In My Ideal World...

In my ideal world...

  • Everyone would have read Harry Potter. I have this theory that if everyone in the world read Harry Potter, the world would be a much better place. Seriously.

  • Trees would be made out of fairy floss, dirt would taste like chocolate and worms would taste like mi-goreng.

  • Whoever mentions the words homework, assignments or HSC would get their head puree'd in a turbo engine.

  • I would be able to point at things and make them spontaenously combust.

  • The sky would rain lemon lime & bitters.

  • People would just fly everywhere, like Superman.

  • Yotsuba would exist.

  • There would be a day called "lolcatz" day where everyone has to speak in lolcatz language.

  • One period of the school day would be transformed into a "stress-relief" period where students can just zone out and do whatever they want. Oh wait, I have that already. It's called Modern History.

  • People would randomly break out into dance and song, like in all those musicals.

  • We could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...

LOL, ok I stole that last one from Mean Girls. But only because I needed something related to peace and teamwork and stuff so that I could post this very relevant picture:


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