Posted on Saturday, July 25, 2009 · Leave a Comment
For once, I'm not feeling rushed to blog. I'm at a random person's house and all there is to do is use the laptop anyway + wait for people to go on msn - stupid time difference.
So, a few days ago, I watched Harry Potter at a cinema. It wasn't all that different from Australia except for them calling the counter a "box office" instead of ticket-buying-place. The movie was alright, not much action. I felt so sad and nearly cried when Hermione was feeling sad about Ron. Stupid Ron & Lavender :( But when Dumbledore died, I didn't really care. I mean, he was old anyways.
Hmm, I don't think I'm going anywhere else in America. Tomorrow, we're visiting mum's friends and the day after that, Universal Studios. I'm getting on the plane on Wednesday and because of the time difference, I'm arriving on Friday. Uggh I don't wanna go back to school. I'll miss the feeling of having no stress and I'll also miss Disney Channel :'(
Damn Ms S. is also gonna start chasing me again about typequick. bleh. & I'm also gonna get my crappy maths tutor results. double BLEH. & did I mention catching up on work? T_T I just want to stay near Disneyland. Maybe i can get a job there, like selling cotton candy or churros or something? LOL.
Did you know that people get fined in America if their lawn is too green? You also get fined if you don't cross the street at a pedestrian crossing.
On the way back from the San Francisco tour, a fight nearly happened on the coach. The tour guide was collecting tips from everyone (cuz you need to pay tips in America) and when he got to a particular man, they started arguing. Here's how the convo went:
Guide: Tips please.
Man: Can I pay when we get off?
Guide: What do you mean?
Man: Well, I just want to pay when we get off.
* just so you know, the tour guide and this particular man had had a
previous argument before and they already sort of hated each other*
Guide: *points finger at the other man's face* NOW YOU LISTEN TO
Guide: *puts his finger even closer to the man's face* YOU
man's finger away*
Guide: You, You. are. in. big. trouble. Bastard!
Man: PUCK YOU! (yes, the "p" is intentional)
* the tour guide continues down the aisle collecting tips and then he
returns to the front of the coach. Ten minutes later, he goes back down to the
man and says:*
Guide: At the next stop, you will grab your luggage and get off this bus. I
rang the police and they will come pick you up. I told them that you are a
threat to the people here. They are coming to take you away.
Man: NO! NO! please no! You didn't let me explain!
* the guide ignores him and walks away*
Haha, that was the most interesting bus ride ever.
Anyways, I'm getting bored so I'll just go off now... Hope everyone's enjoying the rest of their holidays and yeh, cyas :)