Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Change was in the air...
As I walked into the classroom, a strange feeling came over me. The whole room was strained in anticipation and everyone's eyes were drawn to the blackboard. I followed the whole room's line of sight and nearly fell over from shock. This was REALLY unexpected.
We were actually gonna WRITE something in English :O -shocked gasp-
sources: based on a true story
Did I tell you about my dream? It was really STRANGE, but then all dreams are supposed to be strange.
I was Blair in gossip girl and I was telling chuck bass that I loved him. LOL He was saying something in return but I couldn't hear him because my dream suddenly changed. I found myself below deck on a ship. Instead of floorboards, there was glass. Out of nowhere, a GINORMOUS WHALE swam under the ship. I think I nearly died from shock. After that, the dream changed again and I was in a tree, watching this guy down below. He seemed to be lost so I came down from my tree and talked to him...
& then I woke up :(
Hello People, are you having a nice day? I WAS until somebody told me the answers for the maths test and I realised I made lots of silly mistakes. School was alright though. In maths, mr ngov put some algebra questions on the board and spent like 5 minutes doing the working out when I already knew the answer by writing one line :L I played with wax in science. That experiment took 15 mins? and thenI spent the rest of the period watching nails rust. yay. I ate 2 lolly snakes in music and they were both green. Stephenie ate like.. 4. XD
BBF was so sad TT' I didn't exactly cry, but my eyes leaked tears. & I'm not really a crying person. I mean, I laughed when that girl died in one litre of tears. Go figure.
I was looking through some things on a twilight fanfiction site and did you know there's a story called "My Name is Cynthia" and its about a girl named cynthia turning into a vampire. The girl who wrote this story has talent. LOL
I seem to be obsessed with "Your mama" jokes. Like this one:
Hehe =3Your mum's so fat that people exercise by running laps around her.