BEWARE of the Studywiz Monster

I am sure that most of you, who go to my school, are familiar with that thing they call "studywiz". For those who don't know - studywiz is basically like a school communication system that allows you to send your assignments and work to your teacher and vice versa. Well today I found out more about this horrifying invention. It's not just a work-sending thing - it's much more than that. OHOHO, much, much more. *insert ominous thunderclap*

You all know that teachers can tell who opens their mail/assignments right? See I thought that was creepy already - being able to keep track of who opens what. Well today, I found out exactly how it works. Basically, there's this button teachers can click next to the assignments/work they've posted. They click on it and this whole page comes up with a list of the people who've clicked on it AND HOW LONG THEY SPENT VIEWING THE PAGE. Seriously! It's like a table with:

  • Student's name

  • How many times they've viewed it

  • How long they spent viewing it

IS THAT CREEPY OR IS THAT CREEPY? Apparently most students only view stuff for like, 20 seconds or less. But some people (like me) end up with "1 hour and 20 minutes" next to their name LOL. And it's not cause I'm some retard who like to look at teacher's messages all day long - it's because I've left my computer screen on that particular page for that particular amount of time.

So what I'm trying to say is, DON'T EVER LEAVE YOUR SCREEN ON A STUDYWIZ PAGE FOR TOO LONG. Cause the teachers will know, oh they will know alright. And they will think to themselves "Geez, this student must be REALLY eager to do some work - they've spent 3 hours staring at this page!" BEWARE EVERYBODY. I'm just trying to spare you this horrifying fate.

It makes me wonder though. If they can see how long you've spent looking at a page, then they probably know a whole bunch of other stuff too. Like how long it takes you to write an email to them, or what you send to other people. Actually the last one is pretty likely, seeing as they already monitor emails and stuff. Yeeesh, that is so creepy.

One Response to “BEWARE of the Studywiz Monster”
  1. Cecilia says:

    Glad my school doesn't use that.

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