Posted on Friday, June 26, 2009 · Leave a Comment
It's a strange day indeed.
Everyone's heard about Michael Jackson so I don't need to explain. I kind of still can't believe though, he was such a BIG celebrity. It just seems like he's too famous to die (& yes, I know that I'm not making sense. Just coz they're celebrities doesn't mean they won't die). I'm guessing that the newspapers tomorrow will have a double spread featuring the life of MJ... Well this is getting all too serious and depressing so, RIP, King of Pop.
Moving on to happier subjects: AFTER A WHOLE WEEK OF PLAYING HEXIC (at least an hour every day), I FINALLY GOT A PEARL. For those who don't know you need 6 stars to get a pearl and to get a star, you need 6 hexagons in a particular shape. Basically, this is VERY VERY DIFFICULT.
& being the stupid idiot that I am, I forgot to print-screen it T_T I'll just show you a picture of my 5 stars... Btw, just ignore the table down the bottom that tells you I'm getting owned by Nancy.
Moving on to happier subjects: AFTER A WHOLE WEEK OF PLAYING HEXIC (at least an hour every day), I FINALLY GOT A PEARL. For those who don't know you need 6 stars to get a pearl and to get a star, you need 6 hexagons in a particular shape. Basically, this is VERY VERY DIFFICULT.
& being the stupid idiot that I am, I forgot to print-screen it T_T I'll just show you a picture of my 5 stars... Btw, just ignore the table down the bottom that tells you I'm getting owned by Nancy.
Pretty, yeh?
A while ago, I also played Winterbells on Orisinal and got a SUPER HIGH SCORE. Here it is:
If you're bored try playing it and tell me when you beat my score ;) (P.S the music tends to brainwash you so I suggest you turn it off) :
My oh-so-immature cousin drove us back from school today in his new Audi. It was embarassing but quite funny. He picked us up outside school and once we got in, he wound down all the windows (including the one at the top that allows you to stick your head outside). He then turned on some gangsta-like songs and put the volume UP. But of course, what is the fun in that when you don't get to show off?
I swear, people could hear us scream as he turbo-boosted down Prospect Road.
When we got to the traffic-jam part, he had to slow down. The people walking home were giving us WTF looks coz the gangsta music was still on full blast. If that wasn't embarassing enough, he started yelling out random people's names.
Amy: Look, that's Diana!
Manly: Issirt? Let's call her! -screams in a girly
(please keep in mind that he doesn't have a clue who diana is)
Yeh, that went on for quite a while. He also said "OI!" to some randoms, including a few seniors + girl in Year 7 that looks like an elf. & because we were in a traffic jam and were going extreemely slow, the people who got screamed a had enough time to give us weird looks as they walked past us. HAHAHA and nancy had to cop most of the stares - since she sat on the side closest to the footpath :P
Moving on now.
It has finally happened! Bonnie and I FINALLY got to learn violin (after 4 weeks of waiting and waiting). It was funny coz the teacher spent 20 minutes teaching us how to hold the bow and violin.
"De bow is like a ship and de violin is the sea. De ship sails on the sea, okay?
Now to hold the bow, ze thumb is the captain and it sits on that part there.
Your middle finger is ze first mate and it goes to meet the captain, so put it
around de bow. The two other fingers are lazy! They REST on de boat like so. Now
the pinky is the sail, it directs ze boat so bend it like this and put it on
top! That is how you hold ze bow. Now we move on to holding the violin..."
Ok, ok, I shouldn't make fun of her accent. She was actually really nice and didn't get impatient with us, even though we struggled with the simplest things (such as holding a bow). Ughh, can't we just ditch the stupid sail/sailors and get a BLOODY MOTOR ENGINE INSTEAD.
Anyways, I really do need to take a shower now. I've been feeling unsanitary since I looked into the toilet bowls in the girls toilets at school (I have perverted friends). Goodbye fellow bloggers and may your minds stay clear of disgusting images.