So like, I'm going to Europe next week... no biggie, it's only Europe. HAHAHAHA WHO AM I KIDDING?! I GOING TO EUROPE NEXT WEEK, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
But at the same time, I feel kinda sad. I wish I could bring Nancy and Tian and Juliana and Hannah and everybody along since their own trip got cancelled- although I'm not exactly sure if they would want to come to Europe LOL. We were all supposed to be overseas at the same time :'( Damn you natural disaster, you're such a party pooper.
I have so much stuff I want to do in Europe. But I don't think I'm gonna have time. I know how these school trips go. They're just gonna bring us to places, we're gonna get time to take a few photos and then we're gonna get packed up in the bus and driven to the next destination. Oh wells, I'm not complaining though. Did I mention that we're gonna get a train trip? You know, one of those fancy schmancy ones that run through Italy where they've got like awesome cabins and stuff. I'm gonna run up and down it - let Ms N try to stop me, MUHAHAHAHA. I'm also gonna run up and down the plane, and up and down the hotel, OH AND UP AND DOWN THE EIFFEL TOWER. YERHHHH.
What else am I going to do? Hmmm, oh that's right, I'm gonna find a mime in Paris and bring him/her back for Nancy. LOL, everyone's gonna think we're from Japan or something. No worries, I could always pretend that I am from Japan and maybe they'll give me a handout. Just kidding. That would be really bad. I shouldn't do that.
But before I get to go, I've got to pass my Modern History hsc half yearly first. Oh dammit, I can't remember anything about HCM. It's all those names I think. Apparently he had over 150 different names in his lifetime. Oh crap I'm supposed to be studying. Ok, bye.

Never ever ask my dad for advice on doing well in tests.
Me: Dad, you know that history extension practice test I told you about, the teacher says I write really well but problem is that I just don't write enough.
Dad: Oh, that's easy to fix. Don't use the words "and" or "but". Just write two sentences instead.
Me: Huh?
Dad: And instead of saying "he", just write the full name.
Me: So you're saying that I should write "Leopold von Ranke" instead of "he". Is that right?
Dad: Exactly. Just write really big and leave a line in between paragraphs and you'll be fine.

I have created the most beautiful poster in the HISTORY OF BEAUTIFUL POSTERS. Othilia, Tanya and I are evil geniuses LOL. Unfortunately, I can't show it to you until tomorrow night.
So yesterday was Roxie's 21st birthday. Man it's been so long since I've blogged about my life. Usually I'm talking about the Hunger Games or like, I dunno, Harry Potter? Ok, getting off topic. As I was saying, it was my cousin's birthday yesterday and about a bijillion people went to Bankstown RSL Club's all-you-can-eat to celebrate. I was not kidding, it was a bijillion people. For example, my GRANDMA on my mum's side was there - and I don't think Roxie even knows her. The food was nice though. But I couldn't be bothered lining up for the fancy stuff. Tian and I dipped marshmallows in the fondue fountain, just for the sake of it and I had beetroot LOL. I don't get it, how can people not like beetroot?
Oh, I had cross country on Friday. It wasn't actually as bad a I thought it would be. I jogged a bit and walked a bit and I sprinted with Jane near the end. I think I came somewhere between 15-20. My legs killed the day afterwards though. Walking down the stairs is HELL but it was worth it. For some reason, I felt really fit afterwards, even though that was the only exercise I've gotten in like, 10 weeks. Maybe I should make it a habit to jog every week. Although my parents have this paranoid fear of me getting kidnapped if I walk outside the townhouse without an adult...
I dreamt of a blue cat last night. It was the most beautiful cat I've ever seen and I felt sad when I woke up. I remember it being so soft and fluffy and friendly. It followed me wherever I went and. Technically it wasn't blue BLUE, it was more like black-blue.
Kinda like that, but way more blue. Now that I think about it, cats can't really be blue. Huh. It seemed so normal for the cat to be blue in my dream though.
Man, I want a cat.

I found out about this yesterday and honestly, I'm just happy that they finally announced it. There's been speculation for like forever so I got sick of hearing stuff like, "Jennifer Lawrence close to Katniss offer" and then "Lionsgate has not offered Katniss role of Jennifer Lawrence."
For those who don't know, Jennifer Lawrence was most recently nominated for an Academy Award for her role in Winter's Bone. Yeh, I've never heard of her before that but that's ok. I don't doubt her acting abilities as the director has said that,
"I saw Winter’s Bone, and I just thought she was phenomenally talented and just
kind of riveting and amazing and had so much power. And then we had a meeting
and I found her to be just a completely compelling, intelligent person. But then
she came in and read for me and it just knocked me out. I don’t want to go into
too many details, but we did a scene from the movie and it was so amazingly
powerful that it was sort of stunning. You glimpsed every aspect of the role and
the potential of the whole movie"

asked Ms S. whether she has read the Hunger Games while she was driving our debating team back from debating.
I might or might not have recommended it to her and told her how awesome it is.
She might or might not have bought the book after hearing about it from me and started reading it.
She might or might not have finished the book and told me how much she actually liked it.
She might or might not have liked it so much that she has decided to do something about it and is trying to order numerous copies for the school.
And we (Year 11 Advanced English) might or might not be studying/analysing The Hunger Games for our next area of study....?
Oh whoops. What have I done?

They sure don't make 'em like this no more.
I thought I lost this 2005 copy, which is why I ended up buying the newer version. (Don't judge me). Turns out that my cousin actually had my copy all along and she's had it for about THREE YEARS. Haha, believe it or not, this is actually how I imagine Bella in my head. Ahh yes.... brings back old memories. I don't care what people say, or how superficial the story is, I'll always have a soft spot for Twilight (the book version not the movie version. The movie version can go die in all the fires, jsyk.)
I wonder if I can sell this old version on ebay in a few years time. How much would I get for it, do you think?

This is the current state my desk is in. You can't even see the keyboard underneath all my notes and papers. *sigh*
I just love it when people go, "Ughh, I'm so busy! I don't even have time to do my homework."
Outside, I nod and I smile and I say, "Oh, man that sucks."
Let me list the number of things I need to do:
- Extension History Project (worth 80% of my course mark for the HSC)
- English Extension Essay 5-6 pages
- Write English Play
- Write a creative story for english tutor
- Maths hw - finish exercise 4
- the raven questions
- answer the questions in the ginormous booklet on the raven
- Write notes on historians for extension history - all 8 of them
- Music HW - write a brief report on the features of the Baroque period under each concept (pitch and duration) and research vivaldi
- Fill in table for English Extension and type it up
- Legal studies extended response question thingo
- Prepare two pieces for audition thingo in week 9
- Study for HSC half yearlies (Modern History and History Extension) THAT WILL ALSO TAKE PLACE IN WEEK 9. FARRRRRRRR-
- Memorise a whole bunch of notes for piano exam and also practice my pieces because I am WAYYYYY behind.
Blogging is my only form of stress relief right now. How sad is that?

- Everyone would have read Harry Potter. I have this theory that if everyone in the world read Harry Potter, the world would be a much better place. Seriously.
- Trees would be made out of fairy floss, dirt would taste like chocolate and worms would taste like mi-goreng.
- Whoever mentions the words homework, assignments or HSC would get their head puree'd in a turbo engine.
- I would be able to point at things and make them spontaenously combust.
- The sky would rain lemon lime & bitters.
- People would just fly everywhere, like Superman.
- Yotsuba would exist.
- There would be a day called "lolcatz" day where everyone has to speak in lolcatz language.
- One period of the school day would be transformed into a "stress-relief" period where students can just zone out and do whatever they want. Oh wait, I have that already. It's called Modern History.
- People would randomly break out into dance and song, like in all those musicals.
- We could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...
LOL, ok I stole that last one from Mean Girls. But only because I needed something related to peace and teamwork and stuff so that I could post this very relevant picture:

I hate it when people go, "You have to decide yourself, Cynthia. Don't think that we're pushing you to do this, cause we're not. It's all up to you." But you can just feel that they're expecting you to do it and all you want to do is go, "STOP BULLSHITTIN' IN MA FACE >:( AND JUST DECIDE FOR ME. FARRRRR. "
Like that whole history extension thing. Although technically no-one really pushed me to do it. I just couldn't decide and ended up going for it anyway. You know what? I think that's my problem. Once someone offesr something to me, I can't say no. And there's that added pressure of not wanting to say no in case its like you just took the chance they offered and chucked it back into their face. Oh god, this is bad. What if someone offers me drugs in the future and I can't say no????
Today, Ms M and my vocal teacher offered me an audition thingy for some kind of music workshop that's held annually. Basically it's a very difficult program to get into and I think they only accept 20 people a year. Anyway if I accept, I have to prepare 2 audition pieces (for singing) and I also need backing tracks for it. Then on the day of the audition Ms will drive me to the place (along with a few others also from our school) and then I have to.... audition. If you do make it in, you get 6 days of intensive but fun music workshopping (spread out over the year) and near the end of term 3, they hold a concert to showcase what youd've done. That is assuming, if you do make it in.
I don't know if I want to though. I've already got a lot piled up on my plate, not to mention my extreme case of stagefright that means I have a talent for sounding like a strangled chicken when I sing in front of others. And also, you can just tell that those auditions will have heaps of THOSE people. Yeh, you know what I mean. Those really confident, talented people who have like, done auditions their whole lives.
What to do? :(

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