The definition of "busy"

This is the current state my desk is in. You can't even see the keyboard underneath all my notes and papers. *sigh*

I just love it when people go, "Ughh, I'm so busy! I don't even have time to do my homework."

Outside, I nod and I smile and I say, "Oh, man that sucks."


Let me list the number of things I need to do:

  • Extension History Project (worth 80% of my course mark for the HSC)
  • English Extension Essay 5-6 pages
  • Write English Play
  • Write a creative story for english tutor
  • Maths hw - finish exercise 4
  • the raven questions
  • answer the questions in the ginormous booklet on the raven
  • Write notes on historians for extension history - all 8 of them
  • Music HW - write a brief report on the features of the Baroque period under each concept (pitch and duration) and research vivaldi
  • Fill in table for English Extension and type it up
  • Legal studies extended response question thingo
  • Prepare two pieces for audition thingo in week 9
  • Study for HSC half yearlies (Modern History and History Extension) THAT WILL ALSO TAKE PLACE IN WEEK 9. FARRRRRRRR-
  • Memorise a whole bunch of notes for piano exam and also practice my pieces because I am WAYYYYY behind.

Blogging is my only form of stress relief right now. How sad is that?

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