Posted on Monday, July 27, 2009 · 2 Comments
Today I went to Universal Studios. It was alright but not even close to how fun Disneyland was. Ermm I took photos for the first hour or so and then I kind of thought "what the hell. I'm here to have fun not take photos" LOL. So if you want to see them, tell me in a comment and I'll post my videos and photos. Otherwise, I'll just sit back and be lazy :)
Most people are at school right now so there's no one to talk to. Maybe I'll wait for a few hours until people come back from school. In the meantime, I'll just sit here and meditate. HUMMMM...
Nah I'm joking, I'll just sit here, watch disney channel and maybe read the two books I bought from Borders recently: Wings by Aprilynne Pike and Hunger Games by someone-who-I-forgot-the-name-of.
Wings is an interesting book about faeries ^^ Except these faeries are different from traditional faeries because they are actually plant people-ish. Laurel finds that she's got a pair of giant flowers that look like wings growing out of her back and then all this stuff happens like her falling in love with two guys. Its not like traditional faeries - similar to how twilight doesn't have "traditional" vampires.Ooooh yeh, even more interesting is how faeries reproduce- its got something to do with the males getting pollen on their hands and then putting it into a female's "flower-wings". LOL. yes, I know I buy strange books....
*sigh* I'm going back to Australia in two days. Noooo, I don't wanna return to the real world where there's projects, school and no more disney channel :( How am I going to survive without being able to watch any more Hannah Montana, The Suite Life and Wizards of Waverly Place 24/7? What am I going to do if I can't record squirrels climbing up trees anymore? How will I spend my time if I don't have any more fire hydrants to photograph? HUH?! TELL ME!
O' the horror of it all.
But I guess its all worth it if I get to see everyone again :)
P.S. Juliana, you've got two more days to watch POTO, otherwise I'll... err... I'll... POKE YOU. DUN DUN DUN DUNNNN!

LOL i watched up to part 4 yesteday :L :D i got distracted by neighbours :P i'll continue once i finish hw :3
Haha ok good :L