Dad: Your sister got her Sydney Girls yearly maths results back today.

Me: Oh really? What'd she get?

Dad: Top one.

Me: WHAT? Really? Sydney Girls' maths must really suck... Oh well, she's been Jimmy-trained.

Nancy: Jimmy's like Hitler. He's raising an army.

Dad: You should call him Adolf Jimmy.

Me: HAHAHA Adolf Jimmy. What was Hitler's perfect race called again? I think it was the Aryans or something. What are we called then - "The Jimmys?"

Nancy: No, we should be called "THE JIMJIMS".

So there you go. From now on, if you go to Focus College, you are officially known as a "JimJim".

P.S. I wasn't taking a jab at Sydney Girls or anything. I'm sure their maths is WAY above average. I'm just trying to point out to everyone that my sister's maths can't be that good :)

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