Posted on Sunday, July 5, 2009 · 3 Comments
I have just gone through the most boring night of my entire existance. No joke.
Have you ever stayed up for 8 hours straight just staring at a wall? Well yeh, that's basically what I did...
Please excuse me if I don't seem to make any sense. My body clock has been scrambled up big time. I left at 9:45 am in the morning, boarded the plane at 12:35, spent 13 hours on the cursed thing and when I landed, it was 9:45am on the same day - Sunday. How strange is that? & just so you know, it is now 3:26pm on a Sunday morning. I haven't slept AT ALL.
Look at all our luggage....
In the last post, I said that the airport was an exciting and fun place. I take that back. So many embarassing things happened there such as the lady at the baggage drop-off place talking sloowwly to my dad cuz she thought he was a foreigner. She stopped after every few words and asked my dad, "Do you understand?". It didn't help that my dad talked in his fobby language and had a clueless expression stuck permanently onto his face.
On the plane, me, my mum and my sister sat in the same aisle, whereas my dad had to sit 6 rows behind. He didn't like that so he tried moving into the seat in front of us. I told him that he couldn't sit there but he didn't listen. A few minutes later, the stewardess (?) came and said, "Sir, you can't sit there. That spot is reserved for the captain." It was so embarassing.
Geeez, that's what you get for not listening to me >_> stupid dad.
But besides all those embarassing things, there were some cool things on the plane. Such as this screen XD:
Every seat had one and we got to watch movies on them. I finished two whole movies: Juno and Hotel for Dogs. I started Australia, Igor and Bedtime Stories but got bored. Now that I think about it, staring blankly at the chair in front of me was boring as well... but maybe that was cuz I stared at it for 6 hours while everyone was sleeping. I couldn't sleep at all. My seat was right in front of the toilets and you could hear it flush every few minutes- a big, loud, sucky sound. Somewhere out there, frozen poop is being dropped on top of someone's house.
My sister took some photos when it started getting light again. Her photos were kind of crappy though... Here is a picture of LA - i think.
When we got off the plane, another embarassing thing happened, but I don't feel like going into detail about that. All you need to know is that it involved my dad, our luggage and a custom's officer. Anyway, we waited at the airport for quite a while until my mum's cousin and her husband came and picked us up.
It was so strange driving back. The steering wheel was on the left side of the car and everyone drove on the right side of the road, not the left. I tried taking photos but the car was going too fast :( Oh, I also noticed that people have really nice cars here. I'm talking about mercedes benzs', convertibles and even limos :O
Have you ever seen those American movies with the pretty suburbs? I always thought that those suburbs were too pretty to be true. Well apparently, its not. Here is the street that I live on.
Look at that! There's even an iron lamp-post on the corner. How cute is that? XD
Anyway, this laptop doesn't have very much battery left and my sister's got to use it next, so I'll get off now.
Lots of love, Cynthia <3

I can't. For some reason, msn on this laptop sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't :(
nice street LOL :L:L
hope you're having fun x] despite having hardly any sleep lols