterday in science, juliana, jessica and I had to present our science model. We found out we did it wrong; we we're supposed to show how to figure out the molecular formula not make an equation. HAHA. Our ninety-six foil balls and ten painted atoms were for nothing. Life is great. Thanks for asking.
Yup, video's definitely frozen. And it was up to the good part too. I am THIS CLOSE to punching the screen. But then I would need to buy a new comp, and that's a waste of money.
Has anyone ever noticed that Mr. Downe's voice goes all high & squeaky when he's excited. And he is usually very excited when talking about atoms and molecules. Which reminds me, is there someone out there that's nice enough to teach me science? I am so lost. Maybe because mr ngov was talking about positive and negative electrons...
Oooh yes, the blackout. There was a blackout in my townhouse and the street yesterday. The lights went off while I was burning a CD and I spent the next 1 and a half hours outside. Have you ever noticed that the sky is very bright at night? It looks just like early morning, I never noticed before.
Well that's all. I give up on my drama loading coz it hasn't moved AT ALL. Have a nice day ppls, and may your videos load faster than mine :)
Hey Peoples,
I'm sitting here, waiting for the electricity to go out because my mum forgot to pay the electricity bill. -sigh-
Like mother, like daughter I guess...
Not that I would forget to pay the electricity bill..
'Coz that's just stupid...
& risky...
& very very unparent-like...
I mean, I wouldn't want to plunge my whole family into darkness, especially if you're beloved daughter may be in the middle of doing an important assignment, watching BBF, listening to the radio, making atoms or blogging.
So what I'm trying to say is: Like mother, unlike daughter.
In my previous blog, I said I was itching to write something, anything. Well I did :)
The Destination
It was a cold, shadowy night. Therese was cruising along a narrow road not far from the small, outback town of Kotombi. Early that morning, she had gone to visit her relatives that lived on the outskirts of Sydney. There had been a barbecue and lots of catching up with her numerous family members. Time had flown. Now, it was a few minutes before midnight and Therese was hoping to make it back to her apartment without any trouble. Driving at night was tricky but luckily, she had denied any alcohol at the party.
The blue gums rose up on either side of the road, forming an arch that blocked out the moonlight. At this time of night, there was no other car to be seen. Therese wasn’t one to be easily spooked, being a medical scientist and all, so she concentrated on the road ahead and tuned in to her favorite country/western music station.
She was too busy humming along to the radio that she nearly didn’t notice the pale, figure waving, on the side on the road. He or she was clearly hoping to get her attention and was even jumping up down. Therese was a bit apprehensive. It was strange for someone to be on the road at this time. Maybe they had gotten lost and was trying to get home?
Turning off the radio, she pulled over to the left quickly and wound down the window.
“Hey, is everything alright?” she asked, “It’s a bit late to be out walking.”
The man, who looked to be about 55, just smiled sadly and pointed to his throat.
“Oh! I’m sorry… You can’t speak? Then, where are you headed?” she tried again.
He pointed down the road and made a driving motion. Therese took it that he wanted a lift. She hesitated. There were enough stories about strange men getting lifts from young women and what happened to them after that. But seeing as this person had no supplies with him and was quite a fair distance from the nearest town, she decided to take a chance.
“Alright, I’m heading back to Sydney. I’ll take you as far as I can,” she said.
The man gave her a grateful smile and got into the passenger seat.
Therese started the engine and continued down the country road. She sneaked a glance at the man sitting next to her. He was really very pale; you could almost call it, well, translucent. An overgrown beard covered the bottom half of his face and his eyes were wrinkled around the edges. He stared straight ahead, with a sorrowful expression on his face. Therese wondered what had happened to give him such an expression. She continued driving and tried to ignore the strange silence. She could hardly strike up a conversation with a dumb man, could she?
Eventually, she couldn’t take it any more. If he couldn’t talk, she would do the talking and he could listen.
She blurted out, “My cousin told me a story about this road at a recent family reunion. Apparently someone died here a few years ago. Isn’t that scary?”
The man just nodded politely and continued his silent contemplation. Undeterred, she continued, “People believe he died whilst trying to get back home... My cousin told me his spirit is still out there somewhere.” At this, she laughed out loud. It amazed her that some people actually believed in ghosts and whatnot. Therese had no patience for the supernatural. That was partly why she chose a career that was straightforward and uncomplicated. She looked at the man again, hoping he would find this funny as well but was met with another polite nod.
Forty-five minutes passed and Therese was nearly onto the main road. Suddenly, the man started gesturing and pointing to the side of the road. This was his destination. Therese pulled over and stopped the car under a particularly big gum tree. This place had a serene feel to it and even the animals and insects had stopped their constant noise. A cool breeze rustled the tree branches and then everything was still.
Before the man got out of the car, he surprised Therese by grasping her hands in both of his. Shaking them furiously, he seemed to be expressing his enormous gratitude. The sorrowful expression had disappeared from his face. Therese didn’t understand, she had only driven him a few kilometers but he was acting like she had saved his life or something.
“Um, you’re welcome,” she responded, “You sure you can go on from here?”
The man smiled once more and nodded as he got out of the car. Therese then turned the engine back on pulled back onto the road.
As she drove off, she couldn’t help remembering the last part of her cousin’s story: “His spirit wonders up and down this road, waiting for someone who is kind enough to bring him to his destination.”
YAY I finished my maths tutoring HW :) Now i can blog about the past few days, there's so much to talk about.
First off, the frog in E block. It looked like it just died recently. The rainwater had probably washed it to the side near the bubblers and it was trapped there when I saw it. Its body was pale and floppy and when i poked it with a stick, its skin sagged a little. Poor thing :( Sooo, someone (Snezana i think) rolled it out from the bubblers and left it there. When the bell rang for the end of lunch, lots of ppl walked to their class and ONE GUY STEPPED ON IT!! Froggy's body got squished and all its guts and organs fell out :O
I now proclaim a one minute silence for Froggy
Anyways, did anyone watch So You Think You Can Dance on Sunday? That vampire routine was so cool XD Charlie is now my new favourite. Also, LOL at the part when Penny said "Everyone should open up and EMBRACE THE PENNY!"
The atoms look really cheap and foil-ish. It's probably time to try a different approach. Foam balls maybe?
Did I tell you that i have an urge to write? I want to write about something. English class has been so depressing.I haven't written anything yet, and its been 3 weeks... All I've been doing is Find-a-words and murder mysteries, but i guess that part is alright. I guess this blog will just have to be my alternative for the time being.
CURRENTLY READING: Sabriel by Garth Nix
It's a good book, a bit scary at times but maybe that's just me O.o
Well, that's all i can think of right now. I'll try to blog more often but that might be impossible because of HW overload. I'm practically drowning ><. Someone save me, please.
P.S Nancy, if you're reading this you're gayer than my foil atoms :)
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Hi Peoples! Or should i say person?
It is now day two of my blogging.
I woke up at 9:00am today and basically spent the whole day playing ds... Oh yeh, and its valentines day today. So Happy Valentines =) I hope you have someone to spend valentines day with, unlike me :(
Btw I would like to thank the ppl who gave me roses. & also hannah, for the bear (though i doubt she'll ever read this -.-'). I've named it BEAR for the time being, just until i can think of a better name. BEAR sits on top of my electric piano and watches me play Love Story ^^
Right now, it is raining outside my window. The person who lives across from me has their window open and i think their room is gonna flood soon. Well, it is their fault for not closing it.
The weather matches my mood coz i have no more "Boys Before Flowers" to watch. I should really start pacing myself. -sigh-
I currently have nothing to do, except for tutoring hw and the science thingo. I tried to make an atom with newspaper and foil and as you can see, its not working...
I think i'm going to go do something productive now...
It is now 7:55 pm and I've been sitting here for 3 HOURS O.o'
The clock on my desk is giong backwards for some weird reason.
I have a strange feeling, like I just woke up. Can't believe 3 hours have been wasted already. I could've been drama-ing or working on the science model or doing SOMETHING. hehe, Nancy are you reading this? :)
Ok now i will go DO something.
P.S I doubt anyone is reading this...
P.P.S Actually YOU'RE reading this.
Black Friday, the day i started my blog =).
Maybe that's a sign...
So. What do people write in blogs? Their thoughts? Their feelings? Is it like a diary? Coz I don't think I want people to read my mind (not even you Edward). I used to have a diary. It took up 10 minutes of my life everyday for a whole year ><' and when it was filled it up, I threw it away. Maybe the garbage man read it. Hehe.
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