
Damn you bloody t-formula question. You made me waste like a bloody 15 minutes on you, and you weren't even supposed to be a hard question. I betcha I copied the question wrong. Yeh, that's probably it. Cause I swear to Buddha my working out was all right. AAARGH.

Laxatives for yer brain

I don't know how to study for maths. I remember my formulas and I think I know how to do most questions. But if they chuck a really effed up question at me tomorrow, how do I prepare for it? Do I have to go through all the exercises again and pick out the hard questions or something and then do these repetitively? Or should I redo all the past test papers, as well as Ms D's extra revision sheets and read a maths textbook (just in case) for good measure?

I have a problem. I can't write anymore :( I used to be so good at poems and creative writing and all that stuff but recently, it seems like my mind has a giant yellow roadblock shoved in front of it everytime I try to put pen to paper. I blame history extension. And all those year 12 essays. They've made me so .... what's the word? Meticulous? Yeh, meticulous, when it comes to writing anything. I feel like I have to make sure every sentence sounds complete and right and that all my paragraphs somehow link together and make sense. I can spend HOURS trying to think up the perfect intro and then I end up regretting wasting all my time doing that.

It used to be so easy. Back when I didn't care if everything sounded perfect and exact, I could just write my essays and get them over and done with. And it's not like they turned out crappy or anything. Actually, they probably turned out better since I could write exactly what I wanted to say and it would just flow. But now, every single thing I try to write has to get processed at least fifty times in my brain before I can get it out. WHAT IS THIS? IT'S LIKE BLOODY MIND CONSTIPATION OR SOMETHING. Is this what happens as you get older? Your mind just decides to censor everything you write until your imagination is reduced to the size of my sister's brain? (lol just kidding). The only exception is blogging though. I never had to worry about sentence structure or articulation when I blog. It's so liberating.

Anyways, nothing much has happened in the world of Cynthia recently. My cousin got into North Sydney Girls. Hooray. Good for her. Yippee. Now her dad has more reason to look down on me, lol. I don't really like their family though. They're rich and snobbish and they think I'm stupid. I kind of wish she hadn't gotten in. Does that make me a bad person? It probably does. Ah well, all the more reason to succeed? :p *fist pumps air weakly*


Split Personality Syndrome

Hooray! I have finally reached over 10000 views for this blog lol. Well, it wasn't a goal per se, but I just thought I'd mention it. According to my calculations, I have written 382 posts since I started this blog a while ago.

10000 divided by 382 = 26.17801047

So therefore, for every post I write, approximately 26 people read it. Well that's probably not very accurate since when I started this blog I only had 3 followers. heh. And guess what? I have NEVER deleted a post, ever. Even when I've regretted what I've written, I've just left it there lol.

But it's not like you care, so ... MOVING ON!

ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TILL THE HOLIDAYS, HALLEFUCKINLLUJAH!!! Do you know that means? It means I can finally watch City Hunter and ogle at Lee Min Ho. "Ogle" is such a funny word btw.

Sigh. But it's not gonna be much of a holiday. I've got trials to study for and notes to catch up on. Every time a new term starts, I reflect on my holidays and realise that I haven't actually done aything productive. But I am determined to fix that this time. CYNTHIA IS GOING TO BE PRODUCTIVE THESE HOLIDAYS. *fist pump air*

There is something wrong with me, lol. Everytime I'm around my friends I'm normal. And by normal, I mean, as normal as you can expect me to be. I speak, I laugh, I go hypo, I'm just me. But then if you pick me up and dump me in an unfamiliar situation, I turn into some kind of antisocial weirdo. AND THIS IS NOT ME! (caps lock for extra emphasis). I know a lot of youse might say that this is perfectly normal. And yeh, to be honest it doesn't happen often. I can be myself with the vast majority of people I know. But there are some specific people/groups of people that somehow bring on this really retarded change. It's so weird. I can't explain it. I'm like a totally different person and I'm pretty sure the vibe I give off is either "I'm a really nerdy person who wants to study by herself. Don't talk to me", or "I have no sense of humour and if you approach me I will hit you. Don't talk to me."

If someone knows how to cure a split personality, please contact me. As I said before, it doesn't happen often. It's only a specific group of people that bring this on.

Oh and btw, I need everyone here to be my witness. A retard I know says he can beat me in music in the yearly report. He's willing to bet $50 bucks that he can beat me - FIFTY BUCKS $$$ (caps lock for extra emphasis) -keep in mind that he came last in the half yearly report, lol. His excuse is that he didn't try. So anyway, once I do beat him, he will have to give me the money. And he better pay up because I have just told 30-something people about this bet :)

Just for the lulz...

Keep calm and ..... AVADA KEDAVRA

Grrrrr, stupid blogspot won't let me comment on anybody's posts. Not even my own! What is this?! What did I do to deserve this?

I just came back from Snez's house. Leanne, Mercy, Snezana and I were working on our project. Actually, it was more like 20% work and 80% mucking around/shopping. We initially went over to Livo to buy stuff for the presentation but got sidetracked by food and toy sales LOL. Leanne and her toy sales. You should've seen her spaz at seeing a Harry Potter Lego book.

By the way Lyanna, I bought a helmet at Big W. If you ever go bike riding, I wanna tag along :D

It was quite fun today though. I learn a lot of stuff from Leanne and Mercy, LOL. Most of it is gossip but it's interesting gossip. Oh and I learnt something that was so bloody hilarious about someone in my grade. I can't say it on this blog because that person might read it here but you can always seek me out and ask me instead if you really want to know. Trust me, you'll want to know.

It's strange how alike Leanne and I are. While we were "working" we decided to test each other on our Harry Potter knowledge and so this turned into a quiz. I would say "Spell that petrifies the whole body" and she would say, "Petrificus Totalus!" Hehe, we are so epic. We were also talking about youtube and I mentioned eatyourkimchi and she was like, "OH MY GOD, YOU WATCH THEM TOO?!" and this turned into a spaz fit where we discussed Martin's obsession with TOP and spudgy's blue fur. Snez and Mercy were just like, okayyyyyyyy, we'll just stick to shopping.

And Leanne has this thing on her phone. It is so epic:

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: For those who are interested, we need to organise a Harry Potter midnight screening trip ASAP. Tickets are probably gonna sell out soon and if we don't hurry, we're not gonna be able to go :( And we must go because it is the last Harry Potter.


Why so curious?

Back in Year 6, just when I was leaving primary school, I got my yearly report (if you could even call it that) from my teacher. And down the bottom of the page where the comment usually is, she wrote, "Good luck in high school Cynthia! You're going to do great things. I already know what you're going to become in the future."

Only recently did I remember this. And I can't help but think, WHY DIDN'T I ASK HER WHAT SHE THOUGHT I WAS GONNA BECOME?! Because that would make my life so much easier. What does she mean by "I already know what you're going to become in the future?" A doctor? A rubbish truck driver? A millionaire? It's probably about time that I start thinking about what I want to do in the future but I honestly have no idea.

I know what I DON'T want to do. I don't want to be a doctor, and I don't want to be a lawyer.

My life plan (which I remember mentioning in this blog a few months ago) was to:

  • Win the lottery

  • Travel all over the world

  • Go to London and maybe NORWAY so I can see Alexander Rybak

  • Find a British guy with an English accent

  • And leech off my friends when I get back to Australia because by then, I would be poorer than the Cabramatta hobo.

Obviously, that's not a very realistic plan and I am going to need a back-up plan.

I think I want to do journalism. But I'm not sure. You know how sometimes ideas just flit through your brain and you think, hey that's not too bad. Well yeh, that was one of them. I also wouldn't mind being a librarian LOL. That wouldn't be too bad - I just probably wouldn't earn a lot of money. Which means I have to leech off Nancy and Tian again. Oh well, they won't mind :)

You know what I don't get? Teaching. I have full respect for teachers, without them, we wouldn't learn anything, obviously. But for me, and this is just my really unecessary opinion, teaching seems like a very strange job. You go to school for like 12 years. You work your ass off, studying for the future. And then go back to school and pass on your knowledge to other people. Like what is the actual point? It's like a cycle which can't be broken. Why do we learn? We learn so we can apply our knowledge to jobs in the future or at least to get into a uni which would then lead to a job in the future. What is the point of learning, if you're just gonna recycle that knowledge.

This is just my opinion though. For those who actually do love teaching and do it because they love working with kids or something, then I understand why they do it. But the thought of learning just so you can re-teach it to someone else seems very strange. It's like acquiring knowledge but not actually applying it to anything. For example in science you might learn about, I dunno, chemical equations and whatnot. But then if you become a teacher, you don't actually use your knowledge of chemical equations to create life-saving drugs or anything. You just.... pass it on and maybe hope that someone else makes the life-saving drugs.

If I could choose my life school would look like this,

or maybe this,

which, I would like to add is a real school. I found it while browsing random blogs. My house would look like this:

or maybe this,

or even perhaps this,

And it would be situated here,

with a swimming pool like this,

and a library like this,

My job would involve this,

and I would have many friends like this,.

Plus a few odds n' ends.

But first I would needs some of this: $$$$$$$

BEWARE of the Studywiz Monster

I am sure that most of you, who go to my school, are familiar with that thing they call "studywiz". For those who don't know - studywiz is basically like a school communication system that allows you to send your assignments and work to your teacher and vice versa. Well today I found out more about this horrifying invention. It's not just a work-sending thing - it's much more than that. OHOHO, much, much more. *insert ominous thunderclap*

You all know that teachers can tell who opens their mail/assignments right? See I thought that was creepy already - being able to keep track of who opens what. Well today, I found out exactly how it works. Basically, there's this button teachers can click next to the assignments/work they've posted. They click on it and this whole page comes up with a list of the people who've clicked on it AND HOW LONG THEY SPENT VIEWING THE PAGE. Seriously! It's like a table with:

  • Student's name

  • How many times they've viewed it

  • How long they spent viewing it

IS THAT CREEPY OR IS THAT CREEPY? Apparently most students only view stuff for like, 20 seconds or less. But some people (like me) end up with "1 hour and 20 minutes" next to their name LOL. And it's not cause I'm some retard who like to look at teacher's messages all day long - it's because I've left my computer screen on that particular page for that particular amount of time.

So what I'm trying to say is, DON'T EVER LEAVE YOUR SCREEN ON A STUDYWIZ PAGE FOR TOO LONG. Cause the teachers will know, oh they will know alright. And they will think to themselves "Geez, this student must be REALLY eager to do some work - they've spent 3 hours staring at this page!" BEWARE EVERYBODY. I'm just trying to spare you this horrifying fate.

It makes me wonder though. If they can see how long you've spent looking at a page, then they probably know a whole bunch of other stuff too. Like how long it takes you to write an email to them, or what you send to other people. Actually the last one is pretty likely, seeing as they already monitor emails and stuff. Yeeesh, that is so creepy.

, ,

Cow Tipping and Milkshakes


Eloquence can get stuffed today cause I am NOT IN THE MOOD to write properly.

I brought this on myself though. So technically there's no one else to blame. Well actually I could name one person but they'll be no point blaming them cause they're just doing their job. BUT SERIOUSLY. What am I doing? Why did I even agree to this? Do I even like maths? I honestly don't know. This has been the question that has bothered me for like, forever. If something is easy and straightforward and you don't mind doing the homework for it, does that mean that you like the subject?

I like english. But I don't like writing essays. HELL, nobody likes writing essays. But I do like learning the stuff you learn in english - it makes you think about the world.

Not like maths. When will I ever use complex numbers in everyday life? It's not like I'm gonna go around telling everybody that square root of negative 1 gives you a real plus imaginary number. I guess I don't mind doing maths homework. It's only when the homework gets so hard and asdkfja;sdlfjasd that I start hating it. I think I've just spent 3 and a half bloody hours doing the stupid maths tutoring hw. GAHHHHH. Even caps lock is insufficient for me to express my rage. So this picture shall have to suffice.

Maybe you shouldn't question some things though. It will just give you a headache. Like everytime I ask myself why I'm doing 15 units for the HSC, my head implodes. But its okay, I will have 3 units over and done with by this year and next year, I plan to drop something. Maybe music? Or legal..... I don't really like legal. know what else you shouldn't ask? Is Mexico part of North America or South America? 'Cause that will boggle your mind. Well, maybe not but it did confuse me. I spent half of lunchtime today pondering this really difficult question. But that's just me. I didn't even know Spain was part of Europe until a month ago.

Okay, enough ranting. Let's talk about the serious stuff.

I want to go cow-tipping one day.

I've always known what cow tipping was but just not the exact details and today I found out from a teacher what it really entails. So basically, you go up to a cow right? Then you have to scare it. And once you've scared it, push it over and IT WON'T BE ABLE TO GET UP.


So I have decided. It's always been my dream to go berry picking and have a picnic somewhere idyllic and epic-looking right? Well listen up people. For my birthday this year, we shall pack our picnic baskets, go berry picking and TIP OVER COWS. Then we will make delicious berry milkshakes from the berries we've picked and the cows we've tipped over ('cause all their milk will have been shaken up!). YAY :D

Goodnight fellow bloggers, I shall leave you with the thought of delicious berry milkshakes. Something to dream about while you sleep ;)

P.S. For some really really strange reason, blogger has decided to spite me and not allow me to post comments on people's posts. I've tried more than 5 times and everytime, i haven't been able to post anything. I really want to say hi to some people but I can't :( So I will just say it here? Hi Othilia, I found your blog :D (obviously) and also Hi CC! I hope you're reading this. I wanted to comment on your posts but I can't cause blogger doesn't like me. I hope this problem gets fixed up soon. Otherwise I may need to upload more angry pictures to express my rage.


On a crazy scale of 1 to 10, my mum would score 889068698685 points. Do you know what she said to me today?

Out of nowhere, she asked why I never tried out for src, right? And I just said that, I've never really wanted to do it, plus there are plenty of other people who do want to do it and they'll definitely make much better leaders anyway.

And I thought she would drop the subject. But she didn't. She said, "You go to such a crap school, and you don't even try to get into the src? Why're you so lazy for?" <--- exact words, but in chinese.

And this was my face:

Except it was more pissed-off looking.

This coming from the woman who doesn't even care what grades I get? TUH. You don't even read my bloody report and you're telling me that I'm not working hard enough? I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna go to report night and plaster on one of those fake smiles of yours and then go talk to people and I'm gonna know that you don' give a shit. TUHTUHTUHTUHTUH.

The Long Weekend which wasn't actually that long.

I HAD A LOT OF THINGS TO SAY but I seem to have forgotten all of it. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Oh well, I guess I'll just start off by talking about my long weekend.


I woke up at bloody 6am on Saturday to go to bloody Sydney University for the history workshop day thing. I met up with everyone at Canley station and then took the train to Redfern. It was so cold. Snez said I looked like a druggie on the side of the street with my hair whipping all around my face. Huh, haven't heard that one before. Anyways, we walked to the university and I went to a total of 4 lectures - 3 of which I fell asleep in. The one which I didn't zone out of was spent looking at all the graffiti on the lecture tables. I thought that once you got to uni, people stopped writing and drawing all over the tables. Apparently not. In fact, they're graffiti was of a "higher-class" quality, there were rhymes, epic drawings and even chinese writing, LOL.

I'm just gonna dot point the 4 lectures I went to:

  • HSC Core exam - aka World War I. Evaluation: Looked at doodlings on table and watched the rich kids from the more prestigious schools type notes on their iPads. Guy who was lecturing was apparently some senior, senior HSC marker who's had 20 years experience of something like that. Whatever. Just cause you know how to mark the test doesn't mean I'll know how to do it.

  • Elizabeth. Evaluation: I had to go to this one by myself cause I'm the only person studying her for the project-that-shall-not-be-named. I was so proud of myself when I found the lecture room LOL. I walked in, sat down, payed attention for 10 minutes and then gave up. All I heard was "....revisionist perspective.....Elton....feminist Bassnett.....traditionalist......Cate Blanchett". This was when I decided that I totally should've brought my sister's iPod touch to play Sushi-go-round.

  • Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution. Evaluation: Most boring one of the four. Mr G was sitting behind me so even if I had brought the iPod, I wouldn't have been able to play with it. Although to be fair, he was probably falling asleep himself. Imagine Mr Banner talking. Now times it by a trillion. That's how tedious the lecture was.

  • History Extension Question 2. Evaluation: Started off boring but then got interesting when the lecturer started showing us clips from the Matrix. How did it relate? No idea. I ended up half listening and half dreaming of Subway cookies. Yum.

HSC trials are coming up in August. I feel a bit unprepared and I've only got two subjects to prepare for. The year 12s have like, 6 subjects or something - I don't know how they cope.


Worked on the project-that-shall-not-be-named. I think I've made good progress. HOORAY :D. Then I had to go tutoring. Which reminds me btw, my parents don't want to pay for the 4u maths classes so err, that kinda leaves me with a dilemna. What happens if I beg them to pay but then later on, decide to drop it? That would be such a waste of money.


I pokemon'd the whole day. Haha no kidding. I woke up, played pokemon, ate breakfast, played pokemon, did maths homework, ate lunch, folded clothes, played pokemon, ate dinner and then played pokemon.

I think if I didn't do something totally geeky/fun I would have spontaneously combusted from all the stress. Come on, it is the long weekend after all. And pokemon makes everything alright :) `Gotta catch 'em all! Pokemon! Yeh XD

And now its Tuesday. School was boring as usual. Except, during History Extension, when the year 12s wanted to look at the violin. They played with a bit and then asked me to play something. HA, I warned them. Told them they really DID NOT want to hear me play and that they would regret asking me. They still wanted to hear so I ended up blasting their ear drums and making noises that were equivalent to nails scratching down a black board.

Whatever - I did warn them.


Downton Abbey

I have just written a further 700 words for the project-that-shall-not-be-named. I cannot explain to you how fulfilled I feel right now. If Taemin suddenly dropped out of the sky and proclaimed his love for me, I would not feel any happier than I do right now. Progress is good :)

It doesn't matter if most of what I wrote will probably sound illegible tomorrow but hey, it doesn't matter. Quantity not quality, is what I always say.

I found out today that it is compulsory for the whole English ext class to enter the Sydney Morning Herald Competition >_> I know a lot of people are actually excited about entering it and can't wait to write their 1000 words stories but I personally, am not that excited. It's just this weird thing that I have. When teachers TELL me to enter a competition, my initial reaction is always "No, I don't want to do it." It's not that I don't like writing, it's not that I don't like the teacher it's just that I don't like being TOLD to do it. Does anyone else get that reaction? I'm sure it's not only me. It's like when we have to do a composition for music. I wouldn't mind trying to compose a song but being TOLD to compose a song for class is different.

I've been watching Downton Abbey. I've finished the first season and basically that's it.... cause there is only one season so far. I quite like it. I know Channel 7 has been marketing it as this kind of scandalous, lusty, costume drama type thing but that's not really accurate. It's got a much slower pace and I guess that lets the plot breathe a little - not like Gossip Girl or Vampire Diaries where everyone is hooking up with randoms every 5 minutes (ahem, CHUCK BASS).

Basically, it's about the lives of a big family and their servants in Britain in 1914 (?). You've got the Lord and the Lady, their three daughters and the grand-duchess as the family. And the butler, head housemaid, lady's maids, cooks, footmen, etc as the staff. It would take too much effort to summarize the plot so I'm not gonna bother

-shallow moment-

Can I just say that the footmen are HOT? I don't care if Thomas is kind of a douchebag but seriously, he is like the sexiest gay footman I've ever seen. And William is so sweet. But Nigahiga, Chestersee and Kevjumba have taught me that ~nice guys finish last~.... which is why William will never get the girl.


A Fresh Start

I've been meaning to do this for a while. But I never got round to it cause the last time I changed a blog template, it took me 3 freakin' hours just to find the perfect one. I don't know, templates and I just don't get along well.

Anyway this new template has given me motivation to blog. I guess the old one was just getting a bit too old and dusty - it turned me off from writing anything. Nothing like a good ol' revamp to get you back into something :)

I guess I was also motivated by looking at other people's blogs. There are some pretty epic ones out there - craft blogs, cooking blogs, book blogs, photography blogs, etc... It made me want to do something awesome too. I wish I was into something cool - like photography. But I have like zero skills in photography. And it's not like I live in the country or something where everything just looks infinitely more awesome. No, photography is out of the question - unless you want to see pictures of a crappy townhouse, garbage bins, gutters or a railway line. Which reminds me....

I have just recently discovered the joys of the instagram rebuttal. If you have tumblr, you would know what an instagram is. It's basically some kind of emo/melodramatic quote set against a pretty picture - very popular among people our age. An instagram rebuttal makes fun of instagrams by putting a buzzkilling remark after the quote. And for a cynical person like me, this concept tickles me to no end.

Find out more here:

