Posted on Monday, November 26, 2012 · 1 Comment
That title is awesome. Whatever your argument is, it is invalid.
Ah yes, about that new blog.... It will be up..... soon..... maybe. I spent 2 hours yesterday looking at templates - all of which were fugly to the max. I will find one though (eventually). Meanwhile, I find myself having all these post-HSC adventures to blog about but can't be bothered doing it here because this will soon become my old blog. But GAH, I am just exploding from all the stuff I have to say. I feel like Ron from the 2nd HP book - trying not to vomit out all these slugs, except in my case, they are not slugs but words.
Anyhoo, here's a song to make up for the mostly pointless blog post:
P.S. I finally watched the new Batman movie. It was awesome and fantastical and I KNEW - I KNEW (after watching that awesome necklace-stealing scene at the beginning) that Batman was going to end up with Catwoman. That other woman was just a minor road bump in their path of awesome, badassery couple bliss. Also, Robin! LOL. And Tom Hardy, despite the baldness and oversized winter coats, is hot. I still like him better as Heathcliff though:
try or you can get some fug template then edit the css yourself