Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 · Leave a Comment
I am contemplating uploading the violin videos from Presentation Day on this blog. Contemplating. I doubt that will happen though because everytime I look at them, I cringe. Especially Bilge Rat Blues. That one was so craptastic. Oh and the Viva La Vida one makes me laugh because you can clearly see the Year 7s fidgeting at the back. And in every single performance, my face is screwed up in concentration like this: ><'
Well they could've been worse. Plus I doubt anyone really cares or pays attention to us anyway. 90% of the whole assembly is spent going, "Geeeeeez, are we done yet??" and talking to the person next to you. And plus, I had a good workout, running from one end of the hall to the other. You should've seen me man, I was so ninja.
Congrats to the SRC, captains and vice captains today. You guys did a great job. Oh and William, my mum said that you were her favourite presenter LOL. Just wanted to let you know.