Bye Bye Drama

I actually have no homework to do right now so I guess I'll just waste time by blogging about random stuff :)

For example, the vocal teacher told me to pick another song to learn next week and I spent around 10 minutes looking at my iTunes library trying to find one. I really like Demi Lovato :) Did I tell you that? I kind of got sick of her songs for a while but now I like them again. Maybe I should pick one of her songs for vocals... but then I've already done one of her songs and I don't wanna seem like one of those narrow minded people who only stick to one particular type of music. HAHAHAHA I wonder what would happen if I picked a Korean song... Her expression would probably look like this:

I finished "You're Beautiful" on the weekend :( I cried at the end - not cuz it was sad but because it was the last episode. It was a good drama... I'm gonna miss it so much. Let's just have a minute's silence for the passing of this totally awesome drama.

Back to random ramblings, my mum went to the school community meeting to do translating today. Guess who went up to her and started talking to her? Katherine's Dad. LOL. I won't say what he said but ... it was weird.


I watched two eps of You're Beautiful today and OMGIWANTMYOWNPIG-RABBIT!

lulz. I feel very high - must be the drugs drama.

(Pictures taken from No copyright infringement intended.)

Eww man, why did Shin Woo (the poo) get black whilst neat freak got lime. LIME out of all colours - no offense to ppl who like green - but lime just shouldn't be worn by guys. Eww.

Ok that's all I wanted to say today. Goodbye.


Hermione: "Everyone this is loony- I mean, Luna Lovegood"


Harry: What are they?

Ron: What are what? I can't see anything.

Luna: Don't worry Harry, I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am."

Ron and Harry: .........

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Beware of the Nargles Harry...

Nancy said that Stephanie said that a mole in the middle of your neck/throat means you'll commit suicide and a mole near your eyes means you cry a lot. I have moles on those two places, which means that I'm going to cry a lot and commit suicide...

Whoopee for me.

It's so bloody hot today. I felt like I was underwater when walking outside, the air was that heavy. Since my sister stole my old room, I'm left with the crappy one that doesn't have air con or anything. How am I supposed to survive summer? F5

My dad made me borrow his weird Vietnamese karaoke videos at Cabra Library again (cuz he ran out of space on his card). If you don't know them, they're the ones with asian ladies posing on the front and tacky coloured font all over it. They also look really cheap and ugly. You can imagine the looks that the librarian gave me when I borrowed them.

Off to dinner now and then Harry Potter later :)


" often infested with Nargles..." - Luna Lovegood


P.S Thank you Othilia, for pointing out that Albus Dumbledore is gay. I seriously never would've noticed.


Jeremy and his Apples <3

Day 3 of my drama drought and I'm still going strong. Two more days before I get to watch my beloved "You're Beautiful" again (L). Speaking of dramas, Nancy and I have come to a compromise. She get's the sexy dude, I get the neat dude and we split Jeremy. Belinda and Lyanna get one strand of Jeremy's hair each and oh, Bonnie gets the apple :L

Somehow, changing my template makes me feel like blogging now :D I really like this template - even though the tabs at the top don't work. Also that brown smudge in the top left where you're supposed to search up stuff doesn't really work either. You can type in it, the search results just don't come up.

My dad and I were talking on the way to piano lessons about drug gangs. LOL. It started when I saw two police cars outside someone's house. I told my dad about it and he was like, "Probably drugs. They used to operate in Liverpool, then they moved to Cabramatta. They tried moving to Carramar as well but no one would buy." HAHAHAHA.

He also told me a story about how drug gangs mark their territory. Apparently, they tie the laces of shoes together and then chuck them up to the power lines so that they get stuck there. Interesting... not sure if it's true though.

Even though I'm refraining from watching dramas, it doesn't mean that I can't reread recaps on Dramabean's blog. Oh and also googling the members of A.N.Jell =3

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry. Meka meka meka meka...."

*sigh* Thank God my busy Wednesday schedule is over..... & no piano lessons next week. My teacher's going to New Zealand :D

New Template

YAY! New template xD

Too bad the tabs at the top don't work...

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I Hate the Sun

Today was a gay day. A gay day was

But that's normal I guess. Yesterday was a great day... which meant that today had to be extra crap to balance it out. Bad days always follow great days - story of my life.

Currently listening to "Fuck You"- Lily Allen. It makes me laugh =3 especially when the backup singers sing "Fuck you" very very very very very very very high. & I like all Lily Allen songs anyway.

Back to the topic, today was gay for a lot of reasons. For one thing, it was so BLOOODY HOT. I had to walk home as well, carrying my 20-something kg bag + laptop. High achievers was a snooze fest (as Belinda mentioned in her blog) and I also felt very very nauseous in period 2. I was gonna vomit into Nancy's face :( Sorry luu poo, I know how picky you are about the products that go on your face. To top it all off, Ms N wanted me to write another article for the newspaper. I was so happy when I finished the last one off, and now she wants me to write another one! Ughhhhhhhhhhh.



Need my drama crack, need my drama crack, need my drama crack.

But I'm trying to make it last. I've got 4 more eps left - if I wait till Thursday, two more will come out. Farr out, now I know how druggies feel.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to write such negative blogs. They just turn out that way. Speaking of negative, I've got some stuff that's bothering me but I guess everyone's got stuff that's bothering them, right? Look at the people in Zimbabwe, they're problems are WAYYYYYYYY more important than stupid teenage angst.

Haha, that's my inner hippy talking.


Drama Crack

LOVE the new korean drama: "You're Beautiful". It's my current drama crack... I can't stop watching it (F5). Actually it's even better than Boys Before Flowers :D & youse know how much I LOVED Boys Before Flowers.

Basically, You're Beautiful is about a nun/girl (Mi-nyeo) who pretends to be a guy so she can join this boy band (A.N.Jell). She's actually impersonating her twin brother who for some reason is unavailable. At first the teams members don't accept her but after a while they start becoming closer and even protective. I know, sounds cliche but its really really really really really really good. The actors that play the "band" in the drama actually sing and play instruments in real life which is cool.

I reckon the girl's too pretty to pass for a boy but since this is dramaland, people are allowed to be stupid and not realise she's a girl. (e.g Mizuki from Hana Kimi. She didn't look like a guy either.)

Interestingly, I read on Dramabeans that the two main leads were strong contestants for the role of Jandi and Gu Jun Pyo in BBF.

At first, I didn't really like the main guy cuz he had this gay haircut and I thought he looked like horse shit. But then I changed my mind after he got a makeover :D

Anyways, back to watching my addictive, random, shallow yet meaningful, eye-candy-filled Korean drama...

Glow in the dark ping pong balls ftw.

Black Friday

I hate Black Friday.

T_T at my epic fail in cricket.

Don't come near me, my bad luck will rub off on you.


My Awesome Dancing

LOL. Just cuz I picked the option that said "I'd be perfectly happy staying in this exact spot all day" doesn't mean that I'm a gelatinous cube... Tuh, how dare you. Is this a sign that I should go out and exercise more?

Yesterday, I went to my uncle's wedding party. It was actually quite fun :L and I spent most of it staring at people... hahahaha. Even though it's not New Year's yet, I already did one of my resolutions which was "Not care what other people think." I went out onto the dance floor (because Roxie and all these other ppl forced me to) and um... well let's just say that I inherited my parent's ... dancing....abilities. (Juliana stop laughing at me). So people who are reading this - beware. If we're ever old enough to go clubbing, you might wanna... keep me away from the dance floor :L:L:L But hey, I wasn't the only bad dancer ok? My uncle looked like he was having some kind of seizure in the middle of the floor and there were these two old guys who tried to disco (or at least I THINK it was disco...I couldn't tell).

My cousin and I also spent the night laughing at how tacky the wedding was. They had this lame bubble machine that kept blowing out bubbles continuously. I think one of them went into my uncle's eyes when he was dancing with his bride. Oh and did I mention that they had balloons on the ceiling that were filled with confetti. Apparently, they would pop and the confetti would fall down (in what i think was supposed to be a "pretty" and "gracefull" effect.) FAIL.

At one point, all these kids rushed into the middle of the floor and started playing with the confetti. They were just out of control and stuff. One of them was even lying down and making a confetti angel - until his dad came on and dragged him off. Another kid stuck his face in front of the bubble machine and blew into it. I betcha my uncle's Australian workmates were thinking WTF? Is this even a wedding party? :L


Gimme my poster >_<

Stupid cheap asian lady didn't have any New Moon posters at her stupid cheap asian corner store >_> It was supposed to come with the Daily Telegraph today... Grrrr... I betcha she kept them and is now selling them to sorry, deluded people for 2 bucks each.

Wells I haven't been blogging much this past week. I'm kinda torn between using Twitter or blogspot. What's the difference? I reckon Twitter is just like blogspot... except that there's a limit on how many words you can use. I'll probably just stick to blogging.

And to all youse cheap ppl out there: Apparently, today is 7/11 day, so if you want a free slushie, all you need to do is go to your nearest 7/11 store and say, "Happy 7/11 Day" and they'll give you one. Well that's what my sister says anyway. Personally, I can't be bothered to go to the nearest 7/11 store and ask for a slushie, the petrol cost of just driving there would equal the amount you would've paid for the slushie. lols.

*sigh* Did I ever mention how much I hate tutoring? Recently, I've been moved to the Wednesday Year 10 class which means that my Sundays are free. Hooray... not. My tutor's just announced that my Year 9 class is gonna be split up - and the class I'm in is gonna be moved to SUNDAY NIGHTS 7:30PM - 9PM. Is that gay or what?

Speaking of gay: tomorrow's gonna be gay as well. I've got to spend my whole morning and afternoon at my grandparent's house doing some stuff for the wedding (I have no idea what) and then at night there's the wedding dinner/party thing to go to. God, how I hate asian weddings. There's always off-key karoake and weird music, not to mention relatives that try to ask you about school and then you spend the whole convo trying to speak to them and explain stuff in cantonese. At least that's what happens to me. I think I'll just spend the whole night being a social recluse and listening to my iPod :L And maybe texting random ppl cuz there's nothing better to do.

Hahaha, I sound so cynical.

Favourite Scene :L



Hehehehe I finally have a Twitter account =3

Right now, I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing so yeh, just ignore my noobiness :)

Here's my url thingomabob:


The New and the Old

With the beginning of the new month, comes the end of an old crush. And by old, I mean a crush that lasted approximately two years. If there was a title for world's most chickenest/lamest girl - that would be me. Seriously. I counted the number of words that I actually said to him in those two years and the grand total comes to ....... eleven. But hey, whatever. It's about time I moved on anyways. I'll find something else to occupy my mind for now - anything that'll take my mind off those jeans...

Ineedalimb, I promise I'll make a Twitter account this week. I really want to make one but I'm just feeling a bit lazy tonight :L Oh, and that also reminds me, the other thing I wanted to do was make a Facebook account. Thank god the yearlies are over, now, I finally have time to do the things I want to do.

Moving on, I just finished reading the book "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". It was actually quite good. If we ever had to study a classic novel in English, we should totally do that one cuz it's probably more interesting than the original. And plus, it's basically a retelling of the original Pride and Prejudice... just with zombies.

Haha, and here's a quote from the book that I found quite hilarious:

Jane: "My dearest sister, now be serious. I want
to talk very seriously. Let me know everything that I am to know, without delay.
Will you tell me how long you have loved him?"

Lizzie: "It has been coming on so gradually, that
i hardly know when it began. But I believe I must date it from my first
seeing the way his trousers clung to those most English

Oooh... What do you think that means? *insert perverted emoticon*

Anyways, I haven't been blogging much about my dreams nowadays. I should really start doing that again... starting now.

Last night, I had a dream that a group of police came to our school and interviewed the Year 9's. They told everyone to take out their phones so they could check them >_> Unfortunately, my phone had songs that I'd downloaded and when the policewoman asked me where I got them, I panicked. I eventually said that I got them from itunes and then she was like, "oh, okay." and walked off. HAHAHA.

And then the dream switched and I found myself at this meadow place with lots of pretty flowers and a giant lake. I was playing a game with some random people that involved jumping on the little islands in the middle of the lake. It was fun :)

