Posted on Friday, April 2, 2010 · Leave a Comment
This is my second post of the week. Like woah, what has gotten into me. I haven't blogged in a month and a half and suddenly, I've blogged twice in a week. I guess its because it's the:
Such a relief man. Term 1 was so hectic :'( At times it was like I was drowning but I got through it.
1 down; 3 more to go.
I'll just talk a bit about the stuff that happened this term.
I tried out for E-day LOL and totally bombed my audition. It was so FREAKIN SCARY. Like now that I think about it, it shouldn't have been that hard but it was :( I'm such a big chicken these days but when i think about it, I wasn't at all shy when I was small... Anyway, at the end of it, the teachers+students gave me this pitying look; kind of like, "You tried but you sucked." I just can't get over my nervousness. God, I hope I don't have stage fright.
But yeh, for some reason I still got in LOL.
This term, I also found out that Bonnie, Othilia, Tian, Jun and I are going to be playing at the Opera House :D Violin, I mean. The concert is going to be called "Jacaranda" and is part of the "Festival of Instrumental Music". At least that's what it says on my note here but in my opinion it should really be "Festival of the Squawking Geese" because that's what my violin sounds like right now. Oh well, I guess its not that bad compared to my sister's oboe playing. She makes my violin playing sound like a Edward Cullen's voice.
Anyway, So You Think You Can Dance is gonna finish in about a month. I want Jessie, Robbie, Ivy and Philippe(?) to be the Top 4. And I want either Jessie or Robbie to win. Remember these words people. Jessie and Robbie are going to WIN.
Last but not least, here is a game that EVERYONE should play. It's called Boomshine and its seriously the most addictive game in the whole universe.
You know you want to.