1000 piece - Castle in Spain(?)
1000 piece - Picasso painting - 73 x 48.6cm
The second one drove me crazy... all that black and white can get a bit tiring especially when there's a thousand pieces - and only two/three colours.
Juliana, we still need to race :P
Ever since I was small, I've always been very conscious of the stuff around me. When I go places, I can't help paying more attention to my surroundings than my actual company. LOL. Yes, it's a very bad habit but its interesting as well, the stuff you notice if you open your eyes more.
For example today: as I was sitting in the waiting room at the dentists', I realized that the middle-aged asian guy I was sitting to was talking to himself. He was saying stuff like:
"The whole community should be interrogated by the United Nations!"
"If you're from Cambodia, you're not ill."
"Motherfucking idiot."
"He has a stick up his ass!"
It surprised me - how a middle-aged asian man could have such a ...colourful vocabulary. He was definitely talking to himself, I even sneaked glances to see if he was wearing one of those earpieces stuff but he wasn't. LOL. He also kept jumping from topic to topic so I couldn't keep track of what he was saying. In between phrases, he would make this sucking noise like he was swallowing his saliva or something. It was kinda funny.
Scary - but funny.
There was also this other woman in the waiting room. And she sat like a man while reading the chinese newspaper. Like I don't have a problem with that but she was wearing a SKIRT. And I mean a very very short skirt O_O.
I have a very strange obsession with dress up games LOL.
Does anyone else wanna make their own Anime Avatar?
Today I found the most awesomest plant ever. And the nice lady let me bring one home :) Let me present... the Lotus.
Today I went to watch:
with Tian and my sister because my mum had free children tickets. Tian and I really wanted to watch it and my sister was only there so it would look like we were babysitting when in fact we weren't :) It was a really cute/awesome movie, not like those recent crap Disney ones I've seen. It was more like "Old school Disney" as Othilia put it.
(BTW: O my golly gosh, that Prince Naveen is HAWWWWWWWWWT)
Why do the holidays go so fast near the end? There's only two more weeks left... Speaking of which I really really really need to get a school bag.
My parents and I got into an argument recently about speaking chinese at home. They think I don't speak enough of it at home and that from now on, they're only going to reply if I ask them something in Chinese. And that is so unfair cuz my canto sucks shit. My dad was like, "You're never gonna get employed if you can't speak chinese."
That got me thinking though. Is that true? Like do people only employ asians if they can speak chinese? I know today's world doesn't discriminate as much but still... What if I wanted to work in like the newspaper industry? Or in publishing? Would they discriminate as well because of the stereotype that "asians are only good at medicine and maths"? Hehe, this is a very interesting subject. LOL.
I remember hearing on the news a long time ago, that there was a really successful Australian/Asian writer who'd won a prestigious book prize. I thought, "That's pretty cool" and turned up the volume on the TV. Well he won a prestigious book prize all right. And you know what the subject for his award-winning story was? It was "The Boat People" (aka refugees from Vietnam). Great topic - but not exactly what I was looking for.
Moving on... I went out to dinner with my relatives yesterday at the Cabravale Diggers Club. We ordered pizza and then later I full cracked up with my sister as we watched my grandma and aunt eat pizza with chopsticks. Totally should've taken a picture.
This is based loosely on the "Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Anderson. Did you know that there's also a Japanese version of this story?
Every time I see her I want to vomit. That plain, featureless face; the dull, lacklustre hair, so unlike my own coppery curls. She thinks she’s doing the right thing? HAH! That empty little head of hers has no idea. NO IDEA of what she’s going up against. Who does she think she is?
I, on the other hand has everything a girl seeks to possess. I am the Autumn Princess, daughter of the infamous Queen of Robbers. My whole life has been an adventure. At five, I was taught how to use the forest to my advantage, blending in with all the green, gold and red hues. As lithe and agile as a fox, I could scamper up a tree with a knife between my teeth and hang on to the branch by the fingers of my right hand. At eight, I could make a grown man cry with just my fists. The veterans even brought me along to their highway robberies. My birthday present when I turned twelve was a lesson from Shadow-Hands Sally on how to empty all ten pockets of a highway patrol officer in less than fifteen seconds. When I turned sixteen, I discovered the true meaning of power. By batting my eyelashes and showing just enough skin, I could mislead men long enough for the rest of my gang to knock and tie up the other passengers. The tales of the elusive Robber Girl spread through the land and struck fear into everyone’s hearts. I was unstoppable and they knew it.
Now here I am, looking down through the bars of her cage. She isn’t pretty and she isn’t strong, but why do I feel so inferior to her? Is it the blazing purpose in her eyes? That strong voice that urges me to let her go because she has to rescue some boy called Kai? Her determination and love for this boy is sickening to watch and yet… why does she make me feel so small?
Next to her, I am conscious of the blood that stains my hands. The screams of the innocent people I have robbed and killed are called up from my memories like dead bodies rising up from a grave. And for what? For a pretty trinket that I liked? Gold and jewels that were earned by hardworking people? Her sense of righteousness makes her pretty. And next to her, I am ugly.
Copyrighted by Cynthia Luong
My Daily Desktop Calender Quote (DDCQ):
"Great thoughts come from the heart" -Marquis De Vauvenargues
I liked yesterday's one more though:
"You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others"- Anonymous
Two days ago, I had to go to my grandpa's funeral. I don't know if you would call it a funeral since it wasn't like most funerals. There was a lot of praying involved. Actually that's an understatement. There was a whole bloody SIX hours of praying involved and only two 20 minute breaks in between. THATS LIKE A FRIGGIN SCHOOL DAY. I didn't even know my parents were so religious. Like, I only go to a temple once a year or something. Oh well... my mum thinks it'll help grandpa go to heaven so um.. ok.
Yesterday we had to go back to the place and pray again. This time it was only for 2 hours and afterwards the whole procession of cars drove to the Neocropolis place (graveyard) in Lidcombe where the body got cremated. Most of my relatives cried. Except for me. Like it was sad, but I didn't cry.
But anyways, next time you guys are bored, try praying for 6 hours straight. Then come back and tell me whether you were really bored before or did praying for 6 hours straight put things into perspective.
P.S. For lack of anything better to do, my mum and aunt are downstairs watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I joined them for 5 minutes and then ran back upstairs. It didn't help that they kept asking me questions every 30 seconds.
It's strange how some days of the holidays can be so damn boring and then BOOM, you find out that your whole week is already filled out.
E.g. my schedule for this week:
Tuesday: Livo?
Wednesday: Going to the city with friends and cousins
Thursday: Grandpa's funeral Part I
Friday: Grandpa's funeral Part II
Saturday: A free day I think
Btw Bonnie, my phone contacts have magically reappeared :D Seems like your advice of waving a broken branch over my phone worked! :O
I wanted to write more for this blog post but I'm feeling really lazy right now...
I'll just leave you with my daily desktop calender quote (DDCQ):
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I shall leave you to ponder that - cuz I don't even understand it myself.
Just a recap of some things I did on New Years Eve/New Years Day.
I cooked food. Yep. You heard right. And there was no cornflour involved 8) I made Aussie beef burgers with Nanc and they actually tasted nice. MUHAHAHA. That's another thing I can add to my list of thingsthatactuallydon'ttastehorriblewhenIcookthem. Add that to the cupcakes and my list now has a grand total of ....... 2.
Tian and Amy cooked kebab/kebob sticks. They were alright but I didn't like the capsicum.
CK and Yuan worked together and made punch and crepe suzettes. The crepes tasted..... eheh.. but the punch was good. At first, Yuan kept scooping giant pieces of fruit out of the watermelon and rockmelon and I was like, "What are you doing? They're supposed to be cubed." but whatever. Actually, now that i think about it, I'm not exactly sure what went into the punch >_>
Yesterday, I went to Othilia's house with Tian. We only spent a few hours there but it was fun cuz we watched this funny/retarded movie. Now I can't stop saying, "Hey Tian, wanna play battleshits?" :L We then went to McDonalds and sat in our signature spot - right in front of the toilets. Yeaahhhh.
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