Posted on Friday, November 6, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Stupid cheap asian lady didn't have any New Moon posters at her stupid cheap asian corner store >_> It was supposed to come with the Daily Telegraph today... Grrrr... I betcha she kept them and is now selling them to sorry, deluded people for 2 bucks each.
Wells I haven't been blogging much this past week. I'm kinda torn between using Twitter or blogspot. What's the difference? I reckon Twitter is just like blogspot... except that there's a limit on how many words you can use. I'll probably just stick to blogging.
And to all youse cheap ppl out there: Apparently, today is 7/11 day, so if you want a free slushie, all you need to do is go to your nearest 7/11 store and say, "Happy 7/11 Day" and they'll give you one. Well that's what my sister says anyway. Personally, I can't be bothered to go to the nearest 7/11 store and ask for a slushie, the petrol cost of just driving there would equal the amount you would've paid for the slushie. lols.
*sigh* Did I ever mention how much I hate tutoring? Recently, I've been moved to the Wednesday Year 10 class which means that my Sundays are free. Hooray... not. My tutor's just announced that my Year 9 class is gonna be split up - and the class I'm in is gonna be moved to SUNDAY NIGHTS 7:30PM - 9PM. Is that gay or what?
Speaking of gay: tomorrow's gonna be gay as well. I've got to spend my whole morning and afternoon at my grandparent's house doing some stuff for the wedding (I have no idea what) and then at night there's the wedding dinner/party thing to go to. God, how I hate asian weddings. There's always off-key karoake and weird music, not to mention relatives that try to ask you about school and then you spend the whole convo trying to speak to them and explain stuff in cantonese. At least that's what happens to me. I think I'll just spend the whole night being a social recluse and listening to my iPod :L And maybe texting random ppl cuz there's nothing better to do.
Hahaha, I sound so cynical.